前几天同事遇到一个小问题,他想编个小工具,主要用来在每个.cpp文件的开始加入一句公共的#include "",于是,感觉自己在C++这里好像也是个盲点,所以就帮忙一起想想,同时也有了一个想法就是可以借此系统的对C++和MFC,或者更多的类似问题和关于文件输入和输出的问题做个透彻的认识,同时也是想利用网络,来获得更多的事例和想法,或深刻的见解,请大家不吝赐教。
Use CFile and its derived classes for general-purpose disk I/O. Use ofstream or other Microsoft iostream classes for formatted text sent to a disk file.
It directly provides unbuffered, binary disk input/output services, and it indirectly supports text files and memory files through its derived classes.
Note that deleting the CFile object does not delete the physical file in the file system.
If you have not closed the file before destroying the object, the destructor closes it for you.
If you used new to allocate the CFile object on the heap, then you must delete it after closing the file. Close sets m_hFile to CFile::hFileNull.
So the member function Duplicate() should be use with Close() function, because of a new object which is created.
Whatever come with on our way, whatever bad we have rage inside, we always have choice.
My friend tell me that, and he chose to be the best himself.
It is the choice make us who we are, and we can always choose to do what is right.
C++, 在今天大家都在专注于.NET和J2EE的时候,我却喜欢上了C++,是喜欢还是因为它更接近底层,我也不知道。自己总觉得是因为在自己喜欢的领域,它或许是最佳的选择。但是,也听过一些牛人说把一门语言学精通了,其他也可以触类旁通。我相信。所以,现在不曾动摇过,在不想以前那样,样样都学点。到最后,毫无功底。同时,也一直对这次经历常抱感恩之心。虽然很多事不尽如人意,但却给了我在技术道路上不断前行的指引。