1,哈希函数用的上一篇文章中的第一个DJB(不知道实现正确了没 :P)
1 /*
2 *一个简单的字符串HASH表,哈希函数是用的PHP中的DJB_Hash
3 *冲突是用的简单的连接法解决
4 *
5 *代码不是一般的烂。。。。。。
6 */
7 #include<stdio.h>
8 #include<stdlib.h>
9 #include<string.h>
11 struct table_node{
12 void *value;
13 struct table_node *prev,*next;
14 };
15 struct hashtable{
16 struct table_node *head,*tail;
17 };
18 struct hashtable_head{
19 unsigned int table_size;
20 unsigned int end_iterator;
21 struct hashtable *buckets;
22 };
23 /*******************************************
24 *
26 *
27 */
28 struct hashtable_head * hashtable_init(unsigned int size)
29 {
30 struct hashtable_head *ptr;
32 if (0 == size)
33 return NULL;
34 ptr = (struct hashtable_head *)calloc(1,sizeof(struct hashtable_head));
35 if(!ptr)
36 return NULL;
37 ptr->table_size = size;
38 ptr->buckets = (struct hashtable *)calloc(size,sizeof(struct hashtable));
39 if(!ptr->buckets){
40 free (ptr);
41 return NULL;
42 }
43 ptr->end_iterator = 0;
44 return ptr;
45 }
46 /*******************************************
47 *
48 *hash函数,
49 *
50 */
51 unsigned int DJB_Hash(char *str,int len)
52 {
53 int i;
54 unsigned hash = 0;
55 for (i = 0;i <len;i++)
56 {
57 hash += (hash << 5 )+ str[i];
59 }
60 return hash % 47;
61 }
62 /********************************
63 *
64 *把value插入表中
65 */
66 struct hashtable_head *hashtable_insert(struct hashtable_head *ptr,char *value,int len)
67 {
68 int hash_id;
69 struct table_node *node;
70 if(!value)
71 return NULL;
72 hash_id=DJB_Hash(value,len);
73 node = (struct table_node *)malloc(sizeof(struct table_node));
74 if (!node) {
75 return NULL;
76 }
77 node->value=value;
78 node->next=NULL;
79 if(ptr->buckets[hash_id].head==NULL)
80 {
81 ptr->buckets[hash_id].head=node;
82 node->prev=NULL;
83 }
84 if(ptr->buckets[hash_id].tail){
85 ptr->buckets[hash_id].tail->next=node;
86 node->prev=ptr->buckets[hash_id].tail;
87 }
88 ptr->buckets[hash_id].tail=node;
89 ptr->end_iterator+=1;
90 return 0;
91 }
92 /*******************************************************************
93 *
94 *查询HASH_TABLE中value在BUCKETS[]中的哪一个,通过计算KEY确定下标
95 *
96 */
97 int hashtable_find_buckets(struct hashtable_head * ptr,char *value,int len)
98 {
99 int key=0;
100 struct table_node *temp;
101 if(ptr==NULL||value==NULL)
102 return 0;
104 key=DJB_Hash(value,len);
105 if(key<0)
106 {
107 return -1;
108 }
109 temp=ptr->buckets[key].head;
110 while(temp!=NULL){
111 if(!strcmp((const char *)(temp->value),value)){
112 return key;
113 }
114 else{
115 temp=temp->next;
116 }
118 }
119 return -1;
120 }
121 /*******************************************************************
122 *
123 *查询HASH_TABLE中value在BUCKETS[key]中的具体位置
124 *
125 */
126 int hashtalbe_find_node(struct hashtable_head *ptr,char * value,int len)
127 {
128 int key=0;
129 int node=1;
130 struct table_node *temp;
131 if(ptr==NULL||value==NULL)
132 return 0;
134 key=DJB_Hash(value,len);
135 if(key<0)
136 {
137 return -1;
138 }
139 temp=ptr->buckets[key].head;
140 while(temp!=NULL){
141 if(!strcmp((const char *)(temp->value),value)){
142 return node;
143 }
144 else{
145 node+=1;
146 temp=temp->next;
147 }
149 }
150 }
151 /*******************************************************************
152 *
153 *显示HASH_TABLE里所有数据
154 *
155 */
156 int hashtable_display(struct hashtable_head *ptr)
157 {
158 unsigned int i;
159 struct table_node * node;
160 if (ptr==NULL){
161 printf("the table is null");
162 return 0;
163 }
164 for(i=0;i<ptr->table_size;i++){
165 node=ptr->buckets[i].head;
166 if(node==NULL)
167 printf("buckets[%d]=null\n",i);
168 else{
169 while(node){
170 printf("buckets[%d]=%s\t",i,node->value);
171 node=node->next;
172 }
173 printf("\n");
174 }
175 }
176 return 1;
177 }
178 /*******************************************************************
179 *
180 *删除一指定值
181 *
182 */
183 int hashtable_del(struct hashtable_head *ptr,char * value,int len)
184 {
185 int key=0;
186 struct table_node *temp;
187 if(ptr==NULL||value==NULL)
188 return 0;
189 key=DJB_Hash(value,len);
190 if(key<0){
191 return NULL;
192 }
193 temp=ptr->buckets[key].head;
194 if(!temp){
195 printf("NO %s FOUND\n",value);
196 return NULL;
197 }
198 while(temp!=NULL){
199 if(!strcmp((const char *)(temp->value),value)){
200 if(!temp->next){
201 if(ptr->buckets[key].head==temp){
202 ptr->buckets[key].head=NULL;
203 ptr->buckets[key].tail=NULL;
204 }
205 else{
206 temp->prev->next=NULL;
207 ptr->buckets[key].tail=temp->prev;
208 }
209 }
210 else{
211 if(ptr->buckets[key].head==temp){
212 ptr->buckets[key].head=temp->next;
213 ptr->buckets[key].tail=temp->next;
214 }
215 else{
216 temp->prev->next=temp->next;
217 temp->next->prev=temp->prev;
218 }
219 }
220 ptr->end_iterator-=1;
221 return 1;
222 }
223 temp=temp->next;
224 }
225 }
226 /*****************************************
227 *
228 *删除整个HASH_TABLE,释放内存
229 *
230 */
232 int hashtable_remove(struct hashtable_head *ptr)
233 {
234 unsigned int i,j;
235 struct table_node * node;
236 if (ptr == NULL)
237 return -1;
238 for (i = 0; i < ptr->table_size; i++) {
239 if (ptr->buckets[i].head != NULL) {
240 node=ptr->buckets[i].tail;
241 while (node){
242 free(node->value);
243 free(node);
244 }
245 }
246 }
247 free(ptr->buckets);
248 free(ptr);
249 return 0;
250 }
252 /*******************************************************************
253 *
254 *A test
255 *
256 */
257 int main()
258 {
259 struct hashtable_head *ptr=NULL;
260 int key,node,i=0;
261 char *name1[]={
262 "hippies","min","linyun","chenyu","wenli","zhaoyuanyuan","huangjingxing",
263 "lishaojie","laoma","xiaoyu","chentao","guojunjie","xiaobanzhang","caizhongyuan",
264 "heqiang","wangpai","wangzhitong","yixia","huangxuehong","bodong","liyong",
265 "liujinling","liuyuezhong", "meilijia","wangyinqi","zhangbo","zhangwen","zouyinghua",NULL
266 };
267 ptr=hashtable_init(50);
268 if(!ptr)
269 printf("error\n");
270 for(i=0;name1[i]!=NULL;i++){
271 //printf("%s is %d\n",name1[i],strlen(name1[i]));
272 hashtable_insert(ptr,name1[i],strlen(name1[i]));
273 }
274 hashtable_display(ptr);
275 char *name=name1[2];
276 int len=strlen(name);
277 if((key=hashtable_find_buckets(ptr,name,len))>=0)
278 printf("the %s is in buckets of %d\n",name,key);
279 else printf("\nthe %s not found in the hashtable \n",name);
280 if((node=hashtalbe_find_node(ptr,name,len))>=0)
281 printf("the %s is in node of %d \n",name,node);
282 else printf("\nthe %s not found in the hashtable \n",name);
283 hashtable_del(ptr,name,len);
284 hashtable_display(ptr);
285 return 0;
286 }