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脚本引擎小PK: SpiderMonkey vs V8(一)


SpiderMonkeyFirefox使用的脚本引擎,V8Google Chrome使用的脚本引擎。这篇文章介绍了怎样在自己的C++程序中嵌入这两种脚本引擎,以及简单做了一些横向的对比。



SpiderMonkey支持1.0~1.8版本的JavaScript语法,包括ECMAScriptECMA 263-3,以及Mozilla扩展,可选支持E4X

由于SpiderMonkeymakefile只支持GNU Make。为了便于编译,建议使用MSYS,请先准备好MSYShttp://www.mingw.org



1.                “VC命令提示进入控制台,然后进入到MSYS中,这样做的目的是为了让MSYS能使用VC的编译器。

2.                MSYS里,用cd命令进入到SpiderMonkey源代码目录中

3.                输入make -f makefile.ref BUILD_OPT=1







下载V8源代码,需要安装SVN,命令是svn checkout http://v8.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ v8 或者可以在本站下载(见文章末尾)





需要Python2.4以上版本(http://www.python.org )

安装sconshttp://www.scons.org ),这是一个python的编译脚本软件,可以把它看作是高级一点的make

1.                进入“VC命令提示

2.                进入V8目录

3.                设置Python路径 set path=c:\Python25;c:\Python25\Scripts;%path%




scons env="PATH:%path%,INCLUDE:%include%,LIB:%lib%"


scons library=shared msvcrt=shared env=...

输入scons --help能看到更多编译参数


注意:如果编译成动态库,使用时包含头文件v8.h之前应该先来一句 #define USING_V8_SHARED 1






1.                mess="";

2.                //10^11 seems to be the maximum

3.                //too high a figure for the base introduces errors

4.                Base=Math.pow(10,11);

5.                //num digits in each array item

6.                cellSize=Math.floor(Math.log(Base)/Math.LN10);

7.                //below is not used in this script

8.                a=Number.MAX_VALUE;

9.                MaxDiv=Math.floor(Math.sqrt(a));

10.            function makeArray (n, aX, Integer) {

11.                var i=0;

12.                for (i=1; i<n; i++)

13.                    aX[i] = null;

14.                aX[0] = Integer;

15.            }

16.            function isEmpty (aX) {

17.                var empty=true

18.                    for (i=0; i<aX.length; i++)

19.                        if (aX[i])

20.                        {

21.                            empty= false;

22.                            break;

23.                        }

24.                return empty;

25.            }

26.            //junior school math

27.            function Add (n, aX,aY) {

28.                carry=0

29.                    for (i=n-1; i>=0; i--) {

30.                        aX[i] += Number(aY[i])+Number(carry);

31.                        if (aX[i]<Base)

32.                            carry = 0;

33.                        else {

34.                            carry = 1;

35.                            aX[i] =Number(aX[i])- Number(Base);

36.                        }

37.                    }

38.            }

39.            //subtract

40.            function Sub (n, aX,aY) {

41.                for (i=n-1; i>=0; i--) {

42.                    aX[i] -= aY[i];

43.                    if (aX[i]<0) {

44.                        if (i>0) {

45.                            aX[i] += Base;

46.                            aX[i-1]--;

47.                        }

48.                    }

49.                }

50.            }

51.            //multiply big number by "small" number

52.            function Mul (n, aX, iMult) {

53.                carry=0;

54.                for (i=n-1; i>=0; i--) {

55.                    prod = (aX[i])*iMult;

56.                    prod += carry;

57.                    if (prod>=Base) {

58.                        carry = Math.floor(prod/Base);

59.                        prod -= (carry*Base);

60.                    }

61.                    else

62.                        carry = 0;

63.                    aX[i] = prod;

64.                }

65.            }

66.            //divide big number by "small" number

67.            function Div (n, aX, iDiv,aY) {

68.                carry=0;

69.                for (i=0; i<n; i++) {

70.                    //add any previous carry

71.                    currVal = Number(aX[i])+Number(carry*Base);

72.                    //divide

73.                    theDiv =Math.floor(currVal/iDiv);

74.                    //find next carry

75.                    carry = currVal-theDiv*iDiv;

76.                    //put the result of division in the current slot

77.                    aY[i] = theDiv;

78.                }

79.            }

80.            //compute arctan

81.            function arctan (iAng, n, aX) {

82.                iAng_squared=iAng*iAng;

83.                k=3; //k is the coefficient in the series 2n-1, 3,5..

84.                sign=0;

85.                makeArray (n, aX, 0); //aX is aArctan

86.                makeArray (n, aAngle, 1);

87.                Div (n, aAngle, iAng, aAngle); //aAngle = 1/iAng, eg 1/5

88.                Add (n, aX, aAngle); // aX = aAngle or long angle

89.                while (!isEmpty(aAngle)) {

90.                    Div (n, aAngle, iAng_squared, aAngle); //aAngle=aAngle/iAng_squared, iAng_squared is iAng*iAng

91.                    Div (n, aAngle, k, aDivK); /* aDivK = aAngle/k */

92.                    if (sign)

93.                        Add (n, aX, aDivK); /* aX = aX+aDivK */

94.                    else Sub (n, aX, aDivK); /* aX = aX-aDivK */

95.                    k+=2;

96.                    sign = 1-sign;

97.                }

98.                mess+="aArctan="+aArctan+"<br>";

99.            }

100.        // Calculate pi

101.        function calcPI (numDec) {

102.            var ans="";

103.            t1=new Date();

104.            numDec=Number(numDec)+5;

105.            iAng=new Array(10);

106.            coeff=new Array(10);

107.            arrayLength=Math.ceil(1+numDec/cellSize);

108.            aPI = new Array(arrayLength);

109.            aArctan = new Array(arrayLength);

110.            aAngle=new Array(arrayLength);

111.            aDivK=new Array(arrayLength);

112.            //Pi/4 = 4*arctan(1/5)-arctan(1/239)

113.            //coeff is an array of the coefficients

114.            //the last item is 0!

115.            coeff[0] = 4;

116.            coeff[1] = -1;

117.            coeff[2] = 0;

118.            //iAng holds the angles, 5 for 1/5, etc

119.            iAng[0] = 5;

120.            iAng[1] = 239;

121.            iAng[2] = 0;

122.            makeArray (arrayLength, aPI, 0);

123.            //Machin: Pi/4 = 4*arctan(1/5)-arctan(1/239)

124.            makeArray(arrayLength,aAngle,0);

125.            makeArray(arrayLength,aDivK,0);

126.            for (var i=0; coeff[i]!=0; i++) {

127.                arctan(iAng[i], arrayLength, aArctan);

128.                //multiply by coefficients of arctan

129.                Mul (arrayLength, aArctan, Math.abs(coeff[i]));

130.                if (coeff[i]>0)

131.                    Add (arrayLength, aPI, aArctan);

132.                else

133.                    Sub (arrayLength, aPI, aArctan);

134.            }

135.            //we have calculated pi/4, so need to finally multiply

136.            Mul (arrayLength, aPI, 4);

137.            //we have now calculated PI, and need to format the answer

138.            //to print it out

139.            sPI="";

140.            tempPI="";

141.            //put the figures in the array into the string tempPI

142.            for (i=0;i<aPI.length;i++)

143.            {

144.                aPI[i]=String(aPI[i]);

145.                //ensure there are enough digits in each cell

146.                //if not, pad with leading zeros

147.                if (aPI[i].length<cellSize&&i!=0)

148.                {

149.                    while (aPI[i].length<cellSize)

150.                        aPI[i]="0"+aPI[i];

151.                }

152.                tempPI+=aPI[i];

153.            }

154.            //now put the characters into the string sPI

155.            for (i=0;i<=numDec;i++)

156.            {

157.                //put the 3 on a different line, and add a decimal point

158.                if (i==0)

159.                    sPI+=tempPI.charAt(i)+". ";

160.                else

161.                {

162.                    if ((i)%50==0&&i!=0)

163.                        sPI+=tempPI.charAt(i)+" ";

164.                    else

165.                        sPI+=tempPI.charAt(i);

166.                }//i not zero

167.            }

168.            //now put the print-out together

169.            //print our pi

170.            ans+=("PI ("+numDec+")="+sPI+" ");

171.            //Window's calculator Pi (for confirmation);

172.            ans+=("Win PI= 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 ");

173.            t2=new Date();

174.            timeTaken=(t2.getTime()-t1.getTime())/1000;

175.            ans+="It took: "+timeTaken+" seconds";

176.            return ans;


178.        }


180.        myprint(calcPI(1000));


1.                // MyClass是宿主提供给JS的类(一个queue的直接包装)

2.                var c = new MyClass();

3.                t1=new Date();


5.                //10万次pushpop,测试JS调用宿主代码的速度

6.                for(i=0; i<100000; i++)

7.                {

8.                    c.push(i);

9.                    c.pop();

10.            }

11.            t2=new Date();

12.            timeTaken=(t2.getTime()-t1.getTime())/1000;

13.            //myprint也是宿主提供的全局函数,用于显示结果

14.            myprint("It took:",timeTaken,"seconds");



posted on 2010-05-17 12:15 肥仔 阅读(3349) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: 脚本语言

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