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August 1982 RFC 821        Simple Mail Transfer Protocol 

         211 System status, or system help reply
         214 Help message
            [Information on how to use the receiver or the meaning of a
            particular non-standard command; this reply is useful only
            to the human user]
         220 <domain> Service ready
         221 <domain> Service closing transmission channel
         250 Requested mail action okay, completed
         251 User not local; will forward to <forward-path>

         354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>

         421 <domain> Service not available,
             closing transmission channel
            [This may be a reply to any command if the service knows it
            must shut down]
         450 Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable
            [E.g., mailbox busy]
         451 Requested action aborted: local error in processing
         452 Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage

         500 Syntax error, command unrecognized
            [This may include errors such as command line too long]
         501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments
         502 Command not implemented
         503 Bad sequence of commands
         504 Command parameter not implemented
         550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable
            [E.g., mailbox not found, no access]
         551 User not local; please try <forward-path>
         552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation
         553 Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed
            [E.g., mailbox syntax incorrect]
         554 Transaction failed

4.5.3. SIZES 
There are several objects that have required minimum maximum sizes. That is, every implementation must be able to receive objects of at least these sizes, but must not send objects larger than these sizes. 


The maximum total length of a user name is 64 characters. 

The maximum total length of a domain name or number is 64 characters. 

The maximum total length of a reverse-path or forward-path is 256 characters (including the punctuation and element separators). 
            command line

The maximum total length of a command line including the command word and the <CRLF> is 512 characters. 
            reply line

The maximum total length of a reply line including the reply code and the <CRLF> is 512 characters. 
RFC 821 August 1982 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol 
            text line

The maximum total length of a text line including the <CRLF> is 1000 characters (but not counting the leading dot duplicated for transparency). 
            recipients buffer

The maximum total number of recipients that must be buffered is 100 recipients. 

Errors due to exceeding these limits may be reported by using the reply codes, for example: 
            500 Line too long.

            501 Path too long

            552 Too many recipients.

            552 Too much mail data.


RFC 2259        Simple Nomenclator Query Protocol (SNQP)         January 1998

4. Replies 
Most SNQP replies are short. They have a rely code followed by a continuation character and reply text. If the continuation character is blank, the reply is complete. If the continuation character is a dash ("-"), the reply continues on the next line. Text within the reply can vary, but the reply code remains the same. A two line reply example is given below: 

      nnn Message2

In some cases commands or replies may be long, so these commands/replies use the '.'-terminated block structure that is used for message bodies in SMTP. Blocks are comprised of lines of text that constitute the command/reply. Blocks are terminated with a period on a line by itself. 
The theory of reply codes explained for SMTP in RFC 821 is used here. Table 2 defines the reply code structure. Reply codes are three digits, xyz. The x digit indicates the command status. The y digit indicates the component of the system that generated the reply. The z digit allows for further distinctions within replies from the same component. 

      1yz   Positive preliminary reply (not used in SNQP)
      2yz   Positive completion reply
      3yz   Positive intermediate reply
      4yz   Transient negative completion reply
      5yz   Permanent negative completion reply
      6yx   Transient negative intermediate reply
      7yx   Permanent negative intermediate reply

      x0z   Syntax or semantic problem
      x1z   Informational reply
      x2z   Related to transmission channel
      x3z   Formatted (location coded) report for GUI
      x4z   Status message to be displayed by GUI
      x5z   Related to query resolver
      x6z   Related to data repository
      x9z   Component generating the error is unknown or suspect

Table 2: Reply Code Structure 

The GUI-related reply codes are only used if the server has been informed that it is communicating with a graphical user interface, via the imagui command. For such codes in the x3z space, digit "z" takes on the role of digit "y" in other codes. I.e. 735 are permanent negative intermediate replies about the query resolver. 
Table 3a and Table 3b list the defined regular (non-GUI) reply codes. Text messages for the reply codes may vary. The codes are sorted numerically. 

      210-The following commands are available:
      211-There are <n> relations defined:
      212-There are <n> attributes in relation "<relation>":
      213 Performing <comparison-type> type equality comparisons
      214 Basic advice enabled.  Query responses disabled.
      214 Advice enabled for "<attribute>" in "<relation>"
      215 GUI responses enabled
      215 GUI responses disabled
      216 Query responses enabled.  Advice disabled.

      220 <domain-name> <snqp-service-name> Query Service ready
      221 <domain-name> closing transmission channel

      250 All queries processed
      250 All queries processed.  Current through <time>.
      251 All pending queries and responses discarded

      340 Searching <n> data repositories
      350 Send the query text, end with .
      351 Partial response follows, ended with .
      352 Beginning next query in batch
      352 Beginning next query in batch.  Previous current through <time>.
      353 Starting next query. Any pending responses discarded.
      354 The query will contact <n> data repositories, ended with .
      355 There are <n> attributes that may constrain the query, ended with .
      356 There are <n> possible values for attribute "<attribute>":
      357 There are <n> constraining values for attribute "<attribute>":

      420 Too many connections in progress. Try later.
      421 Error in communicating with <snqp-service-name>
      450 No query in progress
      451 Cancel ignored

Table 3a: Reply Codes 
      450 Query already in progress
      490 Internal error: Invalid query reference number
      491 System error: <error number or message>
      492 Internal error: Out of client table space
      499 <snqp-service-name> shutting down
      500 Sorry, no help is available for "<command>"
      501 Unknown command
      502 Too many arguments for this command
      502 Not enough arguments for this command

      514 Advice not available
      514 Advice not available on <attribute>

      552 Query blocks are limited to one SQL query
      553 Unknown relation
      553 Unknown relation.  Current through <TIME>.
      554 Unknown attribute
      555 Unknown comparison type
      556 T-bounds not supported
      557 Will not list more than <n> data repositories
      557 Will not list more than <n> attribute values
      557 Will not list more than <n> responses
      557 Too many data repositories to list
      557 Too many attribute values to list
      557 Too many responses to list
      557 Too many data repositories to search

      651 <Error message from query resolver>
      653 <Communications error> with <location> <location description>
      660 <Error> from <location> <location description>

      700 <SQL parse error message>
      750 <SQL semantic error message>
      751 <Error message from query resolver>
      761 <Requirements error> for <location> <location description>

      790 Internal error: <fatal error from SNQP server>

Table 3b: Reply Codes (Continued) 

Table 4 lists the defined GUI reply codes. Text messages for the reply codes may vary. The codes are sorted numerically. An explanation of the codes follows the table. 

      331 nnnnnnn! <message>
      331 nnnnnnn.mmmmmm <message>
      331 nnnnnnn-mmmmmm <message>
      730 nnnnnnnammmmmm e <parse error message>
      735 nnnnnnnammmmmm e <semantic error message>
      340 <status>

Table 4: GUI Reply Codes 

In Table 4, nnnnnnn is the line number in a query block, and mmmmmm is the column in the line. Both numbers begin counting with 1. The exclamation point response directs the program to list information after line n. The period response directs the program to break line n at column m. The hyphen response directs the program to flag line n at column m. Replies 730 and 735 direct the GUI to indicate the parsing or semantic error at line n, column m. Response 340 provides status information that can be displayed immediately in the GUI's status line. A sample status message is one that indicates which data repository is being contacted. 


RFC 2554             SMTP Service Extension   for Authentication         March 1999

6. Error Codes

   The following error codes may be used to indicate various conditions
   as described.

   432 A password transition is needed

   This response to the AUTH command indicates that the user needs to
   transition to the selected authentication mechanism.  This typically
   done by authenticating once using the PLAIN authentication mechanism.

   534 Authentication mechanism is too weak

   This response to the AUTH command indicates that the selected
   authentication mechanism is weaker than server policy permits for
   that user.

   538 Encryption required for requested authentication mechanism

   This response to the AUTH command indicates that the selected
   authentication mechanism may only be used when the underlying SMTP
   connection is encrypted.

   454 Temporary authentication failure

   This response to the AUTH command indicates that the authentication
   failed due to a temporary server failure.

   530 Authentication required

   This response may be returned by any command other than AUTH, EHLO,
   HELO, NOOP, RSET, or QUIT.  It indicates that server policy requires
   authentication in order to perform the requested action.

   535 Authentication unsuccessful

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