// The pointer to my combo box.
extern CComboBox* pmyComboBox;
// Set the height of every item so the item
// is completely visible.
CString str;
CSize sz;
int dx=0;
CDC* pDC = pmyComboBox->GetDC();
for (int i=0;i < pmyComboBox->GetCount();i++)
pmyComboBox->GetLBText( i, str );
sz = pDC->GetTextExtent(str);
// Only want to set the item height if the current height
// is not big enough.
if (pmyComboBox->GetItemHeight(i) < sz.cy)
pmyComboBox->SetItemHeight( i, sz.cy );
// Only want to set the item width if the current width
// is not big enough.
if (pmyComboBox->GetDroppedWidth() < sz.cx)
pmyComboBox->SetDroppedWidth(sz.cx + 20);