问 :困扰我很久的一个问题,在symbian的api里面,就找到一个HAL类,可以返回一些定义好的enum,但也只是厂商等等,搞不懂symbian为什么要返回enum,为什么不返回一个字符串?厂商在制定的时候加进去就是了。
from Forum_Nokia_Technical_Library_v1_8_en.chm
Fetching device model information
|Subject |How can I fetch device model information |
| |Platform(s) |Device(s), SW version(s) |
+ +-------------------------------+---------------------------+
| |Series 60 Platform 1st Edition |N/A |
| |Series 60 Platform 2st Edition | |
|Category |Symbian C++ |
|Subcategory |General |
|Description |In Symbian OS phones the machine UID is unique for each |
| | device type. Unfortunately the UID can be same for device |
| |variants, such as Communicator variants (Nokia 9210, Nokia |
| |9210i, Nokia 9290, and Nokia 9210c), and the UID cannot be |
| |used to distinguish between exact device models. The |
| |Symbian machine UID can be retrieved with the HAL::Get() |
| |method, using HALData::EMachineUid as a parameter. |
| | |
| |#include <hal.h> // also link to hal.lib |
| | |
| |TInt mUid = 0; |
| | |
| |HAL::Get(HALData::EMachineUid, mUid); |
| | |
| |For example: |
| | |
| | 3650 0x101f466a |
| | 7650 0x101f4fc3 |
| | N-Gage 0x101f8c19 |
| | N-Gage QD 0x101fb2b1 |
| | Siemens SX1 0x101F9071 |
| | 6600 0x101fb3dd |
| | 7610 0x101fb3f3 |
| | 9500 0x101f3ee3 |
| | 6260 0x101fb3f4 |
| | 6630 0x101fbb55 |
| | 6680 0x10200F99 |
| | 3230 0x10200F97 |
| | 6682 0x10200F9B |
| | 6681 0x10200F9C |
| | N90 0x10200F98 |
| | |
| |Check the document Series 60 Platform Identification Code |
| |available at http://www.forum.nokia.com for a list of |
| |machine UIDs. |
|Creation date|May 24, 2005 |
|Last modified| |