#ifndef STRING_H_
#define STRING_H_
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cctype>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <string>
#include "auto_pointer.h"
class String
size_t _size;
char *_string;
void init (size_t , const char *);
String () { init (0, NULL); }
String (const char * str) { init (strlen(str), str); }
String (const String & str) { init (str.size (), str.c_str());}
~String () { delete [] _string; }
//member methods
int count (char ch)const;
size_t size ()const { return _size; }
char * c_str ()const {return _string ;}
const char * to_upper ()const;
//assign operator
String & operator = (const char * str);
String & operator = (const String & str);
//overload operators
bool operator == (const char *str)const {return strcmp (_string, str) == 0; }
bool operator == (const String &str)const {return strcmp (_string, str.c_str ()) == 0; }
bool operator != (const String & str)const { return strcmp (_string, str.c_str ()) != 0; }
bool operator != (const char *str)const {return strcmp (_string, str) != 0; }
bool operator < (const char *str)const {return strcmp (_string, str) < 0; }
bool operator < (const String & str)const {return strcmp (_string, str.c_str ()) < 0; }
bool operator > (const char *str)const {return strcmp (_string, str) > 0; }
bool operator > (const String & str)const {return strcmp (_string, str.c_str ()) > 0; }
String & operator += (const char *str);
String & operator += (const String & str);
char & operator [] (size_t i) { assert(i >= 0 && i < _size); return _string[i]; }
//friend methods
friend std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & os, const String & str);
friend std::istream & operator >> (std::istream &is, String & str);
friend bool operator == (const char *cstr, const String & sstr) {return sstr.operator == (cstr); }
friend bool operator != (const char *cstr, const String & sstr) {return sstr.operator != (cstr); }
friend bool operator < (const char *cstr, const String & sstr) {return sstr.operator <(cstr); }
friend bool operator > (const char *cstr, const String & sstr) {return sstr.operator >(cstr); }
#include "String.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <iomanip>
#pragma warning(disable : 4996)
void String::init(size_t size, const char *str)
_size = size;
if (!str)
_string = new char [1];
_string[0] = '\0';
_string = new char[_size + 1];
strncpy (_string, str, _size);
_string[_size ] = '\0';
//strcpy (_string, str);
String & String::operator = (const char *str)
delete [] _string;
init (strlen (str), str);std::cout << this->_string << "_";
return *this;
String & String::operator = (const String &str)
if (*this == str)
return *this;
delete [] _string;
init (str.size (), str.c_str ());
return *this;
String & String::operator +=(const char *str)
String temp(*this);
_size += strlen (str);
_string = new char[_size + 1];
strcpy (_string, temp.c_str ());
//strcat (_string, str);
strcpy (_string+temp.size (), str);
return *this;
String & String::operator +=(const String &str)
String temp(*this);
_size += str.size ();
_string = new char[_size + 1];
strcpy (_string, temp.c_str ());
//strcat (_string , str.c_str ());
strcpy (_string+temp.size (), str.c_str ());
return *this;
int String::count (char ch)const
int cn = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < _size; i++)
if (ch == tolower(_string[i]))
return cn;
const char * String::to_upper ()const
size_t size = strlen (_string);
char *temp = new char[size + 1];
size_t j = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (isalpha(_string[i]) || _string[i] == ' ')
if (isalpha (_string[i]))
temp[j++] = toupper (_string[i]);
temp[j++] = _string[i];
temp[j] = '\0';
return temp;
std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & os, const String & str)
return os << str.c_str ();
std::istream & operator >> (std::istream & is, String & str)
const int limit_string_size = 50;
char Inbuf [limit_string_size];
//is.read (Inbuf, limit_string_size);
//is >> setw (limit_string_size) >> Inbuf;
is.getline (Inbuf, limit_string_size-1, '\n');
/*if (is)
while (is.get () == '\n')
Inbuf[limit_string_size-1] = '\0';
//is >> Inbuf;
str = Inbuf;
return is;
posted @
2006-04-11 20:35 Jonathan 阅读(394) |
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#ifndef MYLIST_H_
#define MYLIST_H_
#include <iostream>
template <typename elemType>
class Mylist_item
elemType _value;
Mylist_item *_next;
Mylist_item (elemType value, Mylist_item * item = 0);
~Mylist_item () { }
elemType Value () {return _value; } //return the value of the node
Mylist_item * Next () { return _next; } //return the pointer to the next node
void next (Mylist_item *ptr) { _next = ptr; }
void set_value (elemType value ) { _value = value; }
template <typename elemType>
class Mylist
Mylist_item<elemType> *_at_front; //pointer to the head
Mylist_item<elemType> *_at_end; //pointer to the tail
Mylist_item<elemType> *_current; //pointer to the current element
int _size;
//renew the size
void bump_up_size () { ++_size; }
void bump_down_size () { --_size; }
Mylist () : _at_front (0), _at_end (0), _size (0) { }
Mylist (const Mylist & rhs);
~Mylist () { }
Mylist & operator = (const Mylist & rhs);
//operators overloading
Mylist_item<elemType> * operator ++ ();
//Mylist_item<elemType> *operator ++ ();
//sorting function (default in ascending order
void sort (Mylist_item<elemType> *begin, Mylist_item<elemType> *end);
//insertion functions, if the Mylist is full, do nothing
//insert the value to the back of ptr
void insert (Mylist_item<elemType> *ptr, elemType value);
//insert the value to the front of the Mylist
void insert_front (elemType value);
//insert the value to the end of the Mylist
void insert_end (elemType value);
//insert the whole Mylist: rhs to the end of the current Mylist
void insert_all (const Mylist & rhs);
//element removing functions, if the Mylist is empty , do nothing
//remove all the elements of the Mylist equal to the value and return the numbers of removed elements
int remove (elemType value);
//remove all the elements of the Mylist
void remove_all ();
//remove the front element of the Mylist
void remove_front ();
//find the value that given, if successful, return the pointer to the element, or return null
Mylist_item<elemType> * find (elemType value, Mylist_item<elemType> *start = 0);
//display all the elements of the Mylist on screen
void display (std::ostream & os = std::cout)const;
//concat the given Mylist to the current Mylist
void concat (const Mylist & rhs);
Mylist concat_copy (const Mylist &rhs);
// reverse the Mylist, front to end
void reverse ();
Mylist reverse_copy ();
Mylist_item<elemType> * init_iter (Mylist_item<elemType> *it = 0);
Mylist_item<elemType> * next_iter ();
template <typename elemType>
Mylist_item<elemType>::Mylist_item(elemType value, Mylist_item<elemType> *item)
_value = value;
if (!item)
_next = 0;
_next = item->Next ();
item->_next = this;
template <typename elemType>
Mylist<elemType>::Mylist (const Mylist & rhs): _at_front (0), _at_end (0)
insert_all (rhs);
template <typename elemType>
Mylist<elemType> & Mylist<elemType>::operator =(const Mylist<elemType> &rhs)
if (this == & rhs)
return *this;
remove_all ();
insert_all (rhs);
return *this;
template <typename elemType>
Mylist_item<elemType> * Mylist<elemType>::operator ++ ()
return next_iter ();
/*template <typename elemType>
Mylist_item <elemType> * Mylist<elemType>::operator ++ ()
Mylist_item<elemType> * temp = this;
this = next_iter ();
return temp;
template <typename elemType>
Mylist_item<elemType> * Mylist<elemType>::init_iter (Mylist_item<elemType> *it)
return _current = it ? _current : _at_front;
template <typename elemType>
Mylist_item<elemType> * Mylist<elemType>::next_iter()
Mylist_item<elemType> * temp = _current ? _current = _current->Next () : _current;
return temp;
template <typename elemType>
void Mylist<elemType>::reverse ()
Mylist_item<elemType> *ptr = _at_front;
Mylist_item<elemType> *pre = 0;
_at_front = _at_end;
_at_end = ptr;
while (ptr != _at_front)
Mylist_item<elemType> *temp = ptr->Next ();
ptr->next (pre);
pre = ptr;
ptr = temp;
template <typename elemType>
Mylist<elemType> Mylist<elemType>::reverse_copy ()
Mylist_item<elemType> *ptr = _at_front;
for (; ptr ; ptr = ptr->Next ())
new_list.insert_front (ptr->Value ());
return new_list;
template <typename elemType>
void Mylist<elemType>::concat(const Mylist<elemType> &rhs)
Mylist_item<elemType> * temp = rhs._at_front;
while (temp)
insert_end (temp->Value ());
temp = temp->Next ();
template <typename elemType>
Mylist<elemType> Mylist<elemType>::concat_copy (const Mylist<elemType> & rhs)
Mylist_item<elemType> *ptr = _at_front;
while (ptr)
new_list.insert_end (ptr->Value ());
ptr = ptr->Next ();
for (ptr = rhs._at_front; ptr; ptr = ptr->Next ())
new_list.insert_end (ptr->Value ());
return new_list;
template <typename elemType>
void Mylist<elemType>::display(std::ostream &os) const
os << " \n( " << _size << " ) ( ";
Mylist_item<elemType> * ptr = _at_front;
while (ptr)
os << ptr->Value () << " ";
ptr = ptr->Next ();
template <typename elemType>
Mylist_item<elemType> * Mylist <elemType>::find(elemType value, Mylist_item<elemType> *start)
Mylist_item<elemType> *ptr = start ?start : _at_front;
while (ptr)
if (ptr->Value () == value)
ptr = ptr->Next ();
return ptr;
template <typename elemType>
int Mylist<elemType>::remove(elemType value)
Mylist_item<elemType> *ptr = _at_front;
int count = 0;
while (ptr && ptr->Value () == value)
ptr = ptr->Next ();
remove_front ();
if (!ptr)
return count;
Mylist_item<elemType> * pre = ptr;
ptr = ptr->Next ();
while (ptr)
if (ptr->Value () == value)
if (_current == ptr)
_current = ptr->Next ();
pre->next (ptr->Next ());
delete ptr;
bump_down_size ();
ptr = pre->Next ();
pre = ptr;
ptr = ptr->Next ();
return count;
template <typename elemType>
void Mylist<elemType>::remove_front ()
if (_at_front)
Mylist_item<elemType> * temp = _at_front;
if (_current == _at_front)
_current = _at_front->Next ();
_at_front = _at_front->Next ();
bump_down_size ();
delete temp;
template <typename elemType>
void Mylist<elemType>::remove_all ()
while (_at_front)
remove_front ();
_size = 0;
_at_front = _at_end = 0;
template <typename elemType>
void Mylist<elemType>::insert(Mylist_item<elemType> *ptr, elemType value)
if (!ptr)
insert_front (value);
bump_up_size ();
new Mylist_item<elemType>(value, ptr);
template <typename elemType>
void Mylist<elemType>::insert_front(elemType value)
Mylist_item<elemType> *ptr = new Mylist_item<elemType> (value);
if (!_at_front )
_at_front = _at_end = ptr;
ptr->next (_at_front);
_at_front = ptr;
bump_up_size ();
template <typename elemType>
void Mylist<elemType>::insert_end(elemType value)
Mylist_item<elemType> *ptr = new Mylist_item<elemType> (value);
if (!_at_end)
_at_front = _at_end = ptr;
else //_at_end = new Mylist_item<elemType> (value, _at_front);
_at_end->next (ptr);
_at_end = ptr;
bump_up_size ();
template <typename elemType>
void Mylist<elemType>::insert_all(const Mylist<elemType> &rhs)
Mylist_item<elemType> *ptr = rhs._at_front;
while (ptr)
insert_end (ptr->Value ());
ptr = ptr->Next ();
//main () 函数
#include <iostream>
#include "Mylist.h"
int main()
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
mylist.insert_front (i);
mylist.insert_end (i);
cout << "\nUse of init_iter() and next_iter () "
<< " to iterater across each Mylist item:\n";
Mylist_item<int> *iter;
//for (iter = mylist.init_iter (); iter; iter = mylist.next_iter ())
for (iter = mylist.init_iter (); iter; iter = mylist++)
cout << iter->Value () << " ";
cout << "\nUse of copy constructor\n";
Mylist<int> mylist2 (mylist);
mylist.remove_all ();
for (iter = mylist2.init_iter (); iter; iter = mylist2.next_iter ())
cout << iter->Value () << " ";
cout << " \nUse of copy assignment operator\n";
mylist = mylist2;
for (iter = mylist.init_iter (); iter; iter = mylist.next_iter ())
cout << iter->Value () << " ";
cout <<endl;
cout << "\nUse of reverse_copy function:\n";
Mylist<int>mylist3 = mylist.reverse_copy ();
for (iter = mylist3.init_iter (); iter; iter = mylist3.next_iter ())
cout << iter->Value () << " ";
cout << "\nUse of concat_copy function:\n";
mylist.remove (3);
mylist.insert (mylist.init_iter (),16);
mylist2 = mylist3.concat_copy (mylist);
mylist2.display ();
return 0;
posted @
2006-04-11 20:33 Jonathan 阅读(830) |
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#ifndef N_GRID_H_
#define N_GRID_H_
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
template <typename Type, int N>
class N_Grid
//constructors and destructors
N_Grid ();
N_Grid (int size);
N_Grid (const N_Grid<Type, N> & );
~N_Grid ();
//member methods
N_Grid<Type, N> & operator = (const N_Grid<Type, N> & );
void resize (int size );
N_Grid<Type, N-1> & operator [] (int i);
const N_Grid<Type, N-1> & operator [] (int i)const ;
void print (std::ostream & os = std::cout)const;
int get_size ()const { return _size; }
static const int _Default_size = 10;
void copy_from (const N_Grid<Type, N> & );
int _size;
N_Grid<Type, N-1> *_elem;
template <typename Type, int N>
N_Grid<Type, N>::N_Grid(): _size (_Default_size)
_elem = new N_Grid<Type, N-1> [_size];
template <typename Type, int N>
N_Grid<Type, N>::N_Grid(int size) : _size (size)
_elem = new N_Grid<Type, N-1> [_size];
//Allocate the array above calls the 0-argument
//constructor for the N_Grid<Type, N-1>, which
//constructs it with the default size.
for (int i = 0; i < _size; i ++)
_elem[i].resize (_size);
template <typename Type, int N>
N_Grid<Type, N>::N_Grid(const N_Grid<Type,N> & n_grid)
copy_from (n_grid);
template <typename Type, int N>
N_Grid<Type, N>::~N_Grid ()
delete [] _elem;
template <typename Type, int N>
void N_Grid<Type, N>::copy_from(const N_Grid<Type,N> & n_grid)
_size = n_grid._size;
_elem = new N_Grid<Type, N-1> [_size];
for (int i = 0; i < _size; i++)
_elem[i] = n_grid._elem [i];
template <typename Type, int N>
N_Grid<Type, N> & N_Grid<Type, N>::operator =(const N_Grid<Type,N> & n_grid)
if (this == &n_grid)
return *this;
delete [] _elem;
copy_from (n_grid);
return *this;
template <typename Type, int N>
void N_Grid<Type, N>::resize(int size)
N_Grid<Type, N> temp (*this);
_size = size;
_elem = new N_Grid<Type, N-1> [_size];
for (int i = 0; i < _size && i < temp._size; i++)
_elem[i] = temp._elem[i];
//risize the nested Grid elements recursively
_elem[i].resize (_size);
template <typename Type, int N>
N_Grid<Type, N-1> & N_Grid<Type, N>::operator [](int i)
assert (i >= 0 && i < _size);
return _elem[i];
template <typename Type, int N>
const N_Grid<Type, N-1> & N_Grid<Type, N>::operator [](int i) const
assert (i >= 0 && i < _size);
return _elem[i];
template <typename Type, int N>
void N_Grid<Type, N>::print(std::ostream &os = std::cout) const
for (int i = 0; i < _size ; i++)
_elem[i].print ();
os << '\n';
template <typename Type>
class N_Grid<Type, 1>
//constructors and destructors
N_Grid ();
N_Grid (int size);
N_Grid (const N_Grid<Type, 1> & );
~N_Grid ();
//member methods
N_Grid<Type, 1> & operator = (const N_Grid<Type, 1> & );
void resize (int size );
N_Grid<Type, 1> & operator [] (int i);
const N_Grid<Type, 1> & operator [] (int i)const ;
void print (std::ostream & os = std::cout)const;
int get_size ()const { return _size; }
static const int _Default_size = 10;
void copy_from (const N_Grid<Type, 1> & );
int _size;
N_Grid<Type, 1> *_elem;
template <typename Type>
N_Grid<Type, 1>::N_Grid() : _size (_Default_size)
_elem = new Type [_size];
template <typename Type>
N_Grid<Type, 1>::N_Grid(int size) : _size (size)
_elem = new Type [_size];
template <typename Type>
N_Grid<Type, 1>::N_Grid(const N_Grid<Type, 1> & grid)
copy_from (grid);
template <typename Type>
N_Grid<Type, 1>::~N_Grid()
delete [] _elem;
template <typename Type>
void N_Grid<Type, 1>::copy_from(const N_Grid<Type,1> & grid)
_size = grid._size;
_elem = new Type [_size];
for (int i = 0; i < _size; i++)
_elem[i] = grid._elem[i];
template <typename Type>
N_Grid<Type, 1> & N_Grid<Type, 1>::operator =(const N_Grid<Type,1> & grid)
if (this == &grid)
return *this;
delete [] _elem;
copy_from (grid);
return *this;
template <typename Type>
void N_Grid<Type, 1>::resize(int size)
N_Grid<Type, 1> temp (*this);
_size = size;
_elem = new Type[_size];
for (int i = 0; i < _size; i++)
_elem[i] = temp._elem[i];
template <typename Type>
N_Grid<Type, 1> & N_Grid<Type, 1>::operator [](int i)
assert (i >= 0 && i < _size);
return _elem[i];
template <typename Type>
const N_Grid<Type, 1> & N_Grid<Type, 1>::operator [](int i) const
assert (i >= 0 && i < _size);
return _elem[i];
template <typename Type>
void N_Grid<Type, 1>::print(std::ostream &os = std::cout) const
for (int i = 0; i < _size; i++)
os << _size;
os << '\n';
posted @
2006-04-11 20:29 Jonathan 阅读(422) |
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posted @
2006-04-11 20:26 Jonathan 阅读(300) |
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