MUI,其英文全拼为:Multilingual User Interface。这几天思考如何运用多语言的问题,查到了一些相关资料,贴出来与大家分享。
Multilingual User Interface (MUI)
The Multilingual User Interface (MUI) allows users to change the language of the user interface (UI). To make this possible, the MUI uses a single core binary that includes the system default language, together with one resource dynamic-link library (DLL) for each additional target language. The target device boots with the system default language and then a new user-selected language goes into effect after a soft reset. This switch requires recreating windows, menus, and dialog boxes with the newly loaded resources. In addition, to be considered successful, the language switch must display these elements with the correct fonts and with the correct locale-specific information.
In This Section
For All Platforms:
Multilingual User Interface (MUI) Application Development
Provides an overview of the MUI architecture. Provides instructions on how to work with fonts in a multilingual user-interface environment and shows how to use MUI with applications.
Multilingual User Interface (MUI) Reference
Provides reference pages for the MUI application programming interface.
For Windows Embedded CE:
Multilingual User Interface (MUI) OS Design Development
Provides information about the MUI support that is helpful when designing and developing a Windows Embedded CE OS. This includes dependency information, the modules and components that implement MUI, and MUI implementation considerations.
How to Create a Multilingual Run-time Image Using MUI
Demonstrates how to create a run-time image in both French and English by using MUI.
Multilingual User Interface (MUI) Registry Settings
Provides registry-related information for MUI.
Multilingual User Interface (MUI) Migration
Provides information about factors to consider when migrating to a newer version of Windows Embedded CE
posted on 2008-11-23 11:07
Sandy 阅读(2048)
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