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Massively Multiplayer Middleware

by Michi Henning | February 24, 2004

翻译:            andywang、    金庆

Topic: Game Development


Massively Multiplayer Middleware

Building scaleable middleware for ultra-massive online games teaches a lessonwe all can use: Big project, simple design.


Wish is a multiplayer, online, fantasy role-playing game being developed by MutableRealms.1 It differs from similar online games in that it allows tens of thousandsof players to participate in a single game world (instead of the few hundredplayers supported by other games). Allowing such a large number of players requiresdistributing the processing load over a number of machines and raises the problemof choosing an appropriate distribution technology.

Wish游戏是Mutable Realms[1]开发的幻想类多人在线角色扮演游戏。不同于类似的在线游戏,它允许数万的玩家同时参与到一个游戏世界中(而其他游戏仅支持几百人)。允许如此之多的玩家就要求在多台机器上进行分布式处理,由此产生了一个问题:选择合适的分布式技术。



Mutable Realms approached ZeroC for the distribution requirements of Wish. ZeroCdecided to develop a completely new middleware instead of using existing technology,such as CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture).2 To understand themotivation for this choice, we need to examine a few of the requirements placedon middleware by games on the scale of Wish and other large-scale distributedapplications.

Mutable Realms带着Wish游戏的分布式需求找到ZeroC。ZeroC决定开发一个全新的中间件,而不是使用现有的技术,比如CORBA(Common Object Request Broker Architecture,公共对象请求代理体系)[2]。为了理解这个选择的动机,我们需要考察像Wish这种规模的游戏和其他大规模分布式应用程序对中间件的一些要求。

Multi-Platform Support. The dominant platform for the online games market isMicrosoft Windows, so the middleware has to support Windows. For the server side,Mutable Realms had early on decided to use Linux machines: The low cost of theplatform, together with its reliability and rich tool support, made this an obviouschoice. The middleware, therefore, had to support both Windows and Linux, withpossible later support for Mac OS X and other Unix variants.

多平台支持。在线游戏市场的主要平台是Microsoft Windows,所以中间件必须支持Windows。在服务器这边,Mutable Realms很早就决定使用Linux:费用低,并且可靠性高,以及工具软件丰富,这是明摆着的选择。因此,中间件必须要同时支持Windows和Linux,也许以后还要支持Mac OS X和其他Unix变种。

Multi-Language Support. Client and server software is written in Java, as wellas a combination of C++ and assembly language for performance-critical functions.At ZeroC we used Java because some of our development staff had little priorC++ experience. Java also offers advantages in terms of defect count and developmenttime; in particular, garbage collection eliminates the memory management errorsthat often plague C++ development. For administration of the game via the Web,we wanted to use the PHP hypertext processor. As a result, the game middlewarehad to support C++, Java, and PHP.


Transport and Protocol Support. As we developed the initial distribution architecturefor the game, it became clear that we were faced with certain requirements interms of the underlying transports and protocols:


Players connect to ISPs via telephone lines, as well as broadband links. Whilebroadband is becoming increasingly popular, we had decided early on that thegame had to be playable over an ordinary modem. This meant that communicationsbetween clients and server had to be possible via low-bandwidth and high-latencylinks.


Much of the game is event driven. For example, as a player moves around, otherplayers in the same area need to be informed of the changes in the game worldaround them. These changes can be distributed as simple events such as, “PlayerA moves to new coordinates <x,y>.”


Ideally, events are distributed via “datagrams.” If the occasionalstate update is lost, little harm is done: A lost event causes a particular observer’sview of the game world to lag behind momentarily, but that view becomes up-to-dateagain within a very short time, when another event is successfully delivered.


• Events in the game often have more than one destination. For example, if a playermoves within the field of vision of five other players, the same positional updatemust be sent to all five observing players. We wanted to be able to use broadcastor multicast to support such scenarios.

• 游戏中的事件经常有多个目标。比如,玩家在其他5个玩家的视野内移动,位置更新必须发送给所有这5个看到他的玩家。我们想用广播或多播来支持这样的场景。

• Communications between clients and game servers must be secure. For an onlinesubscription-based game, this is necessary for revenue collection, as well asto prevent cheating. (For example, it must be impossible for a player to acquirea powerful artifact by manipulating the client-side software.)

• 客户端和游戏服务器之间的通信必须是安全的。对基于订购的在线游戏,这是必须的,既为了赚钱,也为了防做弊(例如,玩家无法通过修改客户端软件来得到超级装备)。

• Clients connect to the game from LANs that are behind firewalls and use NAT (networkaddress translation). The communications protocol for the game has to be designedin a way that accommodates NAT without requiring knowledge of application-specificinformation in order to translate addresses.

• 客户端能在局域网内部通过防火墙和NAT(network address translation,网络地址转换)连入游戏。游戏的通信协议必须按以下方式设计:它能够穿越NAT,但是地址转换无需应用程序特有的相关信息。

Versioning Support. We wanted to be able to update the game world while the gamewas being played—for example, to add new items or quests. These updateshave to be possible without requiring every deployed client to be upgraded immediately—thatis, client software at an older revision level has to continue to work with theupdated game servers (albeit without providing access to newly added features).This means that the type system has to be flexible enough to allow updates, suchas adding a field to a structure or changing the signature of a method, withoutbreaking deployed clients.


Ease of Use. Although a few of the Wish game developers are distributed computingexperts, the majority have little or no experience. This means that the middlewarehas to be easy for nonexperts to use, with simple, threadsafe and exception-safeAPIs (application programming interfaces).

易用性。虽然有些Wish游戏的开发者是分布式计算的专家,但是大部分经验不足甚至没有经验。这意味着中间件必须让非专家也能容易使用,具有简单的、线程安全的,和异常安全的API(application programming interface,应用程序接口)。

Persistence. Much of the game requires state, such as the inventory for eachplayer, to be stored in a database. We wanted to provide developers with a wayto store and retrieve persistent state for application objects without havingto concern themselves with the actual database and without having to design databaseschemas. Particularly during development, as the game evolves, it is prohibitivelytime consuming to repeatedly redesign schemas to accommodate changes. In addition,as we improve the game while being deployed, we must add new features to a databaseand remove older features from it. We wanted an automatic way to migrate an existing,populated database to a new database schema without losing any of the informationin the old database that was still valid.

持久化。很多游戏都需要将状态保存数据库,如玩家的所有物品。我们需要给开发者提供一种方法,使之可以保存和获取应用对象的持久化状态,但不必关心具体的数据库,也不必设计数据库模式(database schema)。特别是开发过程中,当游戏不断演化,为了适应变化而反复地修改表结构,所耗的时间会让人望而却步。而且,在游戏发布后,当我们改进游戏时,必须添加新的属性到数据库,以及删除旧的属性。我们需要一种自动的方式,将现存的已填充的数据库迁移到新的数据库模式,而不丢失旧库中任何仍然有效的信息。

Threading. Much of the server-side processing is I/O-bound: Database and networkaccess forces servers to wait for I/O completion. Other tasks, such as pathfinding,are compute-bound and can best be supported using parallel algorithms. This meansthat the middleware has to be inherently threaded and offer developers sufficientcontrol over threading strategies to implement parallel algorithms while preventingproblems such as thread starvation and deadlock. Given the idiosyncrasies ofthreading on different operating systems, we also wanted a platform-neutral threadingmodel with a portable API.


Scalability. Clearly, the most serious challenges for the middleware are in thearea of scalability: For an online game, predicting realistic bounds is impossibleon things such as the total number of subscribers or the number of concurrentplayers. This means that we need an architecture that can be scaled by federatingservers (that is, adding more servers) as demands on the software increase.


We also need fault-tolerance: For example, upgrading a server to a newer versionof the game software has to be possible without kicking off every player currentlyusing that server. The middleware has to be capable of automatically using areplica server while the original server is being upgraded.

我们也需要容错性:比如,将服务器升级到游戏软件的新版本必须是可能的,而不应该踢掉当前正在使用该服务器的每个玩家。中间件必须能够在原服务器正在升级时,自动使用一个副本服务器(replica server)。

Other scalability issues relate to resource management. For example, we did notwant to be subject to hardwired limits, such as a maximum number of open connectionsor instantiated objects. This means that, wherever possible, the middleware hasto provide automated resource management functions that are not subject to arbitrarylimits and are easy to use. Simultaneously, these functions have to provide enoughcontrol for developers to tune resource management to their needs. Wherever possible,we wanted to be able to change resource management strategies without requiringrecompilation.


A common scalability problem for distributed multiplayer games relates to managingdistributed sets of objects. The game might allow players to form guilds, subjectto certain rules: For example, a player may not be a member of more than oneguild, or a guild may have at most one level-5 mage (magician). In computingterms, implementing such behavior boils down to performing membership tests onsets of distributed objects. Efficient implementation of such set operationsrequires an object model that does not incur the cost of a remote message foreach test. In other words, the object identities of objects must be visible atall times and must have a total order.


In classical RPC (remote procedure call) systems, object implementations residein servers, and clients send remote messages to objects: All object behavioris on the server, with clients only invoking behavior, but not implementing it.Although this approach is attractive because it naturally extends the notionof a local procedure call to distributed scenarios, it causes significant problems:

在经典RPC(remote procedure call,远程过程调用)系统中,对象的实现位于服务器,客户端发送远程消息到对象:所有对象行为都在服务器,而客户端只是调用行为,而不是实现它。尽管这个方法很有吸引力,因为它将本地过程调用的概念自然地扩展到了分布式环境中,但它造成了以下值得注意的问题:

• Sending a remote message is orders of magnitude slower than sending a local message.One obvious way to reduce network traffic is to create “fat” RPCs:as much data as possible is sent with each call to better amortize the cost ofgoing on the wire. The downside of fat RPCs is that performance considerationsinterfere with object modeling: While the problem domain may call for fine-grainedinterfaces with many operations that exchange only a small amount of state, goodperformance requires coarse-grained interfaces. It is difficult to reconcilethis design tension and find a suitable trade-off.

• 发送远程消息比发送本地消息慢好几个数量级。减少网络流量的一种明显的方法是创建“胖(fat)”RPC:每次调用都发送尽可能多的数据,以便更好地分摊传输的成本。胖RPC的缺点是,性能方面的考虑干扰了对象建模:虽然问题域可能需要细粒度的接口,以及许多仅仅交换少量状态的操作,但为了良好的性能,却要求粗粒度的接口。人们很难调和这种设计的紧张局势并找到适合的折衷之法。

• Many objects have behavior and can be traded among players. Yet, to meet theprocessing requirements of the game, we have many servers (possibly in differentcontinents) that implement object behavior. If behavior stays put in the server,yet players can trade objects, before long, players end up with a potion whoseserver is in the United States and a scroll whose server is in Europe, with thepotion and scroll carried in a bag that resides in Australia. In other words,a pure client–server model does not permit client-side behavior and objectmigration, and, therefore, destroys locality of reference.

• 很多对象有行为,并且可以在玩家之间交易。但是,为了满足游戏处理的要求,我们有很多服务器(可能位于不同的大陆),它们实现了对象的行为。如果行为停留在服务器不动,而玩家可以交易对象,那么,不久以后,有个玩家会有一瓶药在美国的服务器上,一个卷轴在欧洲的服务器上,而放这瓶药和卷轴的袋子却在澳大利亚的服务器上。换句话说,纯粹的客户端-服务器模型不允许客户端的行为和对象迁移,并且因此破坏了访问局部性(locality of reference)。

We wanted an object model that supports both client- and server-side behaviorso we could migrate objects and improve locality of reference.




Looking at our requirements, we quickly realized that existing middleware wouldbe unsuitable. The cross-platform and multi-language requirements suggested CORBA;however, a few of us had previously built a commercial object request brokerand knew from this experience that CORBA could not satisfy our functionalityand scalability requirements. Consequently, we decided to develop our own middleware,dubbed Ice (short for Internet Communications Engine).3

看到需求,我们马上意识到现有的中间件没有合适的。多平台和多语言的需求使人想到CORBA;但是,我们几个以前曾经建立了一个商业性的对象请求代理,并且从这次经历知道,CORBA不能满足我们的功能和可扩展性需求。因此,我们决定开发自己的中间件,称为Ice(互联网通信引擎,Internet Communications Engine的简称)[3]。

The overriding focus in the design of Ice was on simplicity: We knew from bitterexperience that every feature is paid for in increased code and memory size,more complex APIs, steeper learning curve, and reduced performance. We made everyeffort to find the simplest possible abstractions (without passing the “complexitybuck” to the developer), and we admitted features only after we were certainthat we absolutely had to have them.


Object Model. Ice restricts its object model to a bare minimum: Built-in datatypes are limited to signed integers, floating-point numbers, Booleans, Unicodestrings, and 8-bit uninterpreted (binary) bytes. User-defined types include constants,enumerations, structures, sequences, dictionaries, and exceptions with inheritance.Remote objects are modeled as interfaces with multiple inheritance that containoperations with input and output parameters and a return value. Interfaces arepassed by reference—that is, passing an interface passes an invocationhandle via which an object can be invoked remotely.


To support client-side behavior and object migration, we added classes: operationinvocations on a class execute in the client’s address space (instead ofthe server’s, as is the case for interfaces). In addition, classes canhave state (whereas interfaces, at the object-modeling level, are always stateless).Classes are passed by value—that is, passing a class instance passes thestate of the class instead of a handle to a remote object.


We did not attempt to pass behavior: This would require a virtual execution environmentfor objects but would be in conflict with our performance and multi-languagerequirements. Instead, we implemented identical behavior for a class at all itspossible host locations (clients and servers): Rather than shipping code around,we provide the code wherever it is needed and ship only the state. To migratean object, a process passes a class instance to another process and then destroysits copy of the instance; semantically, the effect is the same as migrating bothstate and behavior.


Architecturally, implementing object migration in this way is a two-edged swordbecause it requires all host locations to implement identical (as opposed tomerely similar) behavior. This has ramifications for versioning: If we changethe behavior of a class at one host location, we must change the behavior ofthat class at all other locations (or suffer inconsistent behavior). Multiplelanguages also require attention. For example, if a class instance passes froma C++ server to a Java client, we must provide C++ and Java implementations withidentical behavior. (Obviously, this requires more effort than implementing thebehavior just once in a single language and single server.)


For environments such as Wish, where we control both client and server deployment,this is acceptable; for applications that provide only servers and rely on otherparties to provide clients, this can be problematic because ensuring identicalbehavior of third-party class implementations is difficult.


Protocol Design. To meet our performance goals, we broke with established wisdomfor RPC protocols in two ways:


• Data is not tagged with its type on the wire and is encoded as compactly as possible:The encoding uses no padding (everything is byte-aligned) and applies a numberof simple techniques to save bandwidth. For example, positive integers less than255 require a single byte instead of four bytes, and strings are not NUL terminated.This encoding is more compact (sometimes by a factor of two or more, dependingon the type of data) than CORBA’s CDR (common data representation) encoding.

• 数据传输时没有类型标记,并且尽可能的以紧凑格式编码:编码没有填充(结构都以1字节对齐),并且使用了一些简单的技术节省带宽。例如,小于255的正整数需要1个字节而不是4字节,字符串不以NUL结尾。这样的编码比CORBA的CDR(common data representation,通用数据表示)编码更紧凑(有时可达到2倍以上,视数据类型而定)。

• Data is always marshaled in little-endian byte order. We rejected a receiver-makes-it-rightapproach (as used by CORBA) because experiments showed no measurable performancegain.

• 数据总是以little-endian字节序组编(marshal)。我们不使用receiver-makes-it-right(接收者让它正确)方法(它用于CORBA),因为实验表明该方法没有可观的性能提升。

The protocol supports compression for better performance over low-speed links.(Interestingly, for high-speed links, compression is best disabled: It takesmore time to compress data than to send it uncompressed.)


The protocol encodes request data as a byte count followed by the payload asa blob. This allows the receiver of a message to forward it to a number of downstreamreceivers without the need to unmarshal and remarshal the message. Avoiding thiscost was important so we could build efficient message switches for event distribution.


The protocol supports TCP/IP and UDP (user datagram protocol). For secure communications,we use SSL (secure sockets layer): It is freely available and has been extensivelyscrutinized for flaws by the security community.

协议支持TCP/IP和UDP(user datagram protocol,用户数据报协议)。为了安全通信,我们使用SSL(secure sockets layer,安全套接字层):它是免费的,并且安全社区已经对它进行了广泛的检验。

The protocol is bidirectional, so a server can make a callback over a connectionthat was previously established by a client. This is important for communicationthrough firewalls, which usually permit outgoing connections, but not incomingones. The protocol also works across NAT boundaries.


Classes make the protocol more complex because they are polymorphic: If a processsends a derived instance to a receiver that understands only a base type of thatinstance, the Ice runtime slices the instance to the most-derived base type thatis known to the receiver. Slicing requires the receiver to unmarshal data whosetype is unknown. Further, classes can be self-referential and form arbitrarygraphs of nodes: Given a starting node, the Ice runtime marshals all reachablenodes so graphs require the sender to perform cycle detection.


The implementation of slicing and class graphs is surprisingly complex. To supportunmarshaling, the protocol sends classes as individually encapsulated slices,each tagged with their type. On average (compared with structures), this requires10 to 15 percent extra bandwidth. To preserve the identity relationships of nodesand to detect cycles, the marshaling code creates additional data structures.On average, this incurs a performance penalty of 5 to 10 percent. Finally, forC++, we had to write a garbage collector to avoid memory leaks in the presenceof cyclic class graphs, which was nontrivial. Without slicing and class graphs,the protocol implementation would have been simpler and (for classes) slightlyfaster.


Versioning. The object model supports multiple interfaces: Instead of havinga single most-derived interface, an object can provide any number of interfaces.Given a handle to an object, clients can request a specific interface at runtimeusing a safe downcast. Multiple interfaces permit versioning of objects withoutbreaking on-the-wire compatibility: To create a newer version, we add new interfacesto existing objects. Already-deployed clients continue to work with the old interfaces,whereas new clients can use the new interfaces.


Used naively, multiple interfaces can lead to a versioning mess that forces clientsto continuously choose the correct version. To avoid these problems, we designedthe game such that clients access it via a small number of bootstrap objectsfor which they choose an interface version. Thereafter, clients acquire handlesto other objects via their chosen interfaces on bootstrap objects, so the desiredversion is known implicitly to the bootstrap object. The Ice protocol providesa mechanism for implicit propagation of contextual information such as versioning,so we need not pollute all our object interfaces by adding an extra version parameter.


Multiple interfaces reduced development time of the game because, apart fromversioning, they allowed us to use loose coupling at the type level between clientsand servers. Instead of modifying the definition of an existing interface, wecould add new features by adding new interfaces. This reduced the number of dependenciesacross the system and shielded developers from each others’ changes andthe associated compilation avalanches that often ensue.

多接口缩短了游戏开发时间,因为,除了版本之外,多接口还允许我们在客户端和服务器之间的类型级别中使用松耦合。不修改现有接口的定义,我们就可以通过添加新接口来增加新功能。这减少了整个系统的依赖数量,并且屏蔽了开发者相互间的变更,以及由此带来的相关的编译雪崩(compilation avalanche)。

On the downside, multiple interfaces incur a loss of static type safety becauseinterfaces are selected only at runtime, which makes the system more vulnerableto latent bugs that can escape testing. When used judiciously, however, multipleinterfaces are useful in combating the often excessively tight coupling of traditionalRPC approaches.


Ease of Use. Ease of use is an overriding design goal. On the one hand, thismeans that we keep the runtime APIs as simple and small as possible. For example,29 lines of specification are sufficient to define the API to the Ice objectadapter. Despite this, the object adapter is fully functional and supports flexibleobject implementations, such as separate servant per object, one-to-many mappingsof servants to objects, default servants, servant locators, and evictors. Byspending a lot of time on the design, we not only kept the APIs small, but alsoreaped performance gains as a result of smaller code and working set sizes.

易用性。易用性是设计的首要目标。一方面,这意味着我们要保持运行库API尽可能的简单,尽可能的小。比如,29行的说明足以定义Ice对象适配器(object adapter)的API。尽管如此,对象适配器是功能完善的,并且支持灵活的对象实现,比如每个对象有单独的servant(服务者)、servant与对象是一对多关系、默认servant、servant locator(服务者定位器),和evictor(逐出器)。通过长时间的设计,我们不仅使API很小,而且由于更小的代码和工作集而获得了性能提升。

On the other hand, we want language mappings that are simple and intuitive. Limitingourselves to a small object model paid off here—fewer types mean less generatedcode and smaller APIs.


The C++ mapping is particularly important: From CORBA, we knew that a poorlydesigned mapping increases development time and defect count, and we wanted somethingsafer. We settled on a mapping that is small (documented in 40 pages) and providesa high level of convenience and safety. In particular, the mapping is integratedwith the C++ standard template library, is fully threadsafe, and requires nomemory management. Developers never need to deallocate anything, and exceptionscannot cause memory leaks.


One issue we repeatedly encounter for language mappings is namespace collision.Each language has its own set of keywords, library namespaces, and so on. Ifthe (language-independent) object model uses a name that is reserved in a particulartarget language, we must map around the resulting collision. Such collisionscan be surprisingly subtle and confirmed, yet again, that API design (especiallygeneric API design, such as for a language mapping) is difficult and time consuming.The choice of the trade-off between ease of use and functionality also can becontentious (such as our choice to disallow underscores in object-model identifiersto create a collision-free namespace).


Persistence. To provide object persistence, we extended the object model to permitthe definition of persistence attributes for objects. To the developer, makingan object persistent consists of defining those attributes that should be storedin the database. A compiler processes these definitions and generates a runtimelibrary that implements associative containers for each type of object.


Developers access persistent objects by looking them up in a container by theirkeys—if an object is not yet in memory, it is transparently loaded fromthe database. To update objects, developers simply assign to their state attributes.Objects are automatically written to the database by the Ice runtime. (Variouspolicies can be used to control under what circumstances a physical databaseupdate takes place.)


This model makes database access completely transparent. For circumstances inwhich greater control is required, a small API allows developers to establishtransaction boundaries and preserve database integrity.


To allow us to change the game without continuously having to migrate databasesto new schemas, we developed a database transformation tool. For simple featureadditions, we supply the tool with the old and new object definitions—thetool automatically generates a new database schema and migrates the contentsof the old database to conform to the new schema. For more complex changes, suchas changing the name of a structure field or changing the key type of a dictionary,the tool creates a default transformation script in XML that a developer canmodify to implement the desired migration action.


This tool has been useful, although we keep thinking of new features that couldbe incorporated. As always, the difficulty is in knowing when to stop: The temptationto build better tools can easily detract from the overall project goals. (“Insideevery big program is a little program struggling to get out.”)

这个工具很有用,尽管我们不断地想到还可以纳入的新功能。就像通常一样,困难在于知道何时停止:建立更好的工具,这个诱惑很容易降低整个项目的目标。(“Inside every big program is a little program struggling to get out.”,“在每个大程序中,都有一个小程序挣扎着要出来。”)

Threading. We built a portable threading API that provides developers with platform-independentthreading and locking primitives. For remote call dispatch, we decided to supportonly a leader/followers threading model.4 In some situations, in which a blockingor reactive model would be better suited, this decision cost us a little in performance,but it gained us a simpler runtime and APIs and reduced the potential for deadlockin nested RPCs.


Scalability. Ice permits redundant implementations of objects in different servers.The runtime automatically binds to one of an object’s replicas and, ifa replica becomes unavailable, fails over to another replica. The binding informationfor replicas is kept in configuration and is dynamically acquired at runtime,so adding a redundant server requires only a configuration update, not changesin source code. This allows us to take down a game server for a software upgradewithout having to kick all players using that server out of the game. The samemechanism also provides fault tolerance in case of hardware failure.

扩展性。Ice允许在不同的服务器上冗余的对象实现。运行库会自动绑定到一个对象副本(replica),并且,如果副本不可用时,会自动切换(fail over)到另一个副本。副本的绑定信息保存在配置中,并在运行时动态获得,所以添加冗余服务器只需更新配置,不用修改源码。这允许我们卸下游戏服务器做软件升级,而不必把所有使用这个服务器的玩家都踢出游戏。同样的机制还提供了硬件故障时的容错能力。

To support federating logical functions across a number of servers and to shareload, we built an implementation repository that delivers binding informationto clients at runtime. A randomizing algorithm distributes load across any numberof servers that form a logical service.

为了支持在多台服务器上联盟(federate)逻辑函数,以分担负载,我们建立了一个实现库(implementation repository),它会在运行时传送绑定信息到客户端。一个随机算法会分配负载到任意数量的服务器,让它们组成一个逻辑服务。

We made a number of trade-offs for replication and load sharing. For example,not all game components can be upgraded without server shutdown, and a load feedbackmechanism would provide better load sharing than simple randomization. Givenour requirements, these limitations are acceptable, but, for applications withmore stringent requirements, this might not be the case. The skill is in decidingwhen not to build something as much as when to build it—infrastructuremakes no sense if the cost of developing it exceeds the savings during its use.




Our experiences with Ice during game development have been very positive. Despiterunning a distributed system that involves dozens of servers and thousands ofclients, the middleware has not been a performance bottleneck.


Our focus on simplicity during design paid off many times during development.When it comes to middleware, simpler is better: A well-chosen and small featureset contributes to timely development, as well as to meeting performance goals.


Finally, designing and implementing middleware is difficult and costly, evenwith many years of experience. If you are looking for middleware, chances arethat you will be better off buying it than building it.




1. Mutable Realms (Wish home page): see http://www.mutablerealms.com.

2. Henning, M., and S. Vinoski. Advanced CORBA Programming with C++. Addison-Wesley,Reading: MA, 1999.

3. ZeroC. Distributed Programming with Ice: see http://www.zeroc.com/Ice-Manual.pdf.

4. Schmidt, D. C., O’Ryan, C., Pyarali, I., Kircher, M., and Buschmann,F. Leader/ Followers: A design pattern for efficient multithreaded event demultiplexingand dispatching. Proceedings of the 7th Pattern Languages of Programs Conference(PLoP 2000); http://deuce.doc.wustl.edu/doc/pspdfs/lf.pdf.

MICHI HENNING (michi@zeroc.com) is chief scientist of ZeroC. From 1995 to 2002,he worked on CORBA as a member of the Object Management Group’s ArchitectureBoard and as an ORB implementer, consultant, and trainer. With Steve Vinoski,he wrote Advanced CORBA Programming with C++ (Addison-Wesley, 1999), the definitivetext in the field. Since joining ZeroC, he has worked on the design and implementationof Ice and in 2003 coauthored “Distributed Programming with Ice” forZeroC. He holds an honors degree in computer science from the University of Queensland,Australia.


    Originally published in Queue vol. 1, no. 10—    
    see this item in the ACM Digital Library  

posted on 2010-02-25 16:24 金庆 阅读(1673) 评论(3)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: 2. 网游开发


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