Please try to use db command "dbNetExtrNetPrint <netName>"
For example, if user wants to print out the parasitics of net "a3" :
ets 1> dbNetExtrNetPrint a3
Net Name : a3
Nr Res : 2
Nr Cap : 1
Nr XCap : 2
Nr Term : 2
0Node: U2:Y
1Node: U3:D
2Node: 2
0 C N: 2 val=34
0 XC N1: 2 N2: 2 val=120
1 XC N1: 2 N2: 2 val=120
0 R N1: U2:Y N2: 2 val=41
1 R N1: 2 N2: U3:D val=49
posted on 2012-12-06 14:20
Klarke 阅读(92)
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