Posted on 2010-08-21 19:47 Kevin_Zhang 阅读(275) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: 搜索
转载自 http://hi.baidu.com/happynp/blog/item/06820fcaf41d4683c817681c.html
#include <iostream> using namespace std;
const unsigned int M = 490001; #define NIL -1 #define SWAP(x,y) (x)^=(y)^=(x)^=(y)
int dir[4][2] = { 1, 0, // D -1, 0, // U 0,-1, // L 0, 1 // R };
int revDir[4] = { 1, 0, 3, 2 }; char dirStr[] = {"dulr"}; char solution[M];
typedef struct Node{ int v; // 状态原值 int r; // 到下一状态值的变化方向 }Node;
Node Hash_s[M], Hash_e[M]; Node Q_s[M], Q_e[M]; int Qs_h, Qs_t, Qe_h, Qe_t; Node ns, ne; int cnt[100];
inline int hashcode(int v) { return v % M; }
bool Insert(Node hash[], const Node &nod) { int key = hashcode(nod.v); if( hash[key].v == 0 ){ hash[key] = nod; return true; } else{ if(hash[key].v == nod.v) return false; while( hash[ hashcode(++key) ].v ) ; hash[ hashcode(key)] = nod; return true; } }
Node * Query(Node hash[], const Node &nod) // false / true : Not / Yes exist in the hash table // if Yes, theNod return the existed Node { int key = hashcode(nod.v); if( hash[key].v == 0 ){ return NULL; } else{ if(hash[key].v == nod.v){ return &hash[key]; } while( hash[ hashcode(++key) ].v ) { if( hash[ hashcode(key)].v == nod.v ){ return &hash[key]; } } return NULL; } }
int ToArry(int v, int (*p)[3]) { int i, pos; for(i=8; i>=0; i--) { p[ i / 3 ][ i % 3 ] = v % 10; v /= 10; if( p[ i / 3 ][ i % 3 ] == 0 ) pos = i; } return pos; // 'x' 的位置 }
int ToValue(int (*p)[3]) { int v = 0; for(int i=0; i<=8; i++) { v = v * 10 + p[ i / 3 ][ i % 3 ]; } return v; }
void GetOptimPath(int arr[], Node hash[], Node curNod, bool starToEnd, int &nIndex) { Node *pNod; int curArr[3][3]; for( ; curNod.r != NIL; ) { arr[nIndex++] = starToEnd ? curNod.r : revDir[curNod.r]; const int loca = ToArry(curNod.v, curArr); int row = loca / 3; int col = loca % 3; int nxtrow = row + dir[revDir[curNod.r]][0]; int nxtcol = col + dir[revDir[curNod.r]][1]; SWAP(curArr[row][col], curArr[nxtrow][nxtcol]); int nxtv = ToValue(curArr); curNod.v = nxtv; pNod = Query(hash, curNod); curNod.r = pNod->r; } }
void bfs() { Qs_h = Qs_t = 0; Qe_h = Qe_t = 0; Q_s[Qs_t++] = ns; Q_e[Qe_t++] = ne; Insert(Hash_s, ns); Insert(Hash_e, ne); int nIndex = 0; int now; Node curNod, nxtNod; int curArr[3][3], nxtArr[3][3]; while(1){ if( ( Qs_h == Qs_t || Qe_h == Qe_t ) ) break; now = Qs_t; while( Qs_h < now ){ curNod = Q_s[Qs_h++]; const int loca = ToArry(curNod.v, curArr); int row = loca / 3; int col = loca % 3; for(int i=0; i<4; i++){ memcpy(nxtArr, curArr, sizeof(curArr)); int nxtrow = row + dir[i][0]; int nxtcol = col + dir[i][1]; if( !( nxtrow >= 0 && nxtrow < 3 && nxtcol >= 0 && nxtcol < 3 ) ) continue; SWAP(nxtArr[row][col], nxtArr[nxtrow][nxtcol]); int nxtv = ToValue(nxtArr); nxtNod.v = nxtv; nxtNod.r = i; if( Query( Hash_e, nxtNod) != NULL ){ // find the solution Node commNod(nxtNod); GetOptimPath(cnt, Hash_s, commNod, true, nIndex); for( int i=0; i < nIndex / 2; i++ ) SWAP(cnt[i], cnt[nIndex-1-i]); commNod = *Query(Hash_e, nxtNod); GetOptimPath(cnt, Hash_e, commNod, false, nIndex); goto Solved; } if( Insert( Hash_s, nxtNod) ){ Q_s[Qs_t++] = nxtNod; } } } now = Qe_t; while( Qe_h < now ){ curNod = Q_e[Qe_h++]; const int loca = ToArry(curNod.v, curArr); int row = loca / 3; int col = loca % 3; for(int i=0; i<4; i++){ memcpy(nxtArr, curArr, sizeof(curArr)); int nxtrow = row + dir[i][0]; int nxtcol = col + dir[i][1]; if( !( nxtrow >= 0 && nxtrow < 3 && nxtcol >= 0 && nxtcol < 3 ) ) continue; SWAP(nxtArr[row][col], nxtArr[nxtrow][nxtcol]); int nxtv = ToValue(nxtArr); nxtNod.v = nxtv; nxtNod.r = i; if( Query( Hash_s, nxtNod) != NULL ){ Node commNod(nxtNod); GetOptimPath(cnt, Hash_e, commNod, false, nIndex); for( int i = 0; i < nIndex / 2; i++ ) SWAP(cnt[i], cnt[nIndex-1-i]); commNod = *Query(Hash_s, nxtNod); GetOptimPath(cnt, Hash_s, commNod, true, nIndex); for( i = 0; i < nIndex / 2; i++ ) SWAP(cnt[i], cnt[nIndex-1-i]); goto Solved; } if( Insert( Hash_e, nxtNod) ){ Q_e[Qe_t++] = nxtNod; } } } } Solved: int i=0; for(i=0; i<nIndex; i++) { solution[i] = dirStr[cnt[i]]; } solution[i] = '\0'; return; }
void Input() { char ch; int i = 0, arr[3][3] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,0 }; ne.v = ToValue(arr); ne.r = NIL; for(i=0; i < 9; i++){ do{ scanf("%c", &ch); } while( !( ( ch >= '1' && ch <= '8' ) || ( ch == 'x' ) ) ) ; if( ch == 'x' ) arr[ i / 3 ][ i % 3 ] = 0; else arr[ i / 3 ][ i % 3 ] = ch - '0'; } ns.v = ToValue(arr); ns.r = NIL; }
int main() { Input(); bfs(); printf("%s\n", solution); return 0; }