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// PictureEx.cpp: implementation of the CPictureEx class.
// Picture displaying control with support for the following formats:
// GIF (including animated GIF87a and GIF89a), JPEG, BMP, WMF, ICO, CUR
// Written by Oleg Bykov (oleg_bykoff@rsdn.ru)
// Copyright (c) 2001
// To use CPictureEx, follow these steps:
//   - place a static control on your dialog (either a text or a bitmap)
//   - change its identifier to something else (e.g. IDC_MYPIC)
//   - associate a CStatic with it using ClassWizard
//   - in your dialog's header file replace CStatic with CPictureEx
//     (don't forget to #include "PictureEx.h" and add
//     PictureEx.h and PictureEx.cpp to your project)
//   - call one of the overloaded CPictureEx::Load() functions somewhere
//     (OnInitDialog is a good place to start)
//   - if the preceding Load() succeeded call Draw()
// You can also add the control by defining a member variable of type
// CPictureEx, calling CPictureEx::Create (derived from CStatic), then
// CPictureEx::Load and CPictureEx::Draw.
// By default, the control initializes its background to COLOR_3DFACE
// (see CPictureEx::PrepareDC()). You can change the background by
// calling CPictureEx::SetBkColor(COLORREF) after CPictureEx::Load().
// I decided to leave in the class the functions to write separate frames from
// animated GIF to disk. If you want to use them, uncomment #define GIF_TRACING
// and an appropriate section in CPictureEx::Load(HGLOBAL, DWORD). These functions
// won't be compiled and linked to your project unless you uncomment #define GIF_TRACING,
// so you don't have to worry.
// Warning: this code hasn't been subject to a heavy testing, so
// use it on your own risk. The author accepts no liability for the
// possible damage caused by this code.
// Version 1.0  7 Aug 2001
//              Initial release
// Version 1.1  6 Sept 2001
//              ATL version of the class
// Version 1.2  14 Oct 2001
//              - Fixed a problem with loading GIFs from resources
//                in MFC-version of the class for multi-modules apps.
//                Thanks to Ruben Avila-Carretero for finding this out.
//              - Got rid of waitable timer in ThreadAnimation()
//                Now CPictureEx[Wnd] works in Win95 too.
//                Thanks to Alex Egiazarov and Wayne King for the idea.
//              - Fixed a visual glitch of using SetBkColor.
//                Thanks to Kwangjin Lee for finding this out.
// Version 1.3  10 Nov 2001
//              - Fixed a DC leak. One DC leaked per each UnLoad()
//                (forgot to put a ReleaseDC() in the end of
//                CPictureExWnd::PrepareDC() function).
//              - Now it is possible to set a clipping rectangle using
//                CPictureEx[Wnd]::SetPaintRect(const LPRECT) function.
//                The LPRECT parameter tells the class what portion of
//                a picture should it display. If the clipping rect is
//                not set, the whole picture is shown.
//                Thanks to Fabrice Rodriguez for the idea.
//              - Added support for Stop/Draw. Now you can Stop() an
//                animated GIF, then Draw() it again, it will continue
//                animation from the frame it was stopped on. You can
//                also know if a GIF is currently playing with the
//                IsPlaying() function.
//              - Got rid of math.h and made m_bExitThread volatile.
//                Thanks to Piotr Sawicki for the suggestion.

#if !defined(AFX_PICTUREEX_H__0EFE5DE0_7B68_4DB7_8B34_5DC634948438__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_PICTUREEX_H__0EFE5DE0_7B68_4DB7_8B34_5DC634948438__INCLUDED_

#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000

#include <vector>

//#define GIF_TRACING  // uncomment it if you want detailed TRACEs

class CPictureEx : public CStatic

struct TFrame    // structure that keeps a single frame info
 IPicture *m_pPicture;  // pointer to the interface used for drawing
 SIZE     m_frameSize;
 SIZE     m_frameOffset;
 UINT     m_nDelay;     // delay (in 1/100s of a second)
 UINT     m_nDisposal;  // disposal method

#pragma pack(1)   // turn byte alignment on

enum GIFBlockTypes

enum ControlExtValues // graphic control extension packed field values
 GCX_PACKED_DISPOSAL,  // disposal method

enum LSDPackedValues  // logical screen descriptor packed field values

enum IDPackedValues   // image descriptor packed field values

struct TGIFHeader       // GIF header 
 char m_cSignature[3]; // Signature - Identifies the GIF Data Stream
        // This field contains the fixed value 'GIF'
 char m_cVersion[3]; // Version number. May be one of the following:
      // "87a" or "89a"

struct TGIFLSDescriptor // Logical Screen Descriptor
 WORD m_wWidth; // 2 bytes. Logical screen width
 WORD m_wHeight; // 2 bytes. Logical screen height

 unsigned char m_cPacked;      // packed field 

 unsigned char m_cBkIndex;     // 1 byte. Background color index
 unsigned char m_cPixelAspect; // 1 byte. Pixel aspect ratio
 inline int GetPackedValue(enum LSDPackedValues Value);

struct TGIFAppExtension // application extension block
 unsigned char m_cExtIntroducer; // extension introducer (0x21)
 unsigned char m_cExtLabel; // app. extension label (0xFF)
 unsigned char m_cBlockSize; // fixed value of 11
 char m_cAppIdentifier[8];   // application identifier
 char m_cAppAuth[3];  // application authentication code

struct TGIFControlExt // graphic control extension block
 unsigned char m_cExtIntroducer; // extension introducer (0x21)
 unsigned char m_cControlLabel;  // control extension label (0xF9)
 unsigned char m_cBlockSize; // fixed value of 4
 unsigned char m_cPacked;    // packed field
 WORD m_wDelayTime; // delay time
 unsigned char m_cTColorIndex; // transparent color index
 unsigned char m_cBlockTerm;   // block terminator (0x00)
 inline int GetPackedValue(enum ControlExtValues Value);

struct TGIFCommentExt  // comment extension block
 unsigned char m_cExtIntroducer; // extension introducer (0x21)
 unsigned char m_cCommentLabel;  // comment extension label (0xFE)

struct TGIFPlainTextExt // plain text extension block
 unsigned char m_cExtIntroducer;  // extension introducer (0x21)
 unsigned char m_cPlainTextLabel; // text extension label (0x01)
 unsigned char m_cBlockSize; // fixed value of 12
 WORD m_wLeftPos;    // text grid left position
 WORD m_wTopPos;     // text grid top position
 WORD m_wGridWidth;  // text grid width
 WORD m_wGridHeight; // text grid height
 unsigned char m_cCellWidth;  // character cell width
 unsigned char m_cCellHeight; // character cell height
 unsigned char m_cFgColor; // text foreground color index
 unsigned char m_cBkColor; // text background color index

struct TGIFImageDescriptor // image descriptor block
 unsigned char m_cImageSeparator; // image separator byte (0x2C)
 WORD m_wLeftPos; // image left position
 WORD m_wTopPos;  // image top position
 WORD m_wWidth;   // image width
 WORD m_wHeight;  // image height
 unsigned char m_cPacked; // packed field
 inline int GetPackedValue(enum IDPackedValues Value);

#pragma pack() // turn byte alignment off

 BOOL GetPaintRect(RECT *lpRect);
 BOOL SetPaintRect(const RECT *lpRect);
 virtual ~CPictureEx();
 void Stop();   // stops animation
 void UnLoad(); // stops animation plus releases all resources

 BOOL IsGIF() const;
 BOOL IsPlaying() const;
 BOOL IsAnimatedGIF() const;
 SIZE GetSize() const;
 int GetFrameCount() const;
 COLORREF GetBkColor() const;
 void SetBkColor(COLORREF clr);

 // draws the picture (starts an animation thread if needed)
 // if an animation was previously stopped by Stop(),
 // continues it from the last displayed frame
 BOOL Draw();

 // loads a picture from a file
 // i.e. Load(_T("mypic.gif"));
 BOOL Load(LPCTSTR szFileName);

 // loads a picture from a global memory block (allocated by GlobalAlloc)
 // Warning: this function DOES NOT free the global memory, pointed to by hGlobal
 BOOL Load(HGLOBAL hGlobal, DWORD dwSize);

 // loads a picture from a program resource
 BOOL Load(LPCTSTR szResourceName,LPCTSTR szResourceType);

 void setPictureSize( int _width,int _height );


 void EnumGIFBlocks();
 void WriteDataOnDisk(CString szFileName, HGLOBAL hData, DWORD dwSize);
#endif // GIF_TRACING

 RECT m_PaintRect;
 SIZE m_PictureSize;
 COLORREF m_clrBackground;
 UINT m_nCurrFrame;
 UINT m_nDataSize;
 UINT m_nCurrOffset;
 UINT m_nGlobalCTSize;
 BOOL m_bIsPlaying;
 volatile BOOL m_bExitThread;
 BOOL m_bIsInitialized;
 HDC m_hMemDC;

 HDC m_hDispMemDC;
 HBITMAP m_hDispMemBM;
 HBITMAP m_hDispOldBM;

 HBITMAP m_hBitmap;
 HBITMAP m_hOldBitmap;
 HANDLE m_hThread;
 HANDLE m_hExitEvent;
 IPicture * m_pPicture;
 TGIFHeader * m_pGIFHeader;
 unsigned char * m_pRawData;
 TGIFLSDescriptor * m_pGIFLSDescriptor;
 std::vector<TFrame> m_arrFrames;

 void ThreadAnimation();
 static UINT WINAPI _ThreadAnimation(LPVOID pParam);

 int GetNextBlockLen() const;
 BOOL SkipNextBlock();
 BOOL SkipNextGraphicBlock();
 BOOL PrepareDC(int nWidth, int nHeight);
 void ResetDataPointer();
 enum GIFBlockTypes GetNextBlock() const;
 UINT GetSubBlocksLen(UINT nStartingOffset) const;
 HGLOBAL GetNextGraphicBlock(UINT *pBlockLen, UINT *pDelay,
  SIZE *pBlockSize, SIZE *pBlockOffset, UINT *pDisposal);

 // Generated message map functions
 afx_msg void OnDestroy();
 afx_msg void OnPaint();

#endif // !defined(AFX_PICTUREEX_H__0EFE5DE0_7B68_4DB7_8B34_5DC634948438__INCLUDED_)

// PictureEx.cpp: implementation of the CPictureEx class.
// Picture displaying control with support for the following formats:
// GIF (including animated GIF87a and GIF89a), JPEG, BMP, WMF, ICO, CUR
// Written by Oleg Bykov (oleg_bykoff@rsdn.ru)
// Copyright (c) 2001
// To use CPictureEx, follow these steps:
//   - place a static control on your dialog (either a text or a bitmap)
//   - change its identifier to something else (e.g. IDC_MYPIC)
//   - associate a CStatic with it using ClassWizard
//   - in your dialog's header file replace CStatic with CPictureEx
//     (don't forget to #include "PictureEx.h" and add
//     PictureEx.h and PictureEx.cpp to your project)
//   - call one of the overloaded CPictureEx::Load() functions somewhere
//     (OnInitDialog is a good place to start)
//   - if the preceding Load() succeeded call Draw()
// You can also add the control by defining a member variable of type
// CPictureEx, calling CPictureEx::Create (derived from CStatic), then
// CPictureEx::Load and CPictureEx::Draw.
// By default, the control initializes its background to COLOR_3DFACE
// (see CPictureEx::PrepareDC()). You can change the background by
// calling CPictureEx::SetBkColor(COLORREF) after CPictureEx::Load().
// I decided to leave in the class the functions to write separate frames from
// animated GIF to disk. If you want to use them, uncomment #define GIF_TRACING
// and an appropriate section in CPictureEx::Load(HGLOBAL, DWORD). These functions
// won't be compiled and linked to your project unless you uncomment #define GIF_TRACING,
// so you don't have to worry.
// Warning: this code hasn't been subject to a heavy testing, so
// use it on your own risk. The author accepts no liability for the
// possible damage caused by this code.
// Version 1.0  7 Aug 2001
//              Initial release
// Version 1.1  6 Sept 2001
//              ATL version of the class
// Version 1.2  14 Oct 2001
//              - Fixed a problem with loading GIFs from resources
//                in MFC-version of the class for multi-modules apps.
//                Thanks to Ruben Avila-Carretero for finding this out.
//              - Got rid of waitable timer in ThreadAnimation()
//                Now CPictureEx[Wnd] works in Win95 too.
//                Thanks to Alex Egiazarov and Wayne King for the idea.
//              - Fixed a visual glitch of using SetBkColor.
//                Thanks to Kwangjin Lee for finding this out.
// Version 1.3  10 Nov 2001
//              - Fixed a DC leak. One DC leaked per each UnLoad()
//                (forgot to put a ReleaseDC() in the end of
//                CPictureExWnd::PrepareDC() function).
//              - Now it is possible to set a clipping rectangle using
//                CPictureEx[Wnd]::SetPaintRect(const LPRECT) function.
//                The LPRECT parameter tells the class what portion of
//                a picture should it display. If the clipping rect is
//                not set, the whole picture is shown.
//                Thanks to Fabrice Rodriguez for the idea.
//              - Added support for Stop/Draw. Now you can Stop() an
//                animated GIF, then Draw() it again, it will continue
//                animation from the frame it was stopped on. You can
//                also know if a GIF is currently playing with the
//                IsPlaying() function.
//              - Got rid of math.h and made m_bExitThread volatile.
//                Thanks to Piotr Sawicki for the suggestion.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "PictureEx.h"
#include <process.h>

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW

// Nested structures member functions

inline int CPictureEx::TGIFControlExt::GetPackedValue(enum ControlExtValues Value)
 int nRet = (int)m_cPacked;
 switch (Value)
  nRet = (nRet & 28) >> 2;

  nRet = (nRet & 2) >> 1;

  nRet &= 1;

 return nRet;

inline int CPictureEx::TGIFLSDescriptor::GetPackedValue(enum LSDPackedValues Value)
 int nRet = (int)m_cPacked;

 switch (Value)
  nRet = nRet >> 7;

  nRet = ((nRet & 0x70) >> 4) + 1;

  nRet = (nRet & 8) >> 3;

  nRet &= 7;

 return nRet;

inline int CPictureEx::TGIFImageDescriptor::GetPackedValue(enum IDPackedValues Value)
 int nRet = (int)m_cPacked;

 switch (Value)
  nRet >>= 7;

  nRet = ((nRet & 0x40) >> 6);

  nRet = (nRet & 0x20) >> 5;

  nRet &= 7;

 return nRet;

// Construction/Destruction

 // check structures size
 ASSERT(sizeof(TGIFImageDescriptor) == 10);
 ASSERT(sizeof(TGIFAppExtension)    == 14);
 ASSERT(sizeof(TGIFPlainTextExt)    == 15);
 ASSERT(sizeof(TGIFLSDescriptor)    ==  7);
 ASSERT(sizeof(TGIFControlExt)    ==  8);
 ASSERT(sizeof(TGIFCommentExt)    ==  2);
 ASSERT(sizeof(TGIFHeader)     ==  6);

 m_pGIFLSDescriptor = NULL;
 m_pGIFHeader    = NULL;
 m_pPicture     = NULL;
 m_pRawData     = NULL;
 m_hThread     = NULL;
 m_hBitmap          = NULL;
 m_hMemDC     = NULL;

 m_hDispMemDC       = NULL;
 m_hDispMemBM       = NULL;
 m_hDispOldBM       = NULL;

 m_bIsInitialized   = FALSE;
 m_bExitThread    = FALSE;
 m_bIsPlaying       = FALSE;
 m_bIsGIF     = FALSE;
 m_clrBackground    = RGB(255,255,255); // white by default
 m_nGlobalCTSize    = 0;
 m_nCurrOffset    = 0;
 m_nCurrFrame    = 0;
 m_nDataSize     = 0;
 m_PictureSize.cx = m_PictureSize.cy = 0;

 m_hExitEvent = CreateEvent(NULL,TRUE,FALSE,NULL);



BOOL CPictureEx::Load(HGLOBAL hGlobal, DWORD dwSize)
 IStream *pStream = NULL;

 if (!(m_pRawData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*> (GlobalLock(hGlobal))) )
  TRACE(_T("Load: Error locking memory\n"));
  return FALSE;

 m_nDataSize = dwSize;
 m_pGIFHeader = reinterpret_cast<TGIFHeader *> (m_pRawData);

 if ((memcmp(&m_pGIFHeader->m_cSignature,"GIF",3) != 0) &&
  ((memcmp(&m_pGIFHeader->m_cVersion,"87a",3) != 0) ||
   (memcmp(&m_pGIFHeader->m_cVersion,"89a",3) != 0)) )
 // it's neither GIF87a nor GIF89a
 // do the default processing

  // clear GIF variables
  m_pRawData = NULL;

  // don't delete memory on object's release
  if (CreateStreamOnHGlobal(hGlobal,FALSE,&pStream) != S_OK)
   return FALSE;

  if (OleLoadPicture(pStream,dwSize,FALSE,IID_IPicture,
   reinterpret_cast<LPVOID *>(&m_pPicture)) != S_OK)
   return FALSE;

  // store picture's size

  long hmWidth;
  long hmHeight;

  HDC hDC = ::GetDC(m_hWnd);
  m_PictureSize.cx = MulDiv(hmWidth, GetDeviceCaps(hDC,LOGPIXELSX), 2540);
  m_PictureSize.cy = MulDiv(hmHeight, GetDeviceCaps(hDC,LOGPIXELSY), 2540);
  // it's a GIF
  m_bIsGIF = TRUE;
  m_pGIFLSDescriptor = reinterpret_cast<TGIFLSDescriptor *>
   (m_pRawData + sizeof(TGIFHeader));
  if (m_pGIFLSDescriptor->GetPackedValue(LSD_PACKED_GLOBALCT) == 1)
   // calculate the globat color table size
   m_nGlobalCTSize = static_cast<int>
    (3* (1 << (m_pGIFLSDescriptor->GetPackedValue(LSD_PACKED_GLOBALCTSIZE)+1)));
   // get the background color if GCT is present
   unsigned char *pBkClr = m_pRawData + sizeof(TGIFHeader) +
    sizeof(TGIFLSDescriptor) + 3*m_pGIFLSDescriptor->m_cBkIndex;
   m_clrBackground = RGB(pBkClr[0],pBkClr[1],pBkClr[2]);

  // store the picture's size
  m_PictureSize.cx = m_pGIFLSDescriptor->m_wWidth;
  m_PictureSize.cy = m_pGIFLSDescriptor->m_wHeight;

  // determine frame count for this picture
  UINT nFrameCount=0;
  while (SkipNextGraphicBlock())

   _T(" -= GIF encountered\n"
      "Logical Screen dimensions = %dx%d\n"
      "Global color table = %d\n"
      "Color depth = %d\n"
      "Sort flag = %d\n"
      "Size of Global Color Table = %d\n"
      "Background color index = %d\n"
      "Pixel aspect ratio = %d\n"
      "Frame count = %d\n"
      "Background color = %06Xh\n\n"

  if (nFrameCount == 0) // it's an empty GIF!
   m_pRawData = NULL;
   return FALSE;

  // now check the frame count
  // if there's only one frame, no need to animate this GIF
  // therefore, treat it like any other pic

  if (nFrameCount == 1)
   // clear GIF variables
   m_pRawData = NULL;

   // don't delete memory on object's release
   if (CreateStreamOnHGlobal(hGlobal,FALSE,&pStream) != S_OK)
    return FALSE;

   if (OleLoadPicture(pStream,dwSize,FALSE,IID_IPicture,
    (LPVOID *)&m_pPicture) != S_OK)
    return FALSE;

  // if, on the contrary, there are several frames
  // then store separate frames in an array

   TFrame frame;
   UINT nBlockLen;
   HGLOBAL hFrameData;
   UINT nCurFrame = 0;

   while (hFrameData = GetNextGraphicBlock(&nBlockLen,
    &frame.m_nDelay, &frame.m_frameSize,
    &frame.m_frameOffset, &frame.m_nDisposal) )
    #ifdef GIF_TRACING
    // uncomment the following strings if you want
    // to write separate frames on disk
    // CString szName;
    // szName.Format(_T("%.4d.gif"),nCurFrame);
    // WriteDataOnDisk(szName,hFrameData,nBlockLen);
    // nCurFrame++;
    #endif // GIF_TRACING

    IStream *pStream = NULL;

    // delete memory on object's release
    if (CreateStreamOnHGlobal(hFrameData,TRUE,&pStream) != S_OK)

    if (OleLoadPicture(pStream,nBlockLen,FALSE,
     reinterpret_cast<LPVOID *>(&frame.m_pPicture)) != S_OK)
    // everything went well, add this frame

   // clean after ourselves
   m_pRawData = NULL;

   if (m_arrFrames.empty()) // couldn't load any frames
    return FALSE;
 }; // if (!IsGIF...

 return PrepareDC(m_PictureSize.cx,m_PictureSize.cy);

void CPictureEx::UnLoad()
 if (m_pPicture)
  m_pPicture = NULL;
 std::vector<TFrame>::iterator it;
 for (it=m_arrFrames.begin();it<m_arrFrames.end();it++)

 if (m_hMemDC)
  m_hMemDC  = NULL;
  m_hBitmap = NULL;

 if (m_hDispMemDC)
  m_hDispMemDC  = NULL;
  m_hDispMemBM = NULL;

 m_pGIFLSDescriptor = NULL;
 m_pGIFHeader    = NULL;
 m_pRawData     = NULL;
 m_hThread     = NULL;
 m_bIsInitialized   = FALSE;
 m_bExitThread    = FALSE;
 m_bIsGIF     = FALSE;
 m_clrBackground    = RGB(255,255,255); // white by default
 m_nGlobalCTSize    = 0;
 m_nCurrOffset    = 0;
 m_nCurrFrame    = 0;
 m_nDataSize     = 0;

BOOL CPictureEx::Draw()
 if (!m_bIsInitialized)
  TRACE(_T("Call one of the CPictureEx::Load() member functions before calling Draw()\n"));
  return FALSE;

 if (IsAnimatedGIF())
 // the picture needs animation
 // we'll start the thread that will handle it for us
  unsigned int nDummy;
  m_hThread = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(NULL,0,_ThreadAnimation,this,
  if (!m_hThread)
   TRACE(_T("Draw: Couldn't start a GIF animation thread\n"));
   return FALSE;
  if (m_pPicture)
   long hmWidth;
   long hmHeight;

   float t_w,t_h;
   t_w = (float)hmWidth/10583;
   t_h = (float)hmHeight/10583;
    m_PictureSize.cy /= t_w/t_h;
    m_PictureSize.cx /= t_h/t_w;

   if (m_pPicture->Render(m_hMemDC, 0, 0, m_PictureSize.cx, m_PictureSize.cy,
    0, hmHeight, hmWidth, -hmHeight, NULL) == S_OK)
    return TRUE;

 return FALSE; 

SIZE CPictureEx::GetSize() const
 return m_PictureSize;

BOOL CPictureEx::Load(LPCTSTR szFileName)
 CFile file;
 HGLOBAL hGlobal;
 DWORD dwSize;

 if (!file.Open(szFileName,
    CFile::modeRead |
    CFile::shareDenyWrite) )
  TRACE(_T("Load (file): Error opening file %s\n"),szFileName);
  return FALSE;

 dwSize = file.GetLength();
 hGlobal = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_NODISCARD,dwSize);
 if (!hGlobal)
  TRACE(_T("Load (file): Error allocating memory\n"));
  return FALSE;
 char *pData = reinterpret_cast<char*>(GlobalLock(hGlobal));
 if (!pData)
  TRACE(_T("Load (file): Error locking memory\n"));
  return FALSE;

 CATCH(CFileException, e);                                         
  TRACE(_T("Load (file): An exception occured while reading the file %s\n"),
  return FALSE;

 BOOL bRetValue = Load(hGlobal,dwSize);
 return bRetValue;

BOOL CPictureEx::Load(LPCTSTR szResourceName, LPCTSTR szResourceType)

 HRSRC hPicture = FindResource(AfxGetResourceHandle(),szResourceName,szResourceType);
 HGLOBAL hResData;
 if (!hPicture || !(hResData = LoadResource(AfxGetResourceHandle(),hPicture)))
  TRACE(_T("Load (resource): Error loading resource %s\n"),szResourceName);
  return FALSE;
 DWORD dwSize = SizeofResource(AfxGetResourceHandle(),hPicture);

 // hResData is not the real HGLOBAL (we can't lock it)
 // let's make it real

 if (!hGlobal)
  TRACE(_T("Load (resource): Error allocating memory\n"));
  return FALSE;
 char *pDest = reinterpret_cast<char *> (GlobalLock(hGlobal));
 char *pSrc = reinterpret_cast<char *> (LockResource(hResData));
 if (!pSrc || !pDest)
  TRACE(_T("Load (resource): Error locking memory\n"));
  return FALSE;

 BOOL bRetValue = Load(hGlobal,dwSize);
 return bRetValue;

void CPictureEx::ResetDataPointer()
 // skip header and logical screen descriptor
 m_nCurrOffset =

BOOL CPictureEx::SkipNextGraphicBlock()
 if (!m_pRawData) return FALSE;

 // GIF header + LSDescriptor [+ GCT] [+ Control block] + Data

 enum GIFBlockTypes nBlock;

 nBlock = GetNextBlock();

 while ((nBlock != BLOCK_CONTROLEXT) &&
     (nBlock != BLOCK_IMAGE) &&
     (nBlock != BLOCK_PLAINTEXT) &&
     (nBlock != BLOCK_UNKNOWN) &&
     (nBlock != BLOCK_TRAILER) )
  if (!SkipNextBlock()) return NULL;
  nBlock = GetNextBlock();

 if ((nBlock == BLOCK_UNKNOWN) ||
  (nBlock == BLOCK_TRAILER))
  return FALSE;

 // it's either a control ext.block, an image or a plain text

 if (GetNextBlockLen() <= 0) return FALSE;

 if (nBlock == BLOCK_CONTROLEXT)
  if (!SkipNextBlock()) return FALSE;
  nBlock = GetNextBlock();

  // skip everything until we meet an image block or a plain-text block
  while ((nBlock != BLOCK_IMAGE) &&
      (nBlock != BLOCK_PLAINTEXT) &&
      (nBlock != BLOCK_UNKNOWN) &&
      (nBlock != BLOCK_TRAILER) )
   if (!SkipNextBlock()) return NULL;
   nBlock = GetNextBlock();

  if ((nBlock == BLOCK_UNKNOWN) ||
   (nBlock == BLOCK_TRAILER))
   return FALSE;

 // skip the found data block (image or plain-text)
 if (!SkipNextBlock()) return FALSE;

 return TRUE;

UINT CPictureEx::GetSubBlocksLen(UINT nStartingOffset) const
 UINT nRet = 0;
 UINT nCurOffset = nStartingOffset;
 while (m_pRawData[nCurOffset] != 0)
  nRet += m_pRawData[nCurOffset]+1;
  nCurOffset += m_pRawData[nCurOffset]+1;

 return nRet+1;

enum CPictureEx::GIFBlockTypes CPictureEx::GetNextBlock() const
 case 0x21:
 // extension block
  case 0x01:
  // plain text extension

  case 0xF9:
  // graphic control extension

  case 0xFE:
  // comment extension
   return BLOCK_COMMEXT;

  case 0xFF:
  // application extension
   return BLOCK_APPEXT;
 case 0x3B:
 // trailer

 case 0x2C:
 // image data
  return BLOCK_IMAGE;


BOOL CPictureEx::SkipNextBlock()
 if (!m_pRawData) return FALSE;

 int nLen = GetNextBlockLen();
 if ((nLen <= 0) || ((m_nCurrOffset+nLen) > m_nDataSize))
  return FALSE;

 m_nCurrOffset += nLen;
 return TRUE;

int CPictureEx::GetNextBlockLen() const
 GIFBlockTypes nBlock = GetNextBlock();

 int nTmp;

  return -1;

  return 1;

  nTmp = GetSubBlocksLen(m_nCurrOffset+sizeof(TGIFAppExtension));
  if (nTmp > 0)
   return sizeof(TGIFAppExtension)+nTmp;

  nTmp = GetSubBlocksLen(m_nCurrOffset+sizeof(TGIFCommentExt));
  if (nTmp > 0)
   return sizeof(TGIFCommentExt)+nTmp;

  return sizeof(TGIFControlExt);

  nTmp = GetSubBlocksLen(m_nCurrOffset+sizeof(TGIFPlainTextExt));
  if (nTmp > 0)
   return sizeof(TGIFPlainTextExt)+nTmp;

  TGIFImageDescriptor *pIDescr =
   reinterpret_cast<TGIFImageDescriptor *> (&m_pRawData[m_nCurrOffset]);
  int nLCTSize = (int)
   (1 << (pIDescr->GetPackedValue(ID_PACKED_LOCALCTSIZE)+1)));

  int nTmp = GetSubBlocksLen(m_nCurrOffset+
   sizeof(TGIFImageDescriptor) + nLCTSize + 1);
  if (nTmp > 0)
   return sizeof(TGIFImageDescriptor) + nLCTSize + 1 + nTmp;

 return 0;

UINT WINAPI CPictureEx::_ThreadAnimation(LPVOID pParam)
 CPictureEx *pPic = reinterpret_cast<CPictureEx *> (pParam);

 pPic->m_bIsPlaying = TRUE;
 pPic->m_bIsPlaying = FALSE;

 // this thread has finished its work so we close the handle
 // and init the handle to zero (so that Stop() doesn't Wait on it)
 pPic->m_hThread = 0;
 return 0;

void CPictureEx::ThreadAnimation()
 // first, restore background (for stop/draw support)
 // disposal method #2
 if (m_arrFrames[m_nCurrFrame].m_nDisposal == 2)
  HBRUSH hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(m_clrBackground);
  if (hBrush)
   RECT rect = {
    m_arrFrames[m_nCurrFrame].m_frameOffset.cx + m_arrFrames[m_nCurrFrame].m_frameSize.cx,
    m_arrFrames[m_nCurrFrame].m_frameOffset.cy + m_arrFrames[m_nCurrFrame].m_frameSize.cy };
  // disposal method #3
  if (m_hDispMemDC && (m_arrFrames[m_nCurrFrame].m_nDisposal == 3) )
   // put it back
    m_hDispMemDC,0,0, SRCCOPY);
   // init variables
   DeleteDC(m_hDispMemDC); m_hDispMemDC = NULL;
   DeleteObject(m_hDispMemBM); m_hDispMemBM = NULL;

 while (!m_bExitThread)
  if (m_arrFrames[m_nCurrFrame].m_pPicture)
  // Before rendering a frame we should take care of what's
  // behind that frame. TFrame::m_nDisposal will be our guide:
  //   0 - no disposal specified (do nothing)
  //   1 - do not dispose (again, do nothing)
  //   2 - restore to background color (m_clrBackground)
  //   3 - restore to previous

   //////// disposal method #3
   if (m_arrFrames[m_nCurrFrame].m_nDisposal == 3)
    // prepare a memory DC and store the background in it
    m_hDispMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(m_hMemDC);
    m_hDispMemBM = CreateCompatibleBitmap(m_hMemDC,
    if (m_hDispMemDC && m_hDispMemBM)
     m_hDispOldBM = reinterpret_cast<HBITMAP> (SelectObject(m_hDispMemDC,m_hDispMemBM));

   long hmWidth;
   long hmHeight;

   if (m_arrFrames[m_nCurrFrame].m_pPicture->Render(m_hMemDC,
    0, hmHeight, hmWidth, -hmHeight, NULL) == S_OK)
   if (m_bExitThread) break;

   // if the delay time is too short (like in old GIFs), wait for 100ms
   if (m_arrFrames[m_nCurrFrame].m_nDelay < 5)
    WaitForSingleObject(m_hExitEvent, 100);
    WaitForSingleObject(m_hExitEvent, 10*m_arrFrames[m_nCurrFrame].m_nDelay);

   if (m_bExitThread) break;

   // disposal method #2
   if (m_arrFrames[m_nCurrFrame].m_nDisposal == 2)
    HBRUSH hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(m_clrBackground);
    if (hBrush)
     RECT rect = {
      m_arrFrames[m_nCurrFrame].m_frameOffset.cx + m_arrFrames[m_nCurrFrame].m_frameSize.cx,
      m_arrFrames[m_nCurrFrame].m_frameOffset.cy + m_arrFrames[m_nCurrFrame].m_frameSize.cy };
    if (m_hDispMemDC && (m_arrFrames[m_nCurrFrame].m_nDisposal == 3) )
     // put it back
      m_hDispMemDC,0,0, SRCCOPY);
     // init variables
     DeleteDC(m_hDispMemDC); m_hDispMemDC = NULL;
     DeleteObject(m_hDispMemBM); m_hDispMemBM = NULL;
  if (m_nCurrFrame == m_arrFrames.size())
    = 0;
  // init the screen for the first frame,
   HBRUSH hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(m_clrBackground);
   if (hBrush)
    RECT rect = {0,0,m_PictureSize.cx,m_PictureSize.cy};

void CPictureEx::Stop()
 m_bIsPlaying = FALSE;
 m_bExitThread = TRUE;
 if (m_hThread)
  // we'll wait for 5 seconds then continue execution
  m_hThread = NULL;

 // make it possible to Draw() again
 m_bExitThread = FALSE;

HGLOBAL CPictureEx::GetNextGraphicBlock(UINT *pBlockLen,
 UINT *pDelay, SIZE *pBlockSize, SIZE *pBlockOffset,
 UINT *pDisposal)
 if (!m_pRawData) return NULL;

 // GIF header + LSDescriptor [+ GCT] [+ Control block] + Data

 *pDisposal = 0;
 enum GIFBlockTypes nBlock;
 nBlock = GetNextBlock();

 while (
  (nBlock != BLOCK_CONTROLEXT) &&
  (nBlock != BLOCK_IMAGE) &&
  (nBlock != BLOCK_PLAINTEXT) &&
  (nBlock != BLOCK_UNKNOWN) &&
  (nBlock != BLOCK_TRAILER)
  if (!SkipNextBlock()) return NULL;
  nBlock = GetNextBlock();

 if ((nBlock == BLOCK_UNKNOWN) ||
  (nBlock == BLOCK_TRAILER))
  return NULL;

 // it's either a control ext.block, an image or a plain text

 int nStart = m_nCurrOffset;
 int nBlockLen = GetNextBlockLen();

 if (nBlockLen <= 0) return NULL;

 if (nBlock == BLOCK_CONTROLEXT)
  // get the following data
  TGIFControlExt *pControl =
   reinterpret_cast<TGIFControlExt *> (&m_pRawData[m_nCurrOffset]);
  // store delay time
  *pDelay = pControl->m_wDelayTime;
  // store disposal method
  *pDisposal = pControl->GetPackedValue(GCX_PACKED_DISPOSAL);

  if (!SkipNextBlock()) return NULL;
  nBlock = GetNextBlock();
  // skip everything until we find data to display
  // (image block or plain-text block)
  while (
   (nBlock != BLOCK_IMAGE) &&
   (nBlock != BLOCK_PLAINTEXT) &&
   (nBlock != BLOCK_UNKNOWN) &&
   (nBlock != BLOCK_TRAILER)
   if (!SkipNextBlock()) return NULL;
   nBlock = GetNextBlock();
   nBlockLen += GetNextBlockLen();

  if ((nBlock == BLOCK_UNKNOWN) || (nBlock == BLOCK_TRAILER))
   return NULL;
  nBlockLen += GetNextBlockLen();
  *pDelay = -1; // to indicate that there was no delay value

 if (nBlock == BLOCK_IMAGE)
  // store size and offsets
  TGIFImageDescriptor *pImage =
   reinterpret_cast<TGIFImageDescriptor *> (&m_pRawData[m_nCurrOffset]);
  pBlockSize->cx = pImage->m_wWidth;
  pBlockSize->cy = pImage->m_wHeight;
  pBlockOffset->cx = pImage->m_wLeftPos;
  pBlockOffset->cy = pImage->m_wTopPos;

 if (!SkipNextBlock()) return NULL;

 HGLOBAL hGlobal = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED,
  sizeof(TGIFHeader) +
  sizeof(TGIFLSDescriptor) +
  m_nGlobalCTSize +
  nBlockLen +
  1);  // for the trailer

 if (!hGlobal) return NULL;

 int nOffset = 0;

 // GMEM_FIXED means we get a pointer
 unsigned char *pGlobal = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *> (hGlobal);

 nOffset += sizeof(TGIFHeader)+sizeof(TGIFLSDescriptor)+m_nGlobalCTSize;

 CopyMemory(pGlobal + nOffset,&m_pRawData[nStart], nBlockLen);
 nOffset += nBlockLen;

 pGlobal[nOffset] = 0x3B; // trailer

 *pBlockLen = nOffset;

 return hGlobal;

BOOL CPictureEx::IsGIF() const
 return m_bIsGIF;

BOOL CPictureEx::IsAnimatedGIF() const
 return (m_bIsGIF && (m_arrFrames.size() > 1));

BOOL CPictureEx::IsPlaying() const
 return m_bIsPlaying;

int CPictureEx::GetFrameCount() const
 if (!IsAnimatedGIF())
  return 0;

 return m_arrFrames.size();

COLORREF CPictureEx::GetBkColor() const
 return m_clrBackground;

void CPictureEx::OnPaint()
 CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting

 LONG nPaintWidth = m_PaintRect.right-m_PaintRect.left;

 if (nPaintWidth > 0)
  LONG nPaintHeight = m_PaintRect.bottom - m_PaintRect.top;
  ::BitBlt(dc.m_hDC, 0, 0, nPaintWidth, nPaintHeight, 
   m_hMemDC, m_PaintRect.left, m_PaintRect.top, SRCCOPY);
  ::BitBlt(dc.m_hDC, 0, 0, m_PictureSize.cx, m_PictureSize.cy,
   m_hMemDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);

BOOL CPictureEx::PrepareDC(int nWidth, int nHeight)
 SetWindowPos(NULL,0,0,nWidth,nHeight,SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER);

 HDC hWinDC = ::GetDC(m_hWnd);
 if (!hWinDC) return FALSE;
 m_hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hWinDC);
 if (!m_hMemDC)
  return FALSE;

 m_hBitmap  = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hWinDC,nWidth,nHeight);
 if (!m_hBitmap)
  return FALSE;

 m_hOldBitmap = reinterpret_cast<HBITMAP>
 // fill the background
 m_clrBackground = GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE);
 RECT rect = {0,0,nWidth,nHeight};

 m_bIsInitialized = TRUE;
 return TRUE;

void CPictureEx::OnDestroy()

void CPictureEx::SetBkColor(COLORREF clr)
 if (!m_bIsInitialized) return;

 m_clrBackground = clr;

 HBRUSH hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(clr);
 if (hBrush)
  RECT rect = {0,0,m_PictureSize.cx,m_PictureSize.cy};

void CPictureEx::WriteDataOnDisk(CString szFileName, HGLOBAL hData, DWORD dwSize)
 CFile file;

 if (!file.Open(szFileName,
   CFile::modeCreate |
   CFile::modeWrite |
  TRACE(_T("WriteData: Error creating file %s\n"),szFileName);

 char *pData = reinterpret_cast<char *> (GlobalLock(hData));
 if (!pData)
  TRACE(_T("WriteData: Error locking memory\n"));

 CATCH(CFileException, e);                                         
  TRACE(_T("WriteData: An exception occured while writing to the file %s\n"),

void CPictureEx::EnumGIFBlocks()
 enum GIFBlockTypes nBlock;

 while(m_nCurrOffset < m_nDataSize)
  nBlock = GetNextBlock();
   TRACE(_T("- Unknown block\n"));

   TRACE(_T("- Trailer block\n"));

   TRACE(_T("- Application extension block\n"));

   TRACE(_T("- Comment extension block\n"));

   TGIFControlExt *pControl =
    reinterpret_cast<TGIFControlExt *> (&m_pRawData[m_nCurrOffset]);
   TRACE(_T("- Graphic control extension block (delay %d, disposal %d)\n"),
     pControl->m_wDelayTime, pControl->GetPackedValue(GCX_PACKED_DISPOSAL));

   TRACE(_T("- Plain text extension block\n"));

   TGIFImageDescriptor *pIDescr =
    reinterpret_cast<TGIFImageDescriptor *> (&m_pRawData[m_nCurrOffset]);
   TRACE(_T("- Image data block (%dx%d  %d,%d)\n"),


#endif // GIF_TRACING

BOOL CPictureEx::SetPaintRect(const RECT *lpRect)
 return CopyRect(&m_PaintRect, lpRect);

BOOL CPictureEx::GetPaintRect(RECT *lpRect)
 return CopyRect(lpRect, &m_PaintRect);

void CPictureEx::setPictureSize( int _width,int _height )
 m_PictureSize.cx = _width;
 m_PictureSize.cy = _height;

CImages::CImages(CDatabase* pdb) : CRecordset(pdb)
 int         nIndex = 0;
 CImages   dbImages(&theApp.m_DB);
 while   (!dbImages.IsEOF())


 CImages   dbImages(&theApp.m_DB);
 CString     strFileName = m_list.GetItemText(nIndex,0);
 dbImages.m_strFilter.Format("BLOBName = '%s'",strFileName);
  if  (dbImages.IsEOF())
   AfxMessageBox("Unable to get image from db");
   if (m_pic.Load(dbImages.m_BLOBImage.m_hData,dbImages.m_BLOBImage.m_dwDataLength))


 catch(CException* pE)

posted on 2005-10-26 09:47 Ipedo 阅读(1181) 评论(1)  编辑 收藏 引用

# re: 新的开始 2006-10-27 17:55 | ets2008@hotmail.com
CPictureExWnd,试了没有,我怎么也编译不过。  回复  更多评论

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