


Structuring the Main Loop



    文章中关于网络的描述是指局域网环境下的情况,另外这个主循环也没有考虑到windows环境下与Windows Message Loop的结合,如果是应用在windows环境下,可以再参考下这里,把两者结合基本上就差不多了。



This article is about a way of structuring a game's main loop. It includes techniques for handling view drawing with interpolation for smooth animation matched to the frame-rate with fixed-step game logic updating for deterministic game logic. A lot of this is still pretty much a work-in-progress as I muddle my way through, learning better ways of doing things or new tricks to add to my bag, so please bear with me.



The heart of a game, any game, is the game loop. This is where the action takes place, where the guns fire and the fireball spells fly. In some games, the concept of the game loop may be diffused among different components or game states, which implement their own version of the game loop to be exectued at the proper time, but the idea is still there.





The game loop is just that: a loop. It is a repeating sequence of steps or actions which are executed in a timely and (hopefully) efficient manner, parceling out CPU time to all of the myriad tasks the game engine is required to perform: logic, physics, animation, rendering, handling of input. It must be constructed in a deterministic, predictable fashion so as to give expected behavior on a wide array of hardware configurations. Classic failures in this regard include old pre-Pentium DOS-based games that were synchronized to run well on old hardware, but which did not have the controls in place to control the speed on newer hardware, and consequently ran so rapidly that they became unplayable on new hardware. With such a broad diversity of hardware as now exists, there must be tighter controls on the game loop to keep it running at a consistent speed, while still taking advantage of more powerful hardware to render smoother animation at higher framerates.







Older games frequently tied the rendering of the view very closely to the game loop, drawing the view exactly once per logic update and waiting for a signal from the display system indicating a vertical retrace period, when the electron gun in the CRT monitor was resetting after drawing the screen. This synchronized loops to a predictable rate based on the refresh rate of the monitor, but with the advent of customizable refresh settings this leads again to unpredictable loop behavior. Retrace synchronization is still useful, especially to avoid visual artifacts when rendering the view, but is less useful as a means for synchronizing the game logic updating, which may require finer control.





The trick, then, is to separate game logic from rendering, and perform them in two separate sub-systems only marginally tied to each other. The game logic updates at it's own pace, and the rendering code draws the screen as fast as it possibly with the most accurate, up-to-date data the logic component can provide.




The system I am accustomed to using is based on a Tip of the Day ( http://www.flipcode.com/cgi-bin/msg.cgi?showThread=Tip-MainLoopTimeSteps&forum=totd&id=-1 ) posted to http://www.flipcode.com by Javier Arevalo. It implements a loop wherein the game logic is set to update a fixed number of times per second, while the rendering code is allowed to draw as rapidly as possible, using interpolation to smooth the transition from one visual frame to the next.

这里描述的方法基于Javier Arevalo发表在flipcode Tip of the Day 上的代码来实现。



Briefly, here is the code. I will then attempt in my own crude fashion to explain the workings, though I suggest you check out the original tip at the above link to read Javier's explanation, as well as the forum posts accompanying it which offer up insights and suggestions on how the performance of the loop may be improved.




time0 = getTickCount();
  time1 = getTickCount();
  frameTime = 0;
  int numLoops = 0;

  while ((time1 - time0) > TICK_TIME && numLoops < MAX_LOOPS)
    time0 += TICK_TIME;
    frameTime += TICK_TIME;

  // If playing solo and game logic takes way too long, discard pending time.
  if (!bNetworkGame && (time1 - time0) > TICK_TIME)
    time0 = time1 - TICK_TIME;

  if (canRender)
    // Account for numLoops overflow causing percent > 1.
    float percentWithinTick = Min(1.f, float(time1 - time0)/TICK_TIME);
while (!bGameDone);

Structurally, the loop is very simple. The above snippet of code can encapsulate the entire workings of your game.



First of all, the main loop portion is embodied as the do{} while(!bGameDone); block. This causes the loop to run endlessly, until some game condition indicates that it is finished and it is time to exit the program, at which point the loop ends and the game can be properly shut down. Each time through the loop, we perform game logic updates, input updating and handling, and rendering. Now, for a breakdown of the sections of the loop.




time1 = getTickCount();
frameTime = 0;
int numLoops = 0;

while ((time1 - time0) > TICK_TIME && numLoops < MAX_LOOPS)
    time0 += TICK_TIME;
    frameTime += TICK_TIME;

This portion is the game logic update sequence that forces the game logic (physics updates, object motion, animation cycling, etc...) to update a set number of times per second. This rate is controlled by the TICK_TIME constant, which specifies the number of milliseconds the logic update is supposed to represent in real time. It probably won't take that long to perform, in which case the update won't be performed again until enough time has passed. For example, with TICK_TIME=40, each logic represents 40 milliseconds, thus forcing the code to update game objects at a rate of 25 times per second.



例如,TICK_TIME = 40,其含义为每次游戏逻辑更新后表现40毫秒,这将使得每秒游戏对象会被更新25次。


The logic is encapsulated in it's own while loop. It is possible during a given frame that game logic will take too long. If a logic update cycle goes overtime, we can delay rendering for a bit to give ourselves a little extra time to catch up. The while loop will continue to process game logic updates until we are no longer overtime, at which point we can go ahead and continue on with drawing the view. This is good for handling the occasional burp in logic updating, smoothing out the updates and keeping them consistent and deterministic; but in the case that the logic repeatedly goes overtime, it is possible to accumulate more time-debt than the loop can handle. Thus, the MAX_LOOPS constant is in place to dictate a maximum number of times the loop can repeat to try to catch up. It will force the loop to dump out periodically to handle other tasks such as input handling and rendering. A loop that is constantly running at the MAX_LOOPS limit runs like hell and is about as responsive as a tractor with four flat tires, but at least it keeps the loop operating, allowing the user to pass input to terminate the program. Without the MAX_LOOPS failsafe, it would be entirely possible for a slow computer to lock up with no way to exit as it chokes on the loop, trying to catch up but getting further and further behind.









This section is where input is gathered, events are pumped from the event queue, interface elements such as life bars are updated, and so forth. Javier allows for passing how much time the logic updates took, which can be used for updating on-screen clock or timer displays and the like if necessary. I've never found occasion to use it, but I regularly pass it anyway on the off-chance I'll need it someday. frameTime basically gives the amount of time that was spent in the logic loop performing updates.





In order for the game loop to run predictably, you should not modify anything in this step that will affect the game logic. This portion of the loop does not run at a predictable rate, so changes made here can throw off the timing. Only things that are not time-critical should be updated here.



// If playing solo and game logic takes way too long, discard pending time.
if (!bNetworkGame && (time1 - time0) > TICK_TIME) time0 = time1 - TICK_TIME;

This is where we can shave off our time debt if MAX_LOOPS causes us to dump out of the logic loop, and get things square again--as long as we are not running in a network game. If it is a single-player game, the occasional error in the timing of the game is not that big of a deal, so sometimes it might be simpler when the game logic overruns it's alloted time to just discard the extra time debt and start fresh. Technically, this makes the game "fall behind" where it should be in real time, but in a single player game this has no real effect. In a network game, however, all computers must be kept in synchronization, so we can't just cavalierly discard the pending time. Instead, it sticks around until the next time we enter the logic update loop, where the loop has to repeat itself that many more times to try to catch up. If the time burp is an isolated instance, this is no big deal, as with one or two cycle overruns the loop can catch up. But, again, if the logic is consistently running overtime, the performance of the game will be poor and will lag farther and farther behind. In a networked game, you might want to check for repeated bad performance and logic loop overruns here, to pinpoint slow computers that may be bogging the game down and possibly kick them from the game.








// Account for numLoops overflow causing percent > 1.
float percentWithinTick = Min(1.f, float(time1 - time0)/TICK_TIME);

This is where the real magic happens, in my opinion. This section performs the rendering of the view. In the case of a loop where TICK_TIME=40, the logic is updating at 25 FPS. However, most video cards today are capable of far greater framerates, so it makes no sense to cripple the visual framerate by locking it to 25 FPS. Instead, we can structure our code so that we can smoothly interpolate from one logic state to the next. percentWithinTick is calculated as a floating point value in the range of [0,1], representing how far conceptually we are into the next game logic tick.


当TICK_TIME = 40时,逻辑更新帧率为25FPS,但是现在大多数显卡都能支持更高的渲染帧率,所以我们没必要反而锁定渲染帧率为25FPS。



Every object in the game has certain state regarding LastTick and NextTick. Each object that can move will have a LastPosition and a NextPosition. When the logic section updates the object, then the objects LastPosition is set to it's currentNextPostion and a new NextPosition is calculated based on how far it can move in one logic frame. Then, when the rendering portion executes, percentWithinTick is used to interpolate between these Last and Next positions:




time0为最后一个逻辑帧所在的时间点,time1为当前实际时间,(time1 – time0) / TICK_TIME表示当前时间比最后一个逻辑帧所在时间超出了多少百分比,用这个百分比来向下一逻辑帧做插值。





DrawPosition = LastPosition + percentWithinTick * (NextPosition - LastPosition);

The main loop executes over and over as fast as the computer is able to run it, and for a lot of the time we will not be performing logic updates. During these loop cycles when no logic is performed, we can still draw, and as the loop progresses closer to the time of our next logic update, percentWithinTick will increase toward 1. The closer percentWithinTick gets to 1, the closer the a ctual DrawPosition of the object will get to NextPosition. The effect is that the object smoothly moves from Last to Next on the screen, the animation as smooth as the hardware framerate will allow. Without this smooth interpolation, the object would move in a jerk from LastPosition to NextPosition, each time the logic updates at 25FPS. So a lot of drawing cycles would be wasted repeatedly drawing the same exact image over and over, and the animation would be locked to a 25FPS rate that would look bad.






With this technique, logic and drawing are separated. It is possible to perform updates as infrequently as 14 or 15 times per second, far below the threshold necessary for smooth, decent looking visual framerate, yet still maintain the smooth framerate due to interpolation. Low logic update rates such as this are common in games such as real-time strategy games, where logic can eat up a lot of time in pathfinding and AI calculations that would choke a higher rate. Yet, the game will still animate smoothly from logic state to logic state, without the annoying visual hitches of a 15FPS visual framerate. Pretty danged nifty, I must say.







I've created a simple program in C to demonstrate this loop structure. It requires SDL ( http://www.libsdl.org ) and OpenGL. It's a basic bouncy ball program. The controls are simple: Press q to exit the program or press SPACE to toggle interpolation on and off. With interpolation on, the loop executes exactly as described to smooth out the movement from one logic update to the next. With interpolation off, the interpolation factor percentWithinTick is always set to 1 to simulate drawing without interpolation, in essence locking the visual framerate to the 25FPS of the logic update section. In both cases, the ball moves at exactly the same speed (16 units per update, 25 updates per second), but with interpolation the motion is much smoother and easier on the eyes. Compile and link with SDL and OpenGL to see it in action: http://legion.gibbering.net/golem/files/interp_demo.c

posted on 2009-09-14 20:29 白云哥 阅读(2748) 评论(2)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: GameDev


# re: Structuring the Main Loop 2009-09-14 23:32 post

Practical UML Statecharts in C/C++, Second Edition:Event-Driven Programming for Embedded Systems  回复  更多评论   

# re: Structuring the Main Loop 2009-09-16 15:28 喜乐递

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