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    告诉你[a,b]之间1个数的奇偶情况,那么你就可以在a-1和b之间连一条边,权值就是其奇偶情况。这样一来,比如[1,2]和[3,4]的情况已知,[1,4]的情况也就知道了。当题目给出[a,b]的情况时,首先分别从a和b往上找,找到他们的根r1和r2,如果r1 !=  r2,表示a,b之间的奇偶情况还不确定,就将r1和r2之间连起来,根据a到r1的权值、b到r2的权值和题目所给的奇偶情况,设置r1和r2之间的权值,以符合题目要求。若r1 == r2,则表示[a,b]之间情况已确定,根据a到r1的权值和b到r2的权值,就可以判断题目所给的[a,b]的情况是否为真。


#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;

const int MAX = 10005;

int n, p;
int pre[MAX];
int parity[MAX];        //i到目前集合的根的奇偶情况
map<int, int> numIndex;        //用于离散化

int Find (int x)
    if ( pre[x] == -1 )
        return x;
    int f;
    f = Find(pre[x]);
    parity[x] = (parity[x] + parity[pre[x]]) % 2;    //此时pre[x]已指向最终的集合的根
    pre[x] = f;
    return f;

bool Query (int x, int y, int odd)
    int r1, r2;
    r1 = Find(x);
    r2 = Find(y);
    if ( r1 == r2 )
        if ( (parity[x] + parity[y]) % 2 == odd )
            return true;
            return false;
    else            //只是将r1接到r2下面,这边还可以优化
        pre[r1] = r2;
        parity[r1] = (parity[x] + parity[y] + odd) % 2;
        return true;

void Solve ()
    int i, x, y, index, idx1, idx2, odd;
    char s[10];
    scanf("%d%d", &n, &p);
    index = 0;
    for (i=0; i<p; i++)
        scanf("%d%d%s", &x, &y, &s);
        x --;
        if ( numIndex.find(x) == numIndex.end() )
            numIndex[x] = index ++;
        idx1 = numIndex[x];
        if ( numIndex.find(y) == numIndex.end() )
            numIndex[y] = index ++;
        idx2 = numIndex[y];
        if ( strcmp(s, "odd") == 0 )
            odd = 1;
            odd = 0;
        if ( Query(idx1, idx2, odd) == false )
    printf("%d\n", i);

void Init ()
    memset(pre, -1, sizeof(pre));

int main ()

    return 0;
posted on 2008-08-15 11:23 quxiao 阅读(1050) 评论(3)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: ACM


# re: PKU 1733 Parity game 2009-01-18 13:02 gugli
Hi from Brazil!

I could not understand your logic because I dont understand chinese.
could you translate to english?


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# re: PKU 1733 Parity game 2009-01-19 09:47 ACM-Boy
This problem is solved by me long time ago, so I can't understand the meaning of the problem very clearly. I just translate the article above code into english.

Tell you whether one number between a and b is odd or even, then you can link a line between a-1 and b, the value of the line is determined by whether the number is odd or even. So if you know the state (even or odd) of [1, 2] and [3, 4], of course you know the state of [1, 4].
When the state of [a, b] is given, you find the root of a (r1) and the root of b (r2).
If r1 != r2, it means that the state of [a,b] is not determined. Then link r1 and r2, according to the information that problem give you and the state of a to r1 and b to r2, you can set the value of r1 and r2.
If r1 == r2, it means the state of [a, b] is determined, you can know whether it's true that the state of [a, b] given.

Hope you can understand. Happy new year! :)   回复  更多评论

# re: PKU 1733 Parity game 2012-06-16 14:59 TCH
What is your country?@gugli
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