vncRealVNC provides remote control software which lets you see and interact with desktop applications across any network.
RFB protocolVNC stands for
Virtual Network Computing. It is, in essence, a remote display system which allows you to view a computing 'desktop' environment not only on the machine where it is running, but from anywhere on the Internet and from a wide variety of machine architectures.
winVNC 源代码分析:下面的内容是用 VC.NET 的调试器调试的整个源码而确定的执行流程. 在分析代码时尽量不要静态的分析代码,这样速度很慢的。利用调试器我们可以通过简单的设置断点来跟踪整个执行流程。
RFB中的编码方式RealVNC VNCViewer 代码注释A8:
connection --> image updata -->mouse / key
rfb 里是处理通信部分的 xxxReader,xxxWriter..
rdr 里面是图像的处理 bmp to jpg,jpg to bmp
FileVersionInfo: 可以获取exe文件的各种信息
VNCServer - abstract interface implemented by the RFB library. The back-end code calls the relevant methods as appropriate
The PixelBuffer class encapsulates the PixelFormat and dimensions of a block of pixel data.
SConnection - class on the server side representing a connection to a client. A derived class should override methods appropriately.
The WMNotifier is used to get callbacks indicating changes in the state of the system, for instance in the size/format/palette of the display. The WMNotifier contains a Win32 window, which receives notifications of system events and stores them. Whenever processEvent is called, any incoming events are processed and the appropriate notifier called.
rdr::InStream marshalls data from a buffer stored in RDR (RFB Data Representation).
FdInStream streams from a file descriptor.
EventManager.h: Win32 event manager. Caller supplies event & handler pairs and then uses getMessage() in place of ::GetMessage() in the main loop. EventManager calls the event handler whenever the event is set
Configuration.h: This header defines a set of classes used to represent configuration parameters of different types
RegConfig.h: Class which monitors the registry and reads in the registry settings whenever they change, or are added or removed.
拷屏高效屏幕录制: 屏幕录制有着广泛的用途,主要用于建立演示培训,或者远程屏幕监视和广播。由于屏幕的大小和色深通常很高,而且具有大块背景色、窗口拖动/卷动造成的内容移动和菜单弹出造成的瞬时变化等特性,因此需要在数据采集、压缩和传输/存储上多加考虑。
Various methods for capturing the screen:Explains techniques for capturing the screen programmatically。Create Movie(.avi) From HBitmap
实时屏幕传输:Mirror driver是Windows NT下的一种显示驱动,系统发往物理显卡的所有命令也同样发送给Mirror driver,可以在Mirror driver中可以模拟出当前系统的显示内容,因此称之为mirror 。利用这个特性,就能很方便的捕获到当前屏幕的内容以及系统要绘制的区域(变化部分),是一种速度很快的截屏方法
为了实现远程桌面控制,如何高效率传输屏幕画面?我正着急呢!高手请指点啊!!! 讨论很精彩