- Using Boost.Asio
How to use Boost.Asio in your applications. Includes information on library dependencies and supported platforms.
- Tutorial
A tutorial that introduces the fundamental concepts required to use Boost.Asio, and shows how to use Boost.Asio to develop simple client and server programs.
- Examples
Examples that illustrate the use of Boost.Asio in more complex applications.
- Reference
Detailed class and function reference.
- Design
Rationale and design information for Boost.Asio.
The following platforms and compilers have been tested:
- Win32 and Win64 using Visual C++ 7.1 and Visual C++ 8.0.
- Win32 using MinGW.
- Win32 using Cygwin. (__USE_W32_SOCKETS must be defined.)
- Linux (2.4 or 2.6 kernels) using g++ 3.3 or later.
- Solaris using g++ 3.3 or later.
- Mac OS X 10.4 using g++ 3.3 or later.
The following platforms may also work:
- AIX 5.3 using XL C/C++ v9.
- HP-UX 11i v3 using patched aC++ A.06.14.
- QNX Neutrino 6.3 using g++ 3.3 or later.
- Solaris using Sun Studio 11 or later.
- Tru64 v5.1 using Compaq C++ v7.1.
- Win32 using Borland C++ 5.9.2
The following libraries must be available in order to link programs that use Boost.Asio:
以下是使用Boost.Asio 必需的链接库:
- Boost.System for the boost::system::error_code and boost::system::system_error classes.
- Boost.Regex (optional) if you use any of the read_until() or async_read_until() overloads that take a boost::regex parameter.
- OpenSSL (optional) if you use Boost.Asio's SSL support.
Boost.System 中的 boost::system::error_code 和boost::system::system_error 类。
Boost.Regex (可选)。read_until() 或 async_read_until() 函数的重载形式都需要 boost::regex 参数。 如果你使用它们,则需要Boost.Regex库。
OpenSSL (可选) 。如果需要Boost.Asio支持SSL,则需要OpenSSL库。
Furthermore, some of the examples also require the Boost.Thread, Boost.Date_Time or Boost.Serialization libraries.
另外,一些例子需要提供Boost.Thread,Boost.Date_Time 或Boost.Serialization 库的支持。
![[Note]](http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_35_0/doc/html/images/note.png) |
Note |
With MSVC or Borland C++ you may want to add -DBOOST_DATE_TIME_NO_LIB and -DBOOST_REGEX_NO_LIB to your project settings to disable autolinking of the Boost.Date_Time and Boost.Regex libraries respectively. Alternatively, you may choose to build these libraries and link to them.
使用MSVC或Borland C++,你可能需要在“工程设置”中分别添加 -DBOOST_DATE_TIME_NO_LIB 和-DBOOST_REGEX_NO_LIB 声明,分别禁止Boost.Date_Time和Boost.Regex的自动链接,当然你也可以这样做:build这两个库,然后链接。
Building Boost Libraries
You may build the subset of Boost libraries required to use Boost.Asio and its examples by running the following command from the root of the Boost download package:
bjam --with-system --with-thread --with-date_time --with-regex --with-serialization stage
This assumes that you have already built bjam. Consult the Boost.Build documentation for more details.
The macros listed in the table below may be used to control the behaviour of Boost.Asio.
posted on 2008-04-20 01:14
王晓轩 阅读(7918)
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