Emacs w3m 配置
;;; w3m mode
(add-to-list 'load-path (concat path-prefix "w3m"))
(setq w3m-icon-directory (concat path-prefix "w3m/icons"))
(require 'w3m)
(setq w3m-use-form t)
(setq w3m-tab-width 8)
(setq w3m-use-cookies t)
(setq w3m-use-toolbar t)
(setq w3m-use-mule-ucs t)
(setq w3m-fill-column 120)
(setq w3m-default-display-inline-image t)
(setq w3m-default-toggle-inline-images t)
(setq w3m-home-page "http://www.gogole.com")
(setq browse-url-browser-function 'w3m-browse-url)
(setq w3m-view-this-url-new-session-in-background t)
;; Make this comment if you have no a proper proxy
(setq w3m-command-arguments-alist
'( ;; Don't use any additional options to visit local web pages.
;; Use the proxy server to visit any foreign urls.
"-o" "http_proxy=http://your_proxy:80/")))
Emacs-w3m 常用命令
g |
(w3m-goto-url) |
c |
(w3m-print-current-url) |
R |
(w3m-reload-this-page) |
Scroll downwards |
Scroll upwards |
> |
(w3m-scroll-left) |
< |
(w3m-scroll-right) |
. |
Shift to the left |
, |
Shift to the right |
M-l |
(w3m-horizontal-recenter) |
Move the point to the next link |
Move the point to the previous anchor. |
] |
Move the point to the next form. |
[ |
Move the point to the previous form. |
} |
Move the point to the next image. |
{ |
Move the point to the previous image |
B |
(w3m-view-previous-page) |
N |
(w3m-view-next-page). |
H |
(w3m-gohome) |
^ |
parent directory of the page currently displayed |
q |
(w3m-close-window). |
Q |
(w3m-quit) |
T |
(w3m-toggle-inline-images) |
I |
(w3m-view-image) |
M-i |
(w3m-save-image) |
M-[ |
(w3m-zoom-out-image) |
M-] |
(w3m-zoom-in-image) |
s |
(w3m-history) |
a |
(w3m-bookmark-add-current-url) |
M-a |
(w3m-bookmark-add-this-url) |
v |
(w3m-bookmark-view) |
C-k |
(w3m-bookmark-kill-entry) |
E |
(w3m-bookmark-edit) |
C-_ |
(w3m-bookmark-undo) |
C-c C-t |
(w3m-copy-buffer) |
C-c C-w |
(w3m-delete-buffer) |
C-c M-w |
(w3m-delete-other-buffers) |
C-c C-p |
(w3m-previous-buffer) |
C-c C-n |
(w3m-next-buffer) |
C-c C-a |
(w3m-switch-buffer) |
C-c C-s |
(w3m-select-buffer) |
d |
(w3m-download-this-url) |
C-c C-c |
(w3m-submit-form) |
C-c C-q |
(w3m-form- -keymap) |
D |
(w3m-dtree) |