ascp -h
Usage: ascp [OPTION] SRC... DEST
SRC to DEST, or multiple SRC to DEST dir
SRC, DEST format: [[user@]host:]PATH
-h,--help Display usage
-A,--version Display version.
-T Disable encryption
-d Create target directory
-p Preserve file timestamp
-q Disable progress display
-v Verbose mode
-6 IPv6
-D... Debug level
-l MAX-RATE Max transfer rate
-m MIN-RATE Min transfer rate
RATE: G/g(gig),M/m(meg),K/k(kilo)
-u USER-STRING User specific string
-i PRIVATE-FILE Private key file (.ppk)
-w DIRECTION Test bandwidth. DIRECTION: r,f
-K PROBE-RATE Probing rate for bandwidth measurement
-k RESUME-LEVEL Enable resume. RESUME-LEVEL: 0,1,2,3
-Z DGRAM-SIZE Manually set MTU
-g READ-SIZE Read block size.
-G WRITE-SIZE Write block size.
SIZE: K (kilo), M (meg), or just bytes
-L LOCAL-LOG-DIR Local logging dir
-R REMOTE-LOG-DIR Remote logging dir
-S REMOTE-ASCP Name of remote ascp command line
-e PRE-POST Pre and Post command file path
-O FASP-PORT UDP port used by FASP
-P SSH-PORT TCP port used by SSH
-C N-ID:N-COUNT Parallel transfer.
-E PATTERN Exclusion pattern. Repeat for more PATTERN.
-f CONFIG-FILE Specify alternate configuration file path
-W TOKEN-STRING Specify TOKEN-STRING for transfer
-@ RANGE-LOW:RANGE-HIGH Transfer only ranges within file
-X REXMSG-SIZE Size of retransmit request
--mode=MODE MODE: send, recv
--policy=TRANSFER_POLICY TRANSFER_POLICY: fixed,high,fair,low
--source-prefix=PREFIX Prepend to each source path
--symbolic-links=METHOD METHOD: follow,copy,copy+force,skip
--remove-after-transfer Remove source files after they are transferred correctly
--remove-empty-directories Remove empty source subdirectories
--file-manifest=OUTPUT OUTPUT: text,none
--overwrite=METHOD METHOD: never,always,older,diff
--file-crypt=CRYPT CRYPT: encrypt,decrypt
HTTP fallback only options:
-y 0/1 1 = Allow HTTP fallback (default = 0)
-j 0/1 1 = Encode all HTTP transfers as JPEG files
-Y FILENAME HTTPS key file name
-I FILENAME HTTPS certificate file name
-t PORT HTTP fallback server port
-x PROXYSERVER-ADDR[:PORT] Proxy address and port (default 80)