
typedef char ElemType;
typedef struct
   ElemType elem;
   unsigned int m_weight;
   unsigned int parent,lchild,rchild;

typedef char** HuffmanCode;
typedef int Status;
typedef struct weight
  char elem;
  unsigned int m_weight;
}Weight; // save the information of the symbolizes;

void HuffmanCoding(HuffmanTree *,HuffmanCode *,Weight *,int);
void Select(HuffmanTree,int,int *,int *);
void OutputHuffmanCode(HuffmanTree,HuffmanCode,int);

Status main(void)
  HuffmanTree HT;
  HuffmanCode HC;
  Weight *w;
  char c;     // the symbolizes;
  int i,n;      // the number of elements;
  int wei;    // the weight of a element;

  printf("input the tatol number of the Huffman Tree:" );
  w=(Weight *)malloc(n*sizeof(Weight));
    printf("input the element & its weight:");

  return 1;


void HuffmanCoding(HuffmanTree *HT,HuffmanCode *HC,Weight *w,int n)
  int i,m,s1,s2,start,c,f;
  char *cd;
  HuffmanTree p;




  cd=(char *)malloc(n*sizeof(char));
       if((*HT)[f].lchild==c) cd[--start]='0';
       else cd[--start]='1';

     (*HC)[i]=(char *)malloc((n-start)*sizeof(char));

void Select(HuffmanTree HT,int n,int *s1,int *s2)
  int i;
      else (*s2)=i;


      if((*s1)==0) (*s1)=i;
      else if((*s2)==0)
  else (*s2)=i;
      } // end of else if
    } // end of if
  } // end of for


void OutputHuffmanCode(HuffmanTree HT,HuffmanCode HC,int n)
  int i;
  printf("\nnumber---element---weight---huffman code\n");
    printf("  %d        %c         %d        %s\n",i,HT[i].elem,HT[i].m_weight,HC[i]);

Posted on 2005-12-14 11:14 艾凡赫 阅读(4983) 评论(5)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: 算 法


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