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记录从VC6 到 VC8遇到的问题和解决办法
1) msvcr80d.dll 找不到
 1)) manifest WIN32 set Yes, 2)) ignore msvcrt.lib

Hi there,

I read every post in this thread without any help in my case.

The problem turned out: The DEBUG version was trying to link with BOTH msvcr80.dll and msvcr80d.dll.

Check if this is the case for you using the "dependency walker" on your executable. If these two are both loaded, then you got the same problem as I did.

The solution is to set "Properties->Linker->Input->Ignore Specific library" to "msvcrt.lib".


More details below:

I was compiling and running a program that uses opencv library. One of the libraries in opencv (highgui to be exact) was linking with non-debug versions of some graphics libraries even in its debug version. Apparently this was OK before. 

This resulted in my debug version program linking with both msvcr80.dll and msvcr80d.dll. It appears this is a problem since the manifest only mentions one of these libraries and the other one (msvcr80.dll) appears not to be found causing the error mentioned in this thread. Why no-one in this thread mentioned that this could be the case is beyond me. I found out about this using "dependency walker" on the .exe that I compile and/or the highgui100d.dll that I load from the library.

That is the reason the complaint is about msvcr80.dll and not msvcr80d.dll in VS8!!!

The fix is to re-compile highgui100d.dll (debug version) with Properties->Linker->Input->Ignore Specific library set to singly "msvcrt.dll".

Just wanted to add this so other people do not waste time as I did...



2) MFC 
 MFC 从VC6到V8变动很大,
// VC8
LRESULT CDialogBar::HandleInitDialog(WPARAM, LPARAM)
 Default();  // allow default to initialize first (common dialogs/etc)

 // create OLE controls
 COccManager* pOccManager = afxOccManager;
 if ((pOccManager != NULL) && (m_pOccDialogInfo != NULL))
  if (!pOccManager->CreateDlgControls(this, m_lpszTemplateName,
   TRACE(traceAppMsg, 0, "Warning: CreateDlgControls failed during dialog bar init.\n");
   return FALSE;

 return FALSE;

LRESULT CDialogBar::HandleInitDialog(WPARAM, LPARAM)
 Default();  // allow default to initialize first (common dialogs/etc)

 // create OLE controls
 COccManager* pOccManager = afxOccManager;
 if ((pOccManager != NULL) && (m_pOccDialogInfo != NULL))
  if (!pOccManager->CreateDlgControls(this, m_lpszTemplateName,
   TRACE0("Warning: CreateDlgControls failed during dialog bar init.\n");
   return FALSE;

 return TRUE;


posted on 2008-03-15 02:57 MDnullWHO 阅读(970) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用

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