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Oracle Database Development (7).  The thinking of the OCI example .

Vert Melon

Jun 26,2007

 The central content in this article is about the common operations with Oracle .  Just  
follow the instructions and enrich the relevant knowledge by the OCI official document .
I'd like to copy many sentences from OCI official document . It would save me many 
trouble and these sentences are more exactly .

1. Connection

 Connection is surely a first step done with the database . OCI provides two mode of 
connection , which is Single User, Single Connection and Multiple Sessions or Connections.
 The example also gave the both implement .

 a. Single User, Single Connection 
 An application maintains only a single user session for each database connection 
at any time .
 The corresponding functions in the example listed as follows :
 The calling order of routines :
 OCIHandleAlloc  <ERROR>
 OCIHandleFree   <ERROR>
 OCIHandleFree   <ENV>
 An application of OCI must have one environment handle , which is created by OCIEnvCreate() 
here . The environment handle defines a context in which all OCI functions are invoked . 
It is the base of almost all of the other handles which would be seen in future.
 OCIEnvCreate() creates and initializes an environment for OCI functions to work under .
 This call should be invoked before any other OCI call and should be used instead of
the OCIInitialize() and OCIEnvInit() calls. OCIInitialize() and OCIEnvInit() calls will be 
supported for backward compatibility. But if you are writing a DLL or a shared library 
using OCI library then this call should definitely be used instead of OCIInitialize() and 
OCIEnvInit() call . OCIInitialize() and OCIEnvInit() call is used in OCIDB::Multiple_Conn() , 
we'll cover it soon.
 Almost all OCI calls include in their parameter list one or more handles. A handle is an 
opaque pointer to a storage area allocated by the OCI library. You use a handle to store 
context or connection information, (for example, an environment or service context handle), 
or it may store information about OCI functions or data (for example, an error or describe 
handle). Handles can make programming easier, because the library, rather than the application, 
maintains this data.

 Either OCIEnvCreate() or ( OCIInitialize() and OCIEnvInit() ) allocates a environment 
handle . I defined a private member variable named m_pOCIEnv to store it . You can find
 the both routines return a address as environment handle .

 There is also a very important handle , which appears in mostly OCI calls . That is the 
error handle .The error handle maintains information about errors that occur during an OCI 
operation. If an error occurs in a call, the error handle can be passed to OCIErrorGet() to 
obtain additional information about the error that occurred.
 Go and look at OCIException::CheckError() which shows a integral error management .

 After the preparation of Environment and Error , we will come to the actual code about 
the connection . OCILogon() and OCILogoff() is quite easy to us . Notice that  a service 
context handle will be created during the time processing OCILogon(). 
 A service context handle defines attributes that determine the operational context for 
OCI calls to a server. The service context contains three handles as its attributes, that 
represent a server connection, a user session, and a transaction.  OCILogon() call also 
implicitly allocates server and user session handles associated with the session.

 Is is a very good custom that release the resource allocated at first in an order when 
the program comes the end . OCIDB::Single_Disc() does it explicitly .

 b. Multiple Sessions or Connections
 If an application needs to maintain multiple user sessions on a database connection, 
the application requires a different set of calls to set up the sessions and connections.

 The corresponding functions in the example listed as follows :
 The calling order of routines :
 OCIHandleAlloc  <Error>
 OCIHandleAlloc  <Server Context >
 OCIHandleAlloc  <Server>
 OCIAttrSet  <Set Server Into ServerContext>
 OCIServerAttach <AttachServer>
 OCIHandleAlloc  <Session>
 OCIAttrSet  <Set Session Into ServerContext>
 Compare with OCILogon() it becomes more complex . Each handle is allocated by 
hand here .
 There is someting new . All OCI handles have attributes associated with them. These 
attributes represent data stored in that handle. You can read handle attributes using the 
attribute get call, OCIAttrGet(), and you can change them with the attribute set call,  
OCIAttrSet(). OCIServerAttach() creates an access path to the data server for OCI 
operations. OCISessionBegin() establishes a session for a user against a particular server. 
 This call is required for the user to be able to execute any operation on the server. 
 Notice that the calling order of OCIAttrSet() or OCIServerAttach() is random . As the
same , either call OCIAttrSet() before OCISessionBegin() or call OCISessionBegin()  
before OCIAttrSet() is OK .

 You can change the content of the file Main.cpp to implement the different operation . 
Some code for test is listed below :

 #include "OCIDB.h"
 int main() {
    OCIDB db;
 #include "OCIDB.h"
 int main() {
    OCIDB db;

2. Execute non-query SQL

 Non-query SQL means that SQL doesn't return any data , such as create , insert , delete
and so on . These SQL statements also could be comprehanded as DDL . OCI also support 
the bind for extern values and we will discuss it in next section.  Please search the relevant 
code in the example.  The function OCIDB::ExecuteSql() covers it .

 At first you should allocate a statement handle in the envionment handle. A statement 
handle is the context that identifies a SQL or PL/SQL statement and its associated attributes.
Every SQL statement must be prepared for execution by OCIStmtPrepare() then. This is a 
completely local call, requiring no round trip to the server. No association is made at this 
point between the statement and a particular server.

 After finished the steps above , call OCIStmtExecute() to execute the statement. For DDL 
statements, no further steps are necessary.

 You may use these code statements in Main.cpp as the following :
 #include "OCIDB.h"
 int main() {
    OCIDB db;
     db.ExecuteSql("update liwei_test  set id =123 where note='test' ");

3. Bind variable
 Most DML statements, and some queries (such as those with a WHERE clause), require a 
program to pass data to Oracle as part of a SQL or PL/SQL statement. Such data can be constant 
or literal data, known when your program is compiled.

 insert into liwei_test (id,name,note)values(1,'aABD','cadsf')

 This statement is a simple one to insert some data known. When you prepare a SQL statement 
or PL/SQL block that contains input data to be supplied at runtime, placeholders in the SQL statement 
or PL/SQL block mark where data must be supplied. For example, the following SQL statement 
contains three placeholders, indicated by the leading colons (for example, :id), that show where 
input data must be supplied by the program.

 insert into liwei_test (id,name,note)values(:id,:name,:note)
 In this example I also made two different way using the bind .  Look at this content of Main.cpp :

 A. One-off bind with a predefine structure

 #include "OCIDB.h"
 int main() {
   OCIDB db;
   db.BindAddVar(":id", 19809);
   db.BindAddVar(":name", "liwei");
   db.BindAddVar(":note", "test");
   db.BindSql("insert into liwei_test (id,name,note)values(:id,:name,:note) ");
   db.BindAddVar(":id", 169);
   db.BindAddVar(":name", "sstem ch");
   db.BindSql("insert into liwei_test (id,name)values(:id,:name) ");
 OCIDB::BindAddVar() add the user parameters into the share variable which name 
is m_BindVars . It has several overrided patterns .
 OCIDB::BindSql() execute the SQL statement binding the structural variable . All of 
the OCI operation needed is called in an order . 
 Notice :  OCIDB::BindAddVar() allocates memory automaticly as the bind variable need .
 B.  Bind the variable step by step consistent with the defined order of OCI

 #include "OCIDB.h"
 int main() {
   OCIDB db;
   db.UserPrepare("insert into liwei_test (id,name,note)values(:id,:name,:note)");
   db.UserBind(":name", "liweitest");
   db.UserBind(":note", "asdfasdf");
 The process had been divided into several steps here . In this case you can extend some 
further functions more easily . 

 Notice :  The class function starts with "User" is a series which performs a common template .

 Both the two methods above follow this calling order :
 OCIHandleAlloc  <stmt>
 OCIHandleFree  <stmt>
4. Get the Recordset from a SQL Select statement

 In this section i'd like to introduce a simple query example about the select statement which
 select-list cols is known before execution. 
  Query statements return data from the database to your application.  When processing a query, 
 you must define an output variable or an array of output variables for each item in the select-list 
 from which you want to retrieve data.

 #include "OCIDB.h"
 int main() {
   OCIDB db;
   db.UserSelect("select id,name,note,value from liwei_test where note='test'");
   while(db.UserFetch()==0) {
    printf("id:%f\n", db.UserGetFloat("id"));
    printf("name:%s\n", db.UserGetString("name"));
    printf("note:%s\n", db.UserGetString("note"));
    printf("value:%f\n\n", db.UserGetFloat("value"));
 As you see ,  a simple one is gave now , which still seems a bit complex . Firstly i defined 
a structure "TSelectVar"  to store select-list . "TSelectVar" had a union to store values in 
different type . Then i encapsuled the select operation into the four parts .

 So let's have a look at the first part --  OCIDB::UserSelect() .

 OCIHandleAlloc() , OCIStmtPrepare(), OCIStmtExecute() and then the OCIAttrGet() !
 I want to know the column count of the select-list , so used OCIAttrGet() there . For each 
 column , i called OCIParamGet() to get a OCI parameter and then used OCIAttrGet() to 
 fetch lots of useful imformation such as name, size, presision and so on .
 After the get of attribute , you should define the content of the select-list using OCIDefineByPos()
 or OCIDefineByName() then.
 The purpose of these Get() and Define() calls is to describe the select-list for the following 
 action which is get .  OCIDB::UserFetch() is easily comprehanded , for only one call OCIStmtFetch
 in it .
 Pay attention to the member function like OCIDB::UserGet , these functions is interface 
 to exterior user . It is overrided also .
   int UserGetInt(int index);
   int UserGetInt(char * name);
   char * UserGetString(int index);
   char * UserGetString(char * name);  
   float UserGetFloat(int index);
   float UserGetFloat(char * name); 
 Peruse the code patiently and you will gain much knowledge .
5.The Last

 This example is just for a demonstration or a accidence . You mush not stop here only . 
Take this way for more info by practice and online help. Obviousely there are many points 
which are not very standard in the article , for a exam i didn't use CONST while passing a 
value . This is a important aspect to improve .
   For you may not acclimatize youself  to the variety of the OCI type , take it easy , try to
get together with the OCI Function Reference and force a type conversion .








 OCIHandleAlloc  <ERROR>
 OCIHandleFree   <ERROR>
 OCIHandleFree   <ENV>
 OCI应用程序必须有一个环境句柄,在这里由 OCIEnvCreate()创建。环境句柄相当
之前调用。一般来说,从兼容性方面考虑,最好使用OCIInitialize() 和 OCIEnvInit()替代
OCIDB::Multiple_Conn()中就使用了OCIInitialize()和OCIEnvInit() ,我们一会会提到。
空间。可以存储连接环境信息(如,数据库连接环境或服务环境句柄) ,OCI函数执行


 OCIException::CheckError() 是一个完整的错误处理示例。
和 OCILogoff() 理解起来并不难。要注意OCILogon()执行过程中返回了一个服务环境


 OCIHandleAlloc  <Error>
 OCIHandleAlloc  <Server Context >
 OCIHandleAlloc  <Server>
 OCIAttrSet  <Set Server Into ServerContext>
 OCIServerAttach <AttachServer>
 OCIHandleAlloc  <Session>
 OCIAttrSet  <Set Session Into ServerContext>
创建了一个OCI操作的数据服务访问路径,OCISessionBegin() 确立用户会话连接。
 注意这里的OCIAttrSet()和OCIServerAttach()的调用顺序不是固定的,类似的 OCISessionBegin() 
和 OCIAttrSet() 先后顺序也是可以互换的。

 #include "OCIDB.h"
 int main() {
    OCIDB db;
 #include "OCIDB.h"
 int main() {
    OCIDB db;


 这类语句一般包括create , insert和delete等等,无返回值语句一般也可以理解为DDL
 例子中相关的函数是OCIDB::ExecuteSql() 。

 完成上面步骤后,就可以调用OCIStmtExecute() 执行SQL语句了。
 #include "OCIDB.h"
 int main() {
    OCIDB db;
     db.ExecuteSql("update liwei_test  set id =123 where note='test' ");


 insert into liwei_test (id,name,note)values(1,'aABD','cadsf')

 insert into liwei_test (id,name,note)values(:id,:name,:note)
 #include "OCIDB.h"
 int main() {
   OCIDB db;
   db.BindAddVar(":id", 19809);
   db.BindAddVar(":name", "liwei");
   db.BindAddVar(":note", "test");
   db.BindSql("insert into liwei_test (id,name,note)values(:id,:name,:note) ");
   db.BindAddVar(":id", 169);
   db.BindAddVar(":name", "sstem ch");
   db.BindSql("insert into liwei_test (id,name)values(:id,:name) ");
 OCIDB::BindAddVar() 将相关的用户变量参数添加到m_BindVars变量中,这个函数
 OCIDB::BindSql() 绑定结构体定义的变量,并执行SQL语句。
 注意:OCIDB::BindAddVar() 根据绑定的变量值自动分配内存
 B. 根据OCI内部顺序一步一步绑定
 #include "OCIDB.h"
 int main() {
   OCIDB db;
   db.UserPrepare("insert into liwei_test (id,name,note)values(:id,:name,:note)");
   db.UserBind(":name", "liweitest");
   db.UserBind(":note", "asdfasdf");
 OCIHandleAlloc  <stmt>
 OCIHandleFree  <stmt>s


 #include "OCIDB.h"
 int main() {
   OCIDB db;
   db.UserSelect("select id,name,note,value from liwei_test where note='test'");
   while(db.UserFetch()==0) {
    printf("id:%f\n", db.UserGetFloat("id"));
    printf("name:%s\n", db.UserGetString("name"));
    printf("note:%s\n", db.UserGetString("note"));
    printf("value:%f\n\n", db.UserGetFloat("value"));
类似)准备存储返回的结果集。TSelectVar 中使用了Union存储不同类型的数值。然后
我把整个OCI Select过程封装成如下四部分:
 我们先看第一部分 OCIDB::UserSelect() 。
 OCIHandleAlloc() , OCIStmtPrepare(), OCIStmtExecute() 然后是OCIAttrGet() 。
 数据。OCIDB::UserFetch() 里面只有个OCIStmtFetch(),比较好理解,说白了就是控制
   int UserGetInt(int index);
   int UserGetInt(char * name);
   char * UserGetString(int index);
   char * UserGetString(char * name);  
   float UserGetFloat(int index);
   float UserGetFloat(char * name); 


posted on 2011-03-23 00:13 一路风尘 阅读(2340) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: Oracle

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