xiaoguozi's Blog
Pay it forword - 我并不觉的自豪,我所尝试的事情都失败了······习惯原本生活的人不容易改变,就算现状很糟,他们也很难改变,在过程中,他们还是放弃了······他们一放弃,大家就都是输家······让爱传出去,很困难,也无法预料,人们需要更细心的观察别人,要随时注意才能保护别人,因为他们未必知道自己要什么·····

Yii supports AJAX form validation, which essentially posts the form values to the server, validates them, and sends back the validation errors, all without leaving the page. It does this every time you tab out of a (changed) field.

As of 1.1.7, Yii supports regular Javascript validation in addition to AJAX validation, but I'll talk about that in another post.

Here's how Yii's AJAX validation works:

  1. in your yii form declaration, put:
    <php $form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(
    'id'=>'lowercasemodelname-form', //not technically required but works w gii generated controllers
    'enableAjaxValidation'=>true //turn on ajax validation on the client side )); 
    And have at least one form element with a matching error function:
    <?php echo $form->textField($model, 'my_attribute'); ?>
    <?php echo $form->error($model, 'my_attribute'); ?> 
    This makes Yii include the JQuery javascript library, as well as a Yii javascript file called jquery.yiiactiveform.js
  2. In your controller, in create or update, after you load the model, but before you load it from POST, call this
    if(Yii::app()->getRequest()->getIsAjaxRequest()) {
    echo CActiveForm::validate( array( $model)); 
    Which is sligtly different than how Gii generates it, but no big diff. CActiveForm::validate() can take an array of models, which is not clear the way Gii does it.
  3. Also make sure that your model has at lease one validation rule for the insert or update scenario. After you tab out of a changed field, Yii sends a standard AJAX POST to the server, and gets back a JSON response like this:
    {"Field_id":["Validation error a"],"Another_field_id":["Validation error B"]} 
    which yii then plugs into the error field below your field.
  4. When you use the $form->error() function, Yii adds a hidden div after your form element:
    <div id="Model_attributename_em_" class="errorMessage" style="display:none"></div>
    If that field has a validation error, then Yii sets the display to block, writes the validation error message to its innerHtml, and then you see the error. If it later validates, yii hides it again.
  5. Yii will also add class names to the parent container of the field that it's validating. In most cases, this is a <div class="row">. When a form field is valid, it adds "success" class to the div - which makes it green. When it's invalid, it adds "error" class, which makes it red. It also quickly adds a "validating" class, which does nothing, but you can supply it yourself and change the look of a field while it's validating.
posted on 2012-12-26 12:45 小果子 阅读(530) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: 学习笔记框架

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