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今天看到一个网友在谈论一个关于The Tower of Babylon的, 见,感觉其实就是个按关键字面积插入排序的问题。于是用插入排序算法实现如下。

We have 4 kinds of blocks, they are:
Building the tower of babylon...
The max height of tower is: 18.
Totally 7 blocks are used, they are:
(1) block (1,1,1), area = 1
(2) block (1,2,3), area = 2
(3) block (1,2,3), area = 3
(4) block (2,3,2), area = 4
(5) block (2,3,4), area = 6
(6) block (2,3,4), area = 8
(7) block (2,3,4), area = 12

// File: [TowerOfBabylon.cpp]
// Description:[This program illustrates how to get the Tower Of Babylon. the Tower Of Babylon: Given N kinds of blocks,
// you need to buid the tower under the condition that every upper block's area should less than the lower one.]
// Author:[SoRoMan]
// Date:[2006-08-08]
// Version:[2.0]
// History: [1.0: initial draft.
// 2.0: add a new type TOWER
// 3.0: chnage the sequence data structure to list structure to avoid memory access violation.]

// INCLUDES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include "stdio.h"
#include "malloc.h"

// DEFINES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#define N 4

// TYPES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
typedef struct BLOCK_TYP
 int x,y,z;
 int area;
 int height;
 BLOCK_TYP *pNext;

typedef struct TOWER_TYP
 int height;
 int num_block;

 BLOCK_PTR pTowerTop;

// PROTOTYPES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
TOWER_PTR BuildTower(BLOCK_PTR pBlock, int n);

// FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
int main(int argc, wchar_t* argv[])
 BLOCK blocks[N] = {{1,1,1},{2,2,2},{3,3,3},{4,4,4}};

 printf("We have %d kinds of blocks, they are:\n", N);
 int i;
 for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
  printf("(%d,%d,%d)\n", blocks[i].x, blocks[i].y, blocks[i].z);
 printf("Building the tower of babylon...\n");

 TOWER_PTR pT = BuildTower(blocks, N);
 printf("The max height of tower is: %d.\nTotally %d blocks are used, they are:\n", pT->height, pT->num_block );

 BLOCK_PTR pBlock = pT->pTowerTop;
 for(i = 0; i < pT->num_block; i++)
        printf("(%d) block (%d,%d,%d), area = %d, height = %d\n", i+1, pBlock->x, pBlock->y, pBlock->z, pBlock->area, pBlock->height); 
  pBlock = pBlock->pNext;


 return 0;

// Algorithm of building the Tower Of Babylon.
// Input Parameters: pBlock: pointer variable that identifies blocks sequence.
// n: int variable that identifies how many kinds of blocks.
// Output Parameters: None.
// Return: pointer variable that identifies the built tower.
TOWER_PTR BuildTower(BLOCK_PTR pBlock, int n)
 int index_block = 0;
 TOWER_PTR pTower = new TOWER();
 BLOCK_PTR pTop = new BLOCK(); 
 pTower->pTowerTop = pTop;

 // initialize tower
 pTower->pTowerTop->x = pBlock->x;
 pTower->pTowerTop->y = pBlock->y;
 pTower->pTowerTop->z = pBlock->z;

 pTower->pTowerTop->area = (pBlock->x)*(pBlock->y);
 pTower->pTowerTop->height = pBlock->z;
 pTower->height = pTower->pTowerTop->height;
 pTower->num_block = 1;
 for(int i = 1; i < 3*n; i++)
  index_block = i/3;
  if (i%3 == 0) // condition 1, area = x*y, height = z.
   (pBlock+index_block)->area = ((pBlock+index_block)->x)*((pBlock+index_block)->y);
   (pBlock+index_block)->height = (pBlock+index_block)->z;
  else if (i%3 == 1) // condition 2, area = x*z, height = y.
   (pBlock+index_block)->area = ((pBlock+index_block)->x)*((pBlock+index_block)->z);
   (pBlock+index_block)->height = (pBlock+index_block)->y;
  else // condition 3, area = y*z, height = z.
   (pBlock+index_block)->area = ((pBlock+index_block)->y)*((pBlock+index_block)->z);
   (pBlock+index_block)->height = (pBlock+index_block)->x;
  bool bNeedToBeAdded = true; 

  BLOCK_PTR pB = pTower->pTowerTop;
  BLOCK_PTR pPrev = pTower->pTowerTop;
  while(pB != NULL)
   if ((pBlock+index_block)->area < (pB->area))
 // insert new block
 BLOCK_PTR pNewBlock = new BLOCK(); 
    *pNewBlock = *(pBlock+index_block);

 if(pB == pPrev)
  pNewBlock->pNext = pB;
  pTower->pTowerTop = pNewBlock;
  pNewBlock->pNext = pPrev->pNext;
  pPrev->pNext = pNewBlock;
    // increase number of blocks
    // increase height of tower
    pTower->height += (pBlock+index_block)->height;
    bNeedToBeAdded = false;
   else if ((pBlock+index_block)->area == (pB->area))
    if (pB->height < ((pBlock+index_block)->height))
     // increase height of tower
     pTower->height += (pBlock+index_block)->height - pB->height;
     // replace blocks
  BLOCK_PTR pNewBlock = new BLOCK(); 
  *pNewBlock = *(pBlock+index_block);

  if (pB == pPrev)
  pNewBlock->pNext = pB->pNext;
  pTower->pTowerTop = pNewBlock;
   pNewBlock->pNext = pB->pNext;
   pPrev->pNext = pNewBlock;

    bNeedToBeAdded = false;

   pPrev = pB;
   pB = pB->pNext;
   // add new block at the end
   BLOCK_PTR pNewBlock = new BLOCK(); 
   *pNewBlock = *(pBlock+index_block);
   pPrev->pNext = pNewBlock;
   pNewBlock->pNext = NULL;

   // increase number of blocks
   // increase height of tower
   pTower->height += (pBlock+index_block)->height;

 return pTower;





posted on 2006-08-09 17:32 SoRoMan 阅读(2586) 评论(2)  编辑 收藏 引用


# re: 思考:关于The Tower of Babylon 2006-08-09 19:14 sicheng
由于本人的疏忽 题目描述地不是很清楚,所以特此也把整个原题贴出来
我给您留了信息 希望能交个朋友  回复  更多评论

# re: 思考:关于The Tower of Babylon 2011-07-25 14:12 Sleepy

互相探讨学习一下,我的代码(用到VECTOR VC6.0):

// The Tower of Babylon.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>

#include <vector>
using namespace std;

class Block
int x;
int y;
int z;

Block(int X, int Y, int Z) : x(X) , y(Y), z(Z) { };

inline int GetHeight() const { return z; }

bool CanOverlapped(const Block& block) const
{ return (x < block.x && y < block.y) || (x < block.y && y < block.x); }

typedef vector< Block > BLOCKVEC;

void InserByOverlap(BLOCKVEC& vecBlock, const Block& block)
BLOCKVEC::iterator pos;
for (pos = vecBlock.begin(); pos != vecBlock.end(); pos++)
if ((*pos).CanOverlapped(block))

vecBlock.insert(pos, block);

void AddItem(BLOCKVEC& vecBlock, int x, int y, int z)
InserByOverlap(vecBlock, Block(x, y, z));
InserByOverlap(vecBlock, Block(y, z, x));
InserByOverlap(vecBlock, Block(z, x, y));

void RecursiveCalcHegiht(const BLOCKVEC& Blocks, const Block& BlockPre, int nIndex,
int nHeghtPre, int& nHeightest, BLOCKVEC BlockStack, BLOCKVEC& BlockOverlap)
for (int i = nIndex; i < Blocks.size(); i++)
if (Blocks[i].CanOverlapped(BlockPre))
RecursiveCalcHegiht(Blocks, Blocks[i], i + 1, nHeghtPre + Blocks[i].GetHeight(), nHeightest, BlockStack, BlockOverlap);

if (nHeghtPre > nHeightest)
nHeightest = nHeghtPre;
BlockOverlap = BlockStack;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int nCount;
int x, y, z;
BLOCKVEC vecBlock;

scanf("%d", &nCount);

scanf("%d %d %d", &x, &y, &z);

AddItem(vecBlock, x, y, z);

int nHeightest = 0;
BLOCKVEC BlockOverlap;
Block BlockBase(INT_MAX, INT_MAX, INT_MAX);

RecursiveCalcHegiht(vecBlock, BlockBase, 0, 0, nHeightest, BlockOverlap, BlockOverlap);

printf("Heightst : %d\n", nHeightest);

BLOCKVEC::reverse_iterator pos;
for (pos = BlockOverlap.rbegin(); pos != BlockOverlap.rend(); pos++)
printf("%d, %d, %d \n", (*pos).x, (*pos).y, (*pos).z);

return 0;

可以考虑用这里的数据来测试:  回复  更多评论

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