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Oracle Database Development (6). A first exploration of OCI

Vert Melon

Jun 25,2007


 Last time , i provided a full example of OCI , which contains the actual code of connection 
and SQL . Certainly it could not cover all of the knowledge , but i think it is a good beginning 
for the fresher .

 As the same as Pro*C you might confirm that you have installed it correctly .  Look at this 
paths as follows :
 Windows   :   $ORACLE_HOME\oci
 Linux/Unix  :   $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/demo
 There are many examples offered by ORACLE . Though it seems like a clutter , you also 
can get some useful imformation .

 The main platform we use here is Linux .  And the Windows ?  How can i config it in Windows ? 
It would be a comfy thing if you have read the chapters recorded in  <Oracle Database Development (1). Config OCI In Windows> .
It is easily comprehend by analogy .

2.Something you should know

 What is the Oracle Call Interface?

 The Oracle Call Interface (OCI) is a set of low-level APIs (Application Programming Interface Calls) 
used to interact with Oracle databases. It allows one to use operations like logon, execute, 
parse, fetch, etc. OCI programs are normally written in C or C++, although they can be written
in almost any programing language. Unlike with the Oracle Precompilers (like Pro*C and Pro*COBOL), 
OCI programs are not precompiled.

 Also I have found a official explaination about the choice between Pro*C and OCI .
 Should one use OCI or the Oracle Precompilers?
 OCI is superior to Pro*C in the following ways: 
  Performance is much better with OCI 
  Reduced code size 
  Direct access to built-in functions (No intermediate files or substitutions). 
  Piecewise Operation on LONG fields (All LONG field problems are solved) 
  In Pro*C one cannot dynamically allocate memory to be used as bind variables 
  You cannot control the Pro*C precompiler to provide better and more compilable C-code. 
 Common problems with OCI: 
  OCI code is difficult to write and to maintain 
  Very few people can write, let alone maintain OCI code 
 An OCI application program must do the following: 
  Connect to one or more databases: call the OCILogon (olog, olon or orlon) routines 
  Open the cursors needed by the program: use oexec, oexn, ofen or oftech calls. 
  Process the SQL statements that are needed to perform the application's tasks. 
  Close the cursors using the oclose routine. 
  Disconnect from the databases: use ologoff to close an open connection to oracle.  

3.Obsolescent OCI Routines

 After get through the section "Something you should know" ,  you may find some strange 
words : oexec , ologoff  or oclose . There are old routines in preceding release . 
 Release 8.0 of the Oracle Call Interface introduced an entirely new set of functions which 
were not available in release 7.3. Release 8.1 added more new functions. Oracle9i OCI continues 
to support these new functions, and adds more new calls. The earlier 7.x calls are still available, 
but Oracle strongly recommends that existing applications use the new calls to improve performance 
and provide increased functionality.
 To get more information ,  check it in the chapter named "Introduction and Upgrading" in 
OCI document .

4. Introduce to OCI Makefile

 It's time to make out the source file , and the first one is Makefile which is a trunk in a project .
But then it is the end of  a first exploration .

 Notice that the head files of OCI are put in two directories and the lib file is libclntsh.so.9.0 
which is the same as Pro*C .  This is a simple one ,  just copy the code in last article and 
divide into the corresponding files as the list . Then use "make all" or "make clean" to deal with 
the source file automaticly . You would see something like this .

[root@liwei oci]# make clean;
rm -f OCIDB OCIDB.o OCIException.o Exception.o OCIError.o Main.o
[root@liwei oci]# make all;
g++ -g -o OCIDB.o -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/demo -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/public -c OCIDB.cpp

g++ -g -o OCIException.o -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/demo -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/public -c OCIException.cpp

g++ -g -o Exception.o -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/demo -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/public -c Exception.cpp

g++ -g -o OCIError.o -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/demo -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/public -c OCIError.cpp

g++ -g -o Main.o -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/demo -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/public -c Main.cpp

[link] ... 
g++ -g -o OCIDB OCIDB.o OCIException.o Exception.o OCIError.o Main.o -L/home/ora/ora9/oracle/lib -lclntsh

 That's good . Take a rest for next step .






 Windows   :   $ORACLE_HOME\oci
 Linux/Unix  :   $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/demo
 我们这里使用的主要平台是Linux。 Windows下怎么设置呢?可以参见《Oracle数据库


 OCI是什么 ?
操作如 logon , execute, parse, fecth 等等。OCI支持大数据语言,通常使用C/C++。与Oracle

  连接多个数据库:使用OCILogon (olog, olon or orlon)
  打开游标:oexec, oexn, ofen 或者 oftech

 看过上节,你会发现一些奇怪的单词,oexec , ologoff  或 oclose 。这些都是先前版本

 OCI 8.0 引入一套全新的程序结构,是7.3以前没有的。8.1版本又扩展了一些函数。
在Oracle 9i中虽然支持这些旧的标准,不过Oracle强烈建议使用全新的OCI标准库。
四、OCI Makefile 介绍

看例中的文件内容。注意头文件目录有两个,库文件和Pro*C使用的一样,还是 libclntsh.so.9.0 ,
 这个Makefile比较简单,把前面文章罗列的所有代码复制并建立相应文件,使用"make all"
"make clean" 命令,你应该能看到如下类似的内容: 

[root@liwei oci]# make clean;
rm -f OCIDB OCIDB.o OCIException.o Exception.o OCIError.o Main.o
[root@liwei oci]# make all;
g++ -g -o OCIDB.o -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/demo -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/public -c OCIDB.cpp

g++ -g -o OCIException.o -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/demo -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/public -c OCIException.cpp

g++ -g -o Exception.o -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/demo -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/public -c Exception.cpp

g++ -g -o OCIError.o -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/demo -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/public -c OCIError.cpp

g++ -g -o Main.o -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/demo -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/public -c Main.cpp

[link] ... 
g++ -g -o OCIDB OCIDB.o OCIException.o Exception.o OCIError.o Main.o -L/home/ora/ora9/oracle/lib -lclntsh


posted on 2011-03-23 00:11 一路风尘 阅读(556) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: Oracle

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