一、深度优先搜索 深度优先搜索就是在搜索树的每一层始终先只扩展一个子节点,不断地向纵深前进直到不能再前进(到达叶子节点或受到深度限制)时,才从当前节点返回到上一级节点,沿另一方向又继续前进。这种方法的搜索树是从树根开始一枝一枝逐渐形成的。
二、 重排九宫问题游戏 在一个3乘3的九宫中有1-8的8个数及一个空格随机摆放在其中的格子里。如下面左图所示。现在要求实现这样的问题:将该九宫调整为如下图右图所示的形式。调整规则是:每次只能将与空格(上,下或左,右)相临的一个数字平移到空格中。试编程实现。
| 2 | 8 | 3 | | 1 | 2 | 3 | - | 1 | | 4 | | 8 | | 4 |
| 7 | 6 | 5 | | 7 | 6 | 5 |


四、航班问题(来自《The Art of Java》)
一位顾客要预定一张从New York到Los Angeles的航班机票,下面是航班线路,请你为顾客找一种购票方案。
航班 | 距离 |
New York到Chicago | 900英里 |
Chicago到Denver | 1000英里 |
New York到Toronto | 500英里 |
New York到Denver | 1800英里 |
Toronto到Calgary | 1700英里 |
Toronto到Los Angeles | 2500英里 |
Toronto到Chicago | 500英里 |
Denver到Urbana | 1000英里 |
Denver到Houston | 1000英里 |
Houston到Los Angeles | 1500英里 |
Denver到Los Angeles | 1000英里 |
// Find connections using a depth-first search.
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
// Flight information.
class FlightInfo {
String from;
String to;
int distance;
boolean skip; // used in backtracking
FlightInfo(String f, String t, int d) {
from = f;
to = t;
distance = d;
skip = false;
class Depth {
final int MAX = 100;
// This array holds the flight information.
FlightInfo flights[] = new FlightInfo[MAX];
int numFlights = 0; // number of entries in flight array
Stack btStack = new Stack(); // backtrack stack
public static void main(String args[])
String to, from;
Depth ob = new Depth();
BufferedReader br = new
BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
try {
System.out.print("From? ");
from = br.readLine();
System.out.print("To? ");
to = br.readLine();
ob.isflight(from, to);
if(ob.btStack.size() != 0)
} catch (IOException exc) {
System.out.println("Error on input.");
// Initialize the flight database.
void setup()
addFlight("New York", "Chicago", 900);
addFlight("Chicago", "Denver", 1000);
addFlight("New York", "Toronto", 500);
addFlight("New York", "Denver", 1800);
addFlight("Toronto", "Calgary", 1700);
addFlight("Toronto", "Los Angeles", 2500);
addFlight("Toronto", "Chicago", 500);
addFlight("Denver", "Urbana", 1000);
addFlight("Denver", "Houston", 1000);
addFlight("Houston", "Los Angeles", 1500);
addFlight("Denver", "Los Angeles", 1000);
// Put flights into the database.
void addFlight(String from, String to, int dist)
if(numFlights < MAX) {
flights[numFlights] =
new FlightInfo(from, to, dist);
else System.out.println("Flight database full.\n");
// Show the route and total distance.
void route(String to)
Stack rev = new Stack();
int dist = 0;
FlightInfo f;
int num = btStack.size();
// Reverse the stack to display route.
for(int i=0; i < num; i++)
for(int i=0; i < num; i++) {
f = (FlightInfo) rev.pop();
System.out.print(f.from + " to ");
dist += f.distance;
System.out.println("Distance is " + dist);
/* If there is a flight between from and to,
return the distance of flight;
otherwise, return 0. */
int match(String from, String to)
for(int i=numFlights-1; i > -1; i--) {
if(flights[i].from.equals(from) &&
flights[i].to.equals(to) &&
flights[i].skip = true; // prevent reuse
return flights[i].distance;
return 0; // not found
// Given from, find any connection.
FlightInfo find(String from)
for(int i=0; i < numFlights; i++) {
if(flights[i].from.equals(from) &&
FlightInfo f = new FlightInfo(flights[i].from,
flights[i].skip = true; // prevent reuse
return f;
return null;
// Determine if there is a route between from and to.
void isflight(String from, String to)
int dist;
FlightInfo f;
// See if at destination.
dist = match(from, to);
if(dist != 0) {
btStack.push(new FlightInfo(from, to, dist));
// Try another connection.
f = find(from);
if(f != null) {
btStack.push(new FlightInfo(from, to, f.distance));
isflight(f.to, to);
else if(btStack.size() > 0) {
// Backtrack and try another connection.
f = (FlightInfo) btStack.pop();
isflight(f.from, f.to);

解释:isflight()方法用递归方法进行深度优先搜索,它先调用match()方法检查航班的数据库,判断在from和to之间有没有航班可达。如果有,则获取目标信息,并将该线路压入栈中,然后返回(找到一个方案)。否则,就调用find()方法查找from与任意其它城市之间的线路,如果找到一条就返回描述该线路的FlightInfo对象,否则返回null。如果存在这样的一条线路,那么就把该线路保存在f中,并将当前航班信息压到栈的顶部,然后递归调用isflight()方法 ,此时保存在f.to中的城市成为新的出发城市.否则就进行回退,弹出栈顶的第一个节点,然后递归调用isflight()方法。该过程将一直持续到找到目标为止。
C:\java>java Depth
From? New York
To? Los Angeles
New York to Chicago to Denver to Los Angeles
Distance is 2900
// Find connections using a breadth-first search.
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
// Flight information.
class FlightInfo {
String from;
String to;
int distance;
boolean skip; // used in backtracking
FlightInfo(String f, String t, int d) {
from = f;
to = t;
distance = d;
skip = false;
class Breadth {
final int MAX = 100;
// This array holds the flight information.
FlightInfo flights[] = new FlightInfo[MAX];
int numFlights = 0; // number of entries in flight array
Stack btStack = new Stack(); // backtrack stack
public static void main(String args[])
String to, from;
Breadth ob = new Breadth();
BufferedReader br = new
BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
try {
System.out.print("From? ");
from = br.readLine();
System.out.print("To? ");
to = br.readLine();
ob.isflight(from, to);
if(ob.btStack.size() != 0)
} catch (IOException exc) {
System.out.println("Error on input.");
// Initialize the flight database.
void setup()
addFlight("New York", "Chicago", 900);
addFlight("Chicago", "Denver", 1000);
addFlight("New York", "Toronto", 500);
addFlight("New York", "Denver", 1800);
addFlight("Toronto", "Calgary", 1700);
addFlight("Toronto", "Los Angeles", 2500);
addFlight("Toronto", "Chicago", 500);
addFlight("Denver", "Urbana", 1000);
addFlight("Denver", "Houston", 1000);
addFlight("Houston", "Los Angeles", 1500);
addFlight("Denver", "Los Angeles", 1000);
// Put flights into the database.
void addFlight(String from, String to, int dist)
if(numFlights < MAX) {
flights[numFlights] =
new FlightInfo(from, to, dist);
else System.out.println("Flight database full.\n");
// Show the route and total distance.
void route(String to)
Stack rev = new Stack();
int dist = 0;
FlightInfo f;
int num = btStack.size();
// Reverse the stack to display route.
for(int i=0; i < num; i++)
for(int i=0; i < num; i++) {
f = (FlightInfo) rev.pop();
System.out.print(f.from + " to ");
dist += f.distance;
System.out.println("Distance is " + dist);
/* If there is a flight between from and to,
return the distance of flight;
otherwise, return 0. */
int match(String from, String to)
for(int i=numFlights-1; i > -1; i--) {
if(flights[i].from.equals(from) &&
flights[i].to.equals(to) &&
flights[i].skip = true; // prevent reuse
return flights[i].distance;
return 0; // not found
// Given from, find any connection.
FlightInfo find(String from)
for(int i=0; i < numFlights; i++) {
if(flights[i].from.equals(from) &&
FlightInfo f = new FlightInfo(flights[i].from,
flights[i].skip = true; // prevent reuse
return f;
return null;
/* Determine if there is a route between from and to
using breadth-first search. */
void isflight(String from, String to)
int dist, dist2;
FlightInfo f;
// This stack is needed by the breadth-first search.
Stack resetStck = new Stack();
// See if at destination.
dist = match(from, to);
if(dist != 0) {
btStack.push(new FlightInfo(from, to, dist));
/* Following is the first part of the breadth-first
modification. It checks all connecting flights
from a specified node. */
while((f = find(from)) != null) {
if((dist = match(f.to, to)) != 0) {
btStack.push(new FlightInfo(from, f.to, f.distance));
btStack.push(new FlightInfo(f.to, to, dist));
/* The following code resets the skip fields set by
preceding while loop. This is also part of the
breadth-first modifiction. */
int i = resetStck.size();
for(; i!=0; i--)
resetSkip((FlightInfo) resetStck.pop());
// Try another connection.
f = find(from);
if(f != null) {
btStack.push(new FlightInfo(from, to, f.distance));
isflight(f.to, to);
else if(btStack.size() > 0) {
// Backtrack and try another connection.
f = (FlightInfo) btStack.pop();
isflight(f.from, f.to);
// Reset skip field of specified flight.
void resetSkip(FlightInfo f) {
for(int i=0; i< numFlights; i++)
if(flights[i].from.equals(f.from) &&
flights[i].skip = false;
C:\java>java Breadth
From? New York
To? Los Angeles
New York to Toronto to Los Angeles
Distance is 3000
