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src/fltk3/font.h (fltk1.3.X对应的文件是src/fl_font.h)
class Fl_Font_Descriptor {
#  ifdef WIN32
  HFONT fid;
  int *width[64];
  unsigned char *widthcached[64]; // 0-not cache, 1-cached //这里增加定义

Fl_Font_Descriptor::Fl_Font_Descriptor(const char* name, fltk3::Fontsize fsize)
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
        width[i] = NULL;
        widthcached[i] = NULL; // 这里增加

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
        if ( width[i] != NULL ) free(width[i]);
        if ( widthcached[i] != NULL ) free(widthcached[i]); // 这里增加
double fltk3::GDIGraphicsDriver::width(unsigned int c) // 修改主体就是这个方法,具体代码如下
    Fl_Font_Descriptor *fontsize = font_descriptor();
    unsigned int r;
    SIZE s;
    // Special Case Handling of Unicode points over U+FFFF.
    // The logic (below) computes a lookup table for char widths
    // on-the-fly, but the table only covers codepoints up to
    // U+FFFF, which covers the basic multilingual plane, but
    // not any higher plane, or glyphs that require surrogate-pairs
    // to encode them in WinXX, which is UTF16.
    // This code assumes that these glyphs are rarely used and simply
    // measures them explicitly if they occur - This will be slow...
    if(c > 0x0000FFFF) { // UTF16 surrogate pair is needed
        if (!fl_gc) { // We have no valid gc, so nothing to measure - bail out
            return 0.0;
        int cc; // cell count
        unsigned short u16[4]; // Array for UTF16 representation of c
        // Creates a UTF16 string from a UCS code point.
        cc = fltk3::ucs_to_Utf16(c, u16, 4);
        // Make sure the current font is selected before we make the measurement
        SelectObject(fl_gc, fontsize->fid);
        // measure the glyph width
        GetTextExtentPoint32W(fl_gc, (WCHAR*)u16, cc, &s);
        return (double)s.cx;
    // else - this falls through to the lookup-table for glyph widths
    // in the basic multilingual plane
    r = (c & 0xFC00) >> 10;
    unsigned short ii;
    HDC gc;
    HWND hWnd;
    if (!fontsize->width[r]) {
        fontsize->width[r] = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * 0x0400);
        fontsize->widthcached[r] = (unsigned char *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * 0x0400);
        for (int k=0; k<0x0400; k++) fontsize->widthcached[r][k] = 0;
        ii = r * 0x400;
        // The following code makes a best effort attempt to obtain a valid fl_gc.
        // If no fl_gc is available at the time we call fltk3::width(), then we first
        // try to obtain a gc from the first fltk window.
        // If that is null then we attempt to obtain the gc from the current screen
        // using (GetDC(NULL)).
        // This should resolve STR #2086
        gc = fl_gc;
        hWnd = 0;
        if (!gc) { // We have no valid gc, try and obtain one
            // Use our first fltk window, or fallback to using the screen via GetDC(NULL)
            hWnd = fltk3::first_window() ? fl_xid(fltk3::first_window()) : NULL;
            gc = GetDC(hWnd);
        if (!gc) fltk3::fatal("Invalid graphic context: fltk3::width() failed because no valid HDC was found!");
        SelectObject(gc, fontsize->fid);
        ii += c &0x03FF;
        GetTextExtentPoint32W(gc, (WCHAR*)&ii, 1, &s);
        fontsize->width[r][c&0x03FF] = s.cx;
        fontsize->widthcached[r][c&0x03FF] = 1;
        if (gc && gc!=fl_gc) ReleaseDC(hWnd, gc);
        //printf("[%d,%X]\n", s.cx, c);
    } else {
        if ( fontsize->widthcached[r][c&0x03FF] == 1 ) return (double) fontsize->width[r][c & 0x03FF];
        ii = r * 0x400;
        gc = fl_gc;
        hWnd = 0;
        if (!gc) { // We have no valid gc, try and obtain one
            // Use our first fltk window, or fallback to using the screen via GetDC(NULL)
            hWnd = fltk3::first_window() ? fl_xid(fltk3::first_window()) : NULL;
            gc = GetDC(hWnd);
        if (!gc) fltk3::fatal("Invalid graphic context: fltk3::width() failed because no valid HDC was found!");
        SelectObject(gc, fontsize->fid);
        ii += c &0x03FF;
        GetTextExtentPoint32W(gc, (WCHAR*)&ii, 1, &s);
        fontsize->width[r][c&0x03FF] = s.cx;
        fontsize->widthcached[r][c&0x03FF] = 1;
        if (gc && gc!=fl_gc) ReleaseDC(hWnd, gc);
        //printf("[%d,%X]\n", s.cx, c);
    return (double) fontsize->width[r][c & 0x03FF];

posted on 2014-04-29 17:28 cyantree 阅读(2008) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用

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