Sun‘s Game Server technology logically is divided vertically into 3 layers: Communications,Simulation Logic, and Object Store.
The Object Store layer contains the game states for all games running in the Game Server. It is a highly efficient(tenths of a millisecond per operation), scalable, and fault-tolerant transactional database layer that provides deadlock proof access to the simulation objects, which can either be locked (a write-lock) or peeked (a nonrepeatable read).
The Simulation Logic layer is responsible for executing the actual game code. Here, tasks are created based on incoming events which, in turn, check objects out of the Object Store as needed. When a task is completed, the object is updated and returned to the Object Store.
The Communications layer organizes player communication into channels of grouped communicators. It manages routing of data packets between the players and the Simulation Logic servers, and between the players themselves. It also is responsible for translation to and from other forms of networking (e.g., HTTP communications to and from cell phones).
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posted on 2010-08-31 15:57
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