

20 June 2006 - asio version 0.3.7 (development) released.
This release includes major interface changes arising out of the Boost review of asio.
The asio library was accepted into Boost and will appear in a future Boost release.

不过Boost release到现在还是

boost 1.33.1 December 5, 2005.

asio不知道还要等到什么时候才在Boost release放出,真是望穿秋水啊.

中的附件 source.rar



原文:Jeff Garland
翻译:张沈鹏 http://blog.csdn.net/zuroc or http://www.cppblog.com/zuroc



- 修正动态内存分配的问题
- 更改接口以在运行时ipv4和ipv6的无缝切换
- 改进以适应强类型的socket接口(????什么意思,请高手指教)



- 尽可能减少c风格的接口
- 和iostream进一步的整合
- 性能优化
- 改进文档(不要成为Boost w/o this one //???怎么翻译)

Chris has a much longer list of changes garnered from the review and is well on his way to addressing many of them.



From: Jeff Garland

All -

I'm pleased to announce that asio has been accepted into Boost. As usual with a Boost review, the asio review generated plenty of discussion, issues, and controversy. Comments ranged from high praise,including success stories of projects in production, to serious design concerns and issues. On balance, in my judgment, asio provides a generally solid library that is ready for inclusion into the Boost library -- providing key functionality in an area that developers have a strong need.

Of course, like anything else, asio is not perfect -- a number of key issues were uncovered during the review. In terms of required changes I'm only going to cite a few:

- Fixes to dynamic memory allocation issues
- Interface changes to support ipv4 and ipv6 seamlessly at runtime
- Improvements to support strongly typed socket interfaces

Chris has communicated a couple possible solutions to the memory allocation issue and I'll ask that the interface and other changes for this issue continue to be discussed on the Boost list so consensus can be achieved on the best resolution.

Other key improvements that should be explored as future enhancements include:

- Possible removal of some of the c-style interfaces
- Exploration of higher level iostream integrations
- Performance improvements
- Improved documentation (wouldn't be Boost w/o this one)

Note that there were several threads and discussions about performance,which is particularly critical for the domain covered by asio. One of the performance issues is the dynamic memory allocation issue cited above. In general, the reviewers have extremely high expectations here. However, after reviewing the discussion and library it's my belief that
many developers will find asio performance sufficient to build significant projects with only the memory allocation changes. I expect Chris will be able to address some of the other performance issues cited by reviewers in asio over time.

Once again I'll apologize to the Boost community for the delay in the review results. The delay was entirely due to my own personal scheduling issues and should not reflect on asio in any way. Thanks again to all the reviewers for their effort and especially to Chris for his tremendous effort in bringing asio to Boost!


posted on 2006-08-05 23:45 张沈鹏 阅读(743) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: C++

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