eSNACC运行时库直接支持各种各样的ASN.1字符串定义。这包括PrintableString, BMPString, TeletexString, NumericString, IA5String, UniversalString, UTF8String, VisibleString。其做法也大同小异,所有这些字符串都是在eSNACC的字节串基础上typedef过来的,例如:

typedef AsnOcts PrintableString; /**//* [UNIVERSAL 19] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING */
static int chkPrintableString(PrintableString *checkBuf)

unsigned int i;
char temp;

if (checkBuf == NULL)
return -1;
for (i = 0; i < checkBuf->octetLen; i++)

temp = checkBuf->octs[i];

/**//* Check A-Z */
if ((temp < 'A') || (temp > 'Z'))


/**//* Check for a-z */
if ((temp < 'a') || (temp > 'z'))


/**//* Check for 0-9 */
if ((temp < '0') || (temp > '9'))

switch (temp)


case ' ': /**//* space */
case '\'': /* apostrophe */

case '(': /**//* left parenthesis */

case ')': /**//* right parenthesis */

case '+': /**//* plus sign */

case ',': /**//* comma */

case '-': /**//* hyphen */

case '.': /**//* full stop (period) */

case '/': /**//* solidus */

case ':': /**//* colon */

case '=': /**//* equal sign */

case '?': /**//* question mark */

return -1;

return 0;

} /**//* end of chkPrintableString() */
AsnLen BEncBMPStringContent(GenBuf *b, BMPString *octs)

if ((octs->octetLen % 2) != 0)

BufSetWriteError (b, TRUE);
return BEncAsnOctsContent(b, octs);

} /**//* end of BEncBMPStringContent() */

void BDecBMPStringContent(GenBuf *b, AsnTag tagId, AsnLen len,BMPString *result, AsnLen *bytesDecoded,ENV_TYPE env)

BDecAsnOctsContent(b, tagId, len, result, bytesDecoded, env);
if ((result->octetLen % 2) != 0)

Asn1Error ("BDecBMPStringContent: ERROR - Invalid BMPString Format");
longjmp (env, -40);
static int chkNumericString(NumericString *checkBuf)

unsigned int i;
if (checkBuf == NULL)
return -1;

for (i = 0; i < checkBuf->octetLen; i++)

if ((checkBuf->octs[i] != ' ') &&
((checkBuf->octs[i] < '0') || (checkBuf->octs[i] > '9')))
return -1;

return 0;

} /**//* end of chkNumericString() */
在微软的网站上,对IA5的解释是:The International Alphabet number 5 (IA5) is generally equivalent to the ASCII alphabet, but different versions can include accents or other characters specific to a regional language. eSNACC给的判断函数是:
static int checkIA5String(IA5String *octs)

unsigned int i;

if (octs == NULL)
return -1;

for (i = 0; i < octs->octetLen; i++)

if ((unsigned char)octs->octs[i] > 0x7F)
return -1;

return 0;
AsnLen BEncUniversalStringContent(GenBuf *b, UniversalString *octs)

if ((octs->octetLen % 4) != 0)

Asn1Error ("BEncUniversalStringContent: ERROR - Invalid UniversalString Format");
GenBufSetWriteError (b, TRUE);
return BEncAsnOctsContent(b, octs);

} /**//* end of BEncUniversalStringContent() */

void BDecUniversalStringContent(GenBuf *b, AsnTag tagId, AsnLen len,UniversalString *result, AsnLen *bytesDecoded,ENV_TYPE env)

BDecAsnOctsContent (b, tagId, len, result, bytesDecoded, env);
if ((result->octetLen % 4) != 0)

Asn1Error ("BDecUniversalStringContent: ERROR - Invalid UniversalString Format");
longjmp (env, -40);

} /**//* end of BDecUniversalStringContent() */
static int chkVisibleString(VisibleString *checkBuf)

unsigned int i;
char temp;

if (checkBuf == NULL)
return -1;
for (i = 0; i < checkBuf->octetLen; i++)

temp = checkBuf->octs[i];

/**//* Check A-Z */
if((unsigned int)temp > 128)

return -1;

return 0;

} /**//* end of chkVisibleString() */
UTF-8是UNICODE的一种变长字符编码又称万国码,由Ken Thompson于1992年创建。现在已经标准化为RFC 3629。UTF-8用1到6个字节编码UNICODE字符。eSNACC用字节串来表示UTF8String,但是有一个判断这个字节串是否有效UTF8String的函数,并且还定义了UTF8String和wchar类型相互转换的函数,或许从这些函数中,我们能学习eSNACC是怎么处理UTF-8编码的。
typedef struct

unsigned char mask;
unsigned char value;
unsigned long maxCharValue;
} MaskValue;

/**//* Global Values */

const MaskValue gUTF8Masks[MAX_UTF8_OCTS_PER_CHAR] =

{ 0x80, 0x00, 0x0000007F }, /**//* one-byte encoding 标记为0XXX XXXX*/

{ 0xE0, 0xC0, 0x000007FF }, /**//* two-byte encoding 标记为110X XXXX*/

{ 0xF0, 0xE0, 0x0000FFFF }, /**//* three-byte encoding 标记为1110 XXXX*/

{ 0xF8, 0xF0, 0x0001FFFF }, /**//* four-byte encoding 标记为1111 0XXX*/

{ 0xFC, 0xF8, 0x03FFFFFF }, /**//* five-byte encoding 标记为1111 10XX*/

{ 0xFE, 0xFC, 0x07FFFFFF } /**//* six-byte encoding 标记为1111 110X*/
static bool IsValidUTF8String(UTF8String* octs)

unsigned long i;
unsigned int j;

if (octs == NULL)
return false;

i = 0;
while (i < octs->octetLen)


/**//* Determine the number of UTF-8 octets that follow the first */
for (j = 0; (j < MAX_UTF8_OCTS_PER_CHAR) &&
((gUTF8Masks[j].mask & octs->octs[i]) != gUTF8Masks[j].value); j++)

/**//* Return false if the first octet was invalid or if the number of
subsequent octets exceeds the UTF8String length */
if ((j == MAX_UTF8_OCTS_PER_CHAR) || ((i + j) >= octs->octetLen))
return false;

/**//* Skip over first octet */

/**//* Check that each subsequent octet is properly formatted */
for (; j > 0; j--)

if ((octs->octs[i++] & 0xC0) != 0x80)
return false;

return true;
首先通过掩码来判断第一个字节,确定当前这个字符是用几个字节来表示的。可能的是1-6,如果不是就会报错。如果是一个,那么当前这个字节就是这个字符了,也就是只要字符小于0x7F,就只需要一个字符:这对应了MaskValue中的maxCharValue。其余的情况类似。而函数末尾那个for说明了:utf8的格式为:如果一个字符用了大于1个字节来表示,那么除了第一个用于表长度的字节以外,后面的表值的字节必须是10XX XXXX的样式。
那么一个wchar字符是如何用utf8来表示的呢?我们看看wchar -> utf8的函数:
int CvtWchar2UTF8(wchar_t *inStr, char **utf8Str)

size_t wLen;
unsigned int i, j, x, y;
size_t wchar_size = sizeof(wchar_t);
wchar_t temp_wchar;

/**//* Check parameters */
if ((inStr == NULL) || (utf8Str == NULL))
return -1;

wLen = wcslen(inStr);

/**//* Allocate and clear memory for a worst case UTF-8 string */
*utf8Str = (char*)calloc(wLen * (wchar_size / 2 * 3) + 1, sizeof(char));
if (*utf8Str == NULL)
return -2;

/**//* Convert each wide character into a UTF-8 char sequence */
for (i = 0, x = 0; i < wLen; i++)

temp_wchar = inStr[i];

/**//* Return an error if the wide character is invalid */
if (temp_wchar < 0)

*utf8Str = NULL;
return -3;

/**//* Determine the number of characters required to encode this wide
character */
for (j = 0; (j < MAX_UTF8_OCTS_PER_CHAR) &&
(temp_wchar > gUTF8Masks[j].maxCharValue); j++)

/**//* Return an error if the wide character is invalid */

*utf8Str = NULL;
return -3;

/**//* Skip over the first UTF-8 octet and encode the remaining octets
(if any) from right-to-left. Fill in the least significant six bits
of each octet with the low-order bits from the wide character value */
for (y = j; y > 0; y--)

(*utf8Str)[x + y] = (char)(0x80 | (temp_wchar & 0x3F));
temp_wchar >>= 6;

/**//* Encode the first UTF-8 octet */
(*utf8Str)[x] = gUTF8Masks[j].value;
(*utf8Str)[x++] |= ~gUTF8Masks[j].mask & temp_wchar;

/**//* Update the UTF-8 string index (skipping over the subsequent octets
already encoded */
x += j;

return 0;

} /**//* end of CvtWchar2UTF8() */
对应的utf8 -> wchar 函数:
int CvtUTF8towchar(char *utf8Str, wchar_t **outStr)

unsigned int len, i, j, x;
size_t wchar_size = sizeof(wchar_t);

if ((utf8Str == NULL) || (outStr == NULL))
return -1;

len = strlen(utf8Str);

/**//* Allocate and clear the memory for a worst case result wchar_t string */
*outStr = (wchar_t*)calloc(len + 1, sizeof(wchar_t));
if (*outStr == NULL)
return -2;

/**//* Convert the UTF-8 string to a wchar_t string */
i = 0;
x = 0;
while (i < len)


/**//* Determine the number of UTF-8 octets that follow the first */
for (j = 0; (j < MAX_UTF8_OCTS_PER_CHAR) &&
((gUTF8Masks[j].mask & utf8Str[i]) != gUTF8Masks[j].value); j++)

/**//* Return an error if the first octet was invalid or if the number of
subsequent octets exceeds the UTF-8 string length */
if ((j == MAX_UTF8_OCTS_PER_CHAR) || ((i + j) >= len))

*outStr = NULL;
return -3;

/**//* Return an error if the size of the wchar_t doesn't support the
size of this UTF-8 character */
if ((j > 2) && (wchar_size < 4))

*outStr = NULL;
return -4;

/**//* Copy the bits from the first octet into the wide character */
(*outStr)[x] = (char)(~gUTF8Masks[j].mask & utf8Str[i++]);

/**//* Add in the bits from each subsequent octet */
for (; j > 0; j--)


/**//* Return an error if a subsequent octet isn't properly formatted */
if ((utf8Str[i] & 0xC0) != 0x80)

*outStr = NULL;
return -3;

(*outStr)[x] <<= 6;
(*outStr)[x] |= utf8Str[i++] & 0x3F;

/**//* Reallocate the wchar string memory to its correct size */
if (x < len)

*outStr = (wchar_t*)realloc(*outStr, (x + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t));
if (*outStr == NULL)
return -2;

return 0;