gcc 库顺序问题解决方法

Posted on 2008-11-09 12:18 小苏 阅读(11019) 评论(3)  编辑 收藏 引用
    使用gcc生成可执行文件时,大部分时候我们需要连接我们自己打包(AR)好的一些库文件,对于中大型(50万代码行以上)项目上,你将面对数个项目组,最好的情况是每个项目组发布自己的打包.ar文件,这些.ar文件之间没有任何依赖关系, 然后由持续集成(ci)小组对这些包进行连接,不幸的是,这几乎是不可能的, 我们在连接时还是遇到了liba.ar和libb.ar相互依赖的情况。

       -l library
           Search the library named library when linking.  (The second alter-
           native with the library as a separate argument is only for POSIX
           compliance and is not recommended.)

           It makes a difference where in the command you write this option;
           the linker searches and processes libraries and object files in the
           order they are specified.  Thus, foo.o -lz bar.o searches library z
           after file foo.o but before bar.o.  If bar.o refers to functions in
           z, those functions may not be loaded.

gcc -o out.bin liba.ar libb.ar liba.ar -lrt
否则,您将不得不面对 "xx not referenced"之类的错误。

-Xlinker option
           Pass option as an option to the linker.  You can use this to supply
           system-specific linker options which GCC does not know how to rec-

           If you want to pass an option that takes an argument, you must use
           -Xlinker twice, once for the option and once for the argument.  For
           example, to pass -assert definitions, you must write -Xlinker
           -assert -Xlinker definitions.  It does not work to write -Xlinker
           "-assert definitions", because this passes the entire string as a
           single argument, which is not what the linker expects.

 -( archives -)
       --start-group archives --end-group
           The archives should be a list of archive files.  They may be either
           explicit file names, or -l options.

           The specified archives are searched repeatedly until no  new  unde-
           fined  references  are  created.   Normally, an archive is searched
           only once in the order that it is specified on  the  command  line.
           If  a symbol in that archive is needed to resolve an undefined sym-
           bol referred to by an object in an archive that  appears  later  on
           the command line, the linker would not be able to resolve that ref-
           erence.  By grouping the archives, they all be searched  repeatedly
           until all possible references are resolved.

           Using  this  option has a significant performance cost.  It is best
           to use it only  when  there  are  unavoidable  circular  references
           between two or more archives.

不错,我们有个有点怪异的选项,-(和-),它能够强制"The specified archives are searched repeatedly"

gcc -o output.bin -Xlinker "-(" liba.ar libb.ar -Xlinker "-)" -lrt



# re: gcc 库顺序问题解决方法  回复  更多评论   

2008-11-09 18:43 by 踏雪赤兔

# re: gcc 库顺序问题解决方法  回复  更多评论   

2009-04-22 13:43 by sxg

# re: gcc 库顺序问题解决方法[未登录]  回复  更多评论   

2011-07-12 06:13 by Andrew

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