

SubclassWindow 一个函数,其实是个宏

#define     SubclassWindow(hwnd, lpfn)       \
              ((WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtr((hwnd), GWLP_WNDPROC, (LPARAM)(WNDPROC)(lpfn)))

SetWindowLongPtr Function

The SetWindowLongPtr function changes an attribute of the specified window. The function also sets a value at the specified offset in the extra window memory.


This function supersedes the SetWindowLong function. To write code that is compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows, use SetWindowLongPtr.
这个函数取代了SetWindowLong函数,为了兼容32位64位windows os,就用这个函数吧 .


LONG_PTR SetWindowLongPtr(      
    HWND hWnd,
    int nIndex,
    LONG_PTR dwNewLong


[in] Handle to the window and, indirectly, the class to which the window belongs. The SetWindowLongPtr function fails if the process that owns the window specified by the hWnd parameter is at a higher process privilege in the User Interface Privilege Isolation (UIPI) hierarchy than the process the calling thread resides in.

Microsoft Windows XP and earlier: The SetWindowLongPtr function fails if the window specified by the hWnd parameter does not belong to the same process as the calling thread.


[in] Specifies the zero-based offset to the value to be set. Valid values are in the range zero through the number of bytes of extra window memory, minus the size of an integer. To set any other value, specify one of the following values.
Sets a new extended window style. For more information, see CreateWindowEx.
Sets a new window style.
Sets a new address for the window procedure.
Sets a new application instance handle.
Sets a new identifier of the window.
Sets the user data associated with the window. This data is intended for use by the application that created the window. Its value is initially zero.
The following values are also available when the hWnd parameter identifies a dialog box.
Sets the new pointer to the dialog box procedure.
Sets the return value of a message processed in the dialog box procedure.
Sets new extra information that is private to the application, such as handles or pointers.
[in] Specifies the replacement value.

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is the previous value of the specified offset.

If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.

If the previous value is zero and the function succeeds, the return value is zero, but the function does not clear the last error information. To determine success or failure, clear the last error information by calling SetLastError(0), then call SetWindowLongPtr. Function failure will be indicated by a return value of zero and a GetLastError result that is nonzero.


Certain window data is cached, so changes you make using SetWindowLongPtr will not take effect until you call the SetWindowPos function.

If you use SetWindowLongPtr with the GWLP_WNDPROC index to replace the window procedure, the window procedure must conform to the guidelines specified in the description of the WindowProc callback function.

If you use SetWindowLongPtr with the DWLP_MSGRESULT index to set the return value for a message processed by a dialog box procedure, the dialog box procedure should return TRUE directly afterward. Otherwise, if you call any function that results in your dialog box procedure receiving a window message, the nested window message could overwrite the return value you set by using DWLP_MSGRESULT.

Calling SetWindowLongPtr with the GWLP_WNDPROC index creates a subclass of the window class used to create the window. An application can subclass a system class, but should not subclass a window class created by another process. The SetWindowLongPtr function creates the window subclass by changing the window procedure associated with a particular window class, causing the system to call the new window procedure instead of the previous one. An application must pass any messages not processed by the new window procedure to the previous window procedure by calling CallWindowProc. This allows the application to create a chain of window procedures.

Reserve extra window memory by specifying a nonzero value in the cbWndExtra member of the WNDCLASSEX structure used with the RegisterClassEx function.

Do not call SetWindowLongPtr with the GWLP_HWNDPARENT index to change the parent of a child window. Instead, use the SetParent function.

If the window has a class style of CS_CLASSDC or CS_PARENTDC, do not set the extended window styles WS_EX_COMPOSITED or WS_EX_LAYERED.

Windows XP/Vista: Calling SetWindowLongPtr to set the style on a progressbar will reset its position.

Function Information


btw,有本叫the old new thing 似乎很强,不知道什么时候能有一本...

posted on 2007-06-03 00:26 Gohan 阅读(4161) 评论(2)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: MFC/SDK


# re: SubclassWindow 一个函数,其实是个宏 2008-06-27 18:39 hoodlum1980

Extra Window Memory,是窗口类里面的一个成员,表示给每个窗口保留分配的一块内存的地址。换句话说,它是一个具体窗口自己独占的一个存储区。

Extra Class Memory:是属于窗口类的内存,所有属于该类窗口的共享数据。

另外你的hwnd参数的解释,我用的vs.net2003的文档,和你的不一样,我看到的msdn上说的是,如果这个窗口不属于调用该函数的线程,则该函数会失败。  回复  更多评论   

# re: SubclassWindow 一个函数,其实是个宏 2008-06-27 23:23 Gohan

谢谢大哥你的指点,已经根据你的回复改正了翻译,有任何问题欢迎指出。小弟还是初学,向大哥学习了。  回复  更多评论   

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