Posted on 2016-03-28 22:24
eryar 阅读(2910)
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4.AVEVA Solution 、
RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released
RvmTranslator4.0 beta version is released! The big change is able to translate RVM to 3D PDF, including the design element hierarchy, color information.
Figure 1. Piping model in AVEVA PDMS
Figure 2. Piping model in Adobe Reader
You can navigate the design element by the assembly tree just like you in PDMS design explorer:
Figure 3. Navigate by the Model Tree
You can add comment for the model, this is often used in the model review:
Figure 4. Add comment to the model
You can measure the distance, radius and angle in the model:
Figure 5. Measure distance in 3D PDF
The 3D PDF file is smaller and can add comment and measure the distance, angle, .etc, so 3D PDF is best suited for the model review workflow for plant design.
The RvmTranslator4.0 Beta version is only translate text RVM to 3D PDF for testing, you can download it from here: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-03-29 09:54 by
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-03-29 15:40 by
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-03-29 15:42 by
Hi Eryar
I am impressed with your translator and able to translate the spooler with no problem. However when I tried to convert a few RVM files of mine (around 60MB-70MB), it alsways stop about 5minutes of processing and said RVMTranslator not responding.
Thank you.
With Best Regards
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-03-29 19:12 by
Hi Cwingz,
Thanks for your feedback.
The 4.0 Beta version of RvmTranslator only can translate text RVM to 3D PDF.
And your RVM files are too large for RvmTranslator, especially the binary RVM files. I think you can export smaller RVM file to have a try.
Best Regards,
Shing Liu
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-03-30 14:18 by
Hi Shing Liu
Thank you for your quick response, really appreciate it. Would like to ask if you have any tools/recommendations to segregate the large RVM files (70MB) into smaller portion without exporting?
With Best Regards
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-03-30 19:00 by
Hello Cwing,
Sorry, I have no tools to split RVM files.
You can export smaller RVM files from PDMS, such as a RVM file only include one SITE or ZONE.
Best Regards,
Shing Liu
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-04-01 15:12 by
Is it possible to output model in PDF with different colors (based on RVM)?
Best Regards,
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-04-01 15:25 by
Hi Shing Liu
Thank you very much for your feedback.
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-04-01 15:42 by
Hi me_hungry,
Yes, it is possible to set model color in PDF by RVM files.
The RVM contains color info.
Best Regards,
Shing Liu
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-04-01 15:45 by
Hi Cwing,
You are welcome.
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-04-12 12:21 by
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-04-12 21:38 by
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-04-13 10:42 by
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-04-13 23:35 by
Hi ssj,
Best Regards,
Shing Liu
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-04-18 09:20 by
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-04-22 16:38 by
Hi do you know of a way to subdivide the .rvm when I export it from PDMS without manually selecting each section? I currently have a zone file that exports to be around 300mb as a text file and the translator bugs out. I have done some smaller files with sucess but some of them keeps on telling me that my .rvm file is faulty (when I export as binary) or that the translator quits in a bad mannor (when translating as a text).
Kind Regards
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-04-22 18:36 by
Hi Hkrugertijie,
I do not know the way to subdivide rvm file except manually select them. That is a known problem of RvmTranslator to export so big rvm file.
RvmTranslator4.0 now only can export text rvm file to 3D PDF, the binary rvm is not supported.
Best Regards,
Shing Liu
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-04-22 19:57 by
@Shing Liu
Thanks for the response, I will try and write a macro to automate the output from pdms (my programming skills is not at your level though). A suggestion for the next update might be to allow your program to do a series of files and export them one by one. Currently I am exporting frol PDMS to Solidworks and your converter absolutely does the trick with the IGES format. The only issue is that it takes forever to do 100 smaller files given that even solidworks is having a problem processing large files.
Kind Regards
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-04-22 20:25 by
You are welcome!
Kudos for your PML macro skills.
Current version have this functionality to translate multiple files one by one.
Yes, solidworks have problem for larges files. For solidworks I think it also support STEP files.
Best Regards,
Shing Liu
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-04-26 17:24 by
Shing Liu
I have managed to get the PDMS macro running, meaning that I can split my file into as many levels as I want to it goes from
Level 1: 1 file
Level 2: 22 files
Level 3: 62 Files
Level 4: 925 Files
however I need to translate these files in an automated way, either by looping through it, since clicking 925 times will make my finger quite numb, is there a way to do this?
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-04-26 19:22 by
Of course, there is an automated way, that is use RvmTranslator in the Batch File, such as the RvmTranslator.bat does.
You can generate a XXX.bat file to run RvmTranslator, just give two parameters: Rvm file name(include path) and translator Type(STEP, IGES, STL, etc). You can write the batch file like this:
RvmTranslator "1.rvm" "STEP"
RvmTranslator "2.rvm" "STEP"
RvmTranslator "3.rvm" "STEP"
then run the XXX.bat.
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-04-26 20:17 by
@Shing Liu
I managed to write a loop and edit your batch file.
Thanks a million for the help.
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-05-11 17:03 by
太给力,上次好像提过,后面就有了 真是不错!!!一百个支持
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-05-26 19:14 by
@Shing Liu
Is it possible to ask you to email me the conversation tables that you used originally for the RMV translator for the IGES format? I would highly appreciate that.
my email is
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-08-05 21:02 by
Thanks for great tool!
Please can you update you form to add TEXT option for export Text RVM (as it's required for your tool):
At current moment using your form PDMS export binary RVM which can't be converted by RVMConverter (but hope it will be possible in future).
Best regards,
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-08-05 21:34 by
Hi Roman,
A good suggestion!
I have add a option to select the export RVM file format, you can have a try. Download RvmTranslator4.2 from here: what is RVMConverter?
Best Regards,
Shing Liu
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-08-08 16:03 by
Hi Shing Lui,
Thanks for updates! You added menu for selecting binary or text rvm. Can RVMT translate binary rvm now?
RMVConverter - my mistake. I mean RVMTranslator:)
Is it possible to translate colors of 3d model into PDF? Or may be just add option to your utility to load file with color rules? After converting model is dark and required to be colored before using. If it possible to transfer colors into 3d PDF automatically it will be big advantage.
In any case thanks for your efforts!
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-08-10 11:23 by
Hi Roman,
Yes, RvmTranslator can translate binary RVM.
Yes, it is possible to translate color of 3d model into PDF.
I will check this. I found there are not many person use
the 3D PDF.
Best Regards,
Shing Liu
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-08-10 23:03 by
Hi Shing Lui,
Translating binary RVM is not working for me. But in any case I can produce TEXT rvm and now it's enough.
Yes, not many people use 3D pdf due to some limitation of size 3d model in pdf. And also it's was not suitable process to get pdf: produce rvm file, open AVEVA Review and save to 3D pdf. It's required to install AVEVA Review for all users or install it on common server and make some additional macros. Long way ...
Using your utility I can convert rvm into pdf w/out running Review. It's more easy and faster.
And also I think designers don't always know about such feature of PDF and CAD admin don't think that it can be useful tool for designers:)
Also I saw Acrobat can load some JavaScript which can add some additional information/notes to 3d. I think it will be useful to exchange by small 3d model with some notes by e-mail to discuss about design.
If you need any help for PML you can use some of my knowledge:)
# re: RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released 回复 更多评论
2016-08-11 20:27 by
Hi Roman,
I have checked the binary rvm export, it works.
Yes, I agree with you. The 3D PDF is useful for small model with notes by email or internet to discuss their design.
Yes, Acrobat support JavaScript to define some 3D effect for the model.
Best Regards,
Shing Liu