Posted on 2011-09-16 18:35
hoshelly 阅读(1078)
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1 #include<stdio.h>
2 int Maxcommonfactor(int a,int b);
3 void main()
4 {
5 int a,b,c;
6 printf("input two integer number:");
7 scanf("%d%d",&a,&b);
8 c=Maxcommonfactor(a,b);
9 if(c!=-1)
10 printf("The biggest common factor of %d and %d is %d\n",a,b,c);
11 else
12 printf("The biggest common factor of %d and %d isn't exist\n",a,b);
13 }
14 int Maxcommonfactor(int a,int b)
15 {
16 if(a<=0||b<=0)
17 return(-1);
18 while(a!=b)
19 {
20 if(a>b)
21 a=a-b;
22 else if(b>a)
23 b=b-a;
24 }
25 return(a);//返回的值为最大公约数
26 }