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1.  The document index (Doc.idx) keeps information about each document.  
It is a fixed width ISAM (Index sequential access mode) index, orderd by docID.  
The information stored in each entry includes a pointer into the repository,  
a document length, a document checksum.  
//Doc.idx  文档编号 文档长度    checksum hash码  
0   0   bc9ce846d7987c4534f53d423380ba70  
1   76760   4f47a3cad91f7d35f4bb6b2a638420e5  
2   141624  d019433008538f65329ae8e39b86026c  
3   142350  5705b8f58110f9ad61b1321c52605795  
//Doc.idx   end  
  The url index (url.idx) is used to convert URLs into docIDs.  
5c36868a9c5117eadbda747cbdb0725f    0 
3272e136dd90263ee306a835c6c70d77    1 
6b8601bb3bb9ab80f868d549b5c5a5f3    2 
3f9eba99fa788954b5ff7f35a5db6e1f    3 
//url.idx   end  
It is a list of URL checksums with their corresponding docIDs and is sorted by  
checksum. In order to find the docID of a particular URL, the URL's checksum  
is computed and a binary search is performed on the checksums file to find its  
        got Doc.idx, Url.idx, DocId2Url.idx //Data文件夹中的Doc.idx DocId2Url.idx和Doc.idx中  
0   http://*.*.edu.cn/index.aspx  
1   http://*.*.edu.cn/showcontent1.jsp?NewsID=118  
2   http://*.*.edu.cn/0102.html  
3   http://*.*.edu.cn/0103.html  
//DocId2Url.idx end  
2.  sort Url.idx|uniq > Url.idx.sort_uniq    //Data文件夹中的Url.idx.sort_uniq  
000bfdfd8b2dedd926b58ba00d40986b    1111 
000c7e34b653b5135a2361c6818e48dc    1831 
0019d12f438eec910a06a606f570fde8    366 
0033f7c005ec776f67f496cd8bc4ae0d    2103 
3. Segment document to terms, (with finding document according to the url)  
    ./DocSegment Tianwang.raw.2559638448        //Tianwang.raw.2559638448为爬回来的文件 ,每个页面包含http头  
        got Tianwang.raw.2559638448.seg       
//Tianwang.raw.2559638448   爬取的原始网页文件在文档内部每一个文档之间应该是通过version,</html>和回车做标志位分割的  
version: 1.0 
url: http://***.105.138.175/Default2.asp?lang=gb  
origin: http://***.105.138.175/  
date: Fri, 23 May 2008 20:01:36 GMT  
length: 38413 
HTTP/1.1 200 OK  
Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0 
Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 11:17:49 GMT  
Connection: keep-alive  
Connection: Keep-Alive  
Content-Length: 38088 
Content-Type: text/html; Charset=gb2312  
Expires: Fri, 23 May 2008 11:17:49 GMT  
Cache-control: private 
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" 
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">  
<META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="数字图书馆 方正数字图书馆 电子图书 电子书 ebook e书 Apabi 数字资源平台">  
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css\common.css">  
<style type="text/css">  
.style4 {color: #666666}  
<script LANGUAGE="vbscript">  
<Script Language="javascript">  
<body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0">  
//Tianwang.raw.2559638448   end  
//Tianwang.raw.2559638448.seg   将每个页面分成一行如下(注意中间没有回车作为分隔)  


//Tianwang.raw.2559638448.seg   end  
//下是 Tiny search 非必须因素  
4. Create forward index (docic-->termid)     //建立正向索引  
    ./CrtForwardIdx Tianwang.raw.2559638448.seg > moon.fidx  
//Tianwang.raw.2559638448.seg 将每个页面分成一行如下<BR>//分词   DocID<BR>1<BR>三星/  s/  手机/  论坛/  ,/  手机/  铃声/  下载/  ,/  手机/  图片/  下载/  ,/  手机/<BR>2<BR>...<BR>...<BR>... 

1.  The document index (Doc.idx) keeps information about each document.

It is a fixed width ISAM (Index sequential access mode) index, orderd by docID.

The information stored in each entry includes a pointer into the repository,

a document length, a document checksum.


//Doc.idx  文档编号 文档长度 checksum hash码

0 0 bc9ce846d7987c4534f53d423380ba70

1 76760 4f47a3cad91f7d35f4bb6b2a638420e5

2 141624 d019433008538f65329ae8e39b86026c

3 142350 5705b8f58110f9ad61b1321c52605795

//Doc.idx end


  The url index (url.idx) is used to convert URLs into docIDs.



5c36868a9c5117eadbda747cbdb0725f 0

3272e136dd90263ee306a835c6c70d77 1

6b8601bb3bb9ab80f868d549b5c5a5f3 2

3f9eba99fa788954b5ff7f35a5db6e1f 3

//url.idx end


It is a list of URL checksums with their corresponding docIDs and is sorted by

checksum. In order to find the docID of a particular URL, the URL's checksum

is computed and a binary search is performed on the checksums file to find its




  got Doc.idx, Url.idx, DocId2Url.idx //Data文件夹中的Doc.idx DocId2Url.idx和Doc.idx中







//DocId2Url.idx end


2.  sort Url.idx|uniq > Url.idx.sort_uniq //Data文件夹中的Url.idx.sort_uniq




000bfdfd8b2dedd926b58ba00d40986b 1111

000c7e34b653b5135a2361c6818e48dc 1831

0019d12f438eec910a06a606f570fde8 366

0033f7c005ec776f67f496cd8bc4ae0d 2103


3. Segment document to terms, (with finding document according to the url)

 ./DocSegment Tianwang.raw.2559638448  //Tianwang.raw.2559638448为爬回来的文件 ,每个页面包含http头

  got Tianwang.raw.2559638448.seg  


//Tianwang.raw.2559638448 爬取的原始网页文件在文档内部每一个文档之间应该是通过version,</html>和回车做标志位分割的

version: 1.0

url: http://***.105.138.175/Default2.asp?lang=gb

origin: http://***.105.138.175/

date: Fri, 23 May 2008 20:01:36 GMT


length: 38413


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0

Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 11:17:49 GMT

Connection: keep-alive

Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 38088

Content-Type: text/html; Charset=gb2312

Expires: Fri, 23 May 2008 11:17:49 GMT


Cache-control: private




<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"





<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">


<META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="数字图书馆 方正数字图书馆 电子图书 电子书 ebook e书 Apabi 数字资源平台">

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css\common.css">


<style type="text/css">


.style4 {color: #666666}




<script LANGUAGE="vbscript">




<Script Language="javascript">




<body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0">



//Tianwang.raw.2559638448 end


//Tianwang.raw.2559638448.seg 将每个页面分成一行如下(注意中间没有回车作为分隔)









//Tianwang.raw.2559638448.seg end


//下是 Tiny search 非必须因素

4. Create forward index (docic-->termid)  //建立正向索引

 ./CrtForwardIdx Tianwang.raw.2559638448.seg > moon.fidx


//Tianwang.raw.2559638448.seg 将每个页面分成一行如下//分词   DocID1三星/  s/  手机/  论坛/  ,/  手机/  铃声/  下载/  ,/  手机/  图片/  下载/  ,/  手机/2.........view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
//Tianwang.raw.2559638448.seg end  
//每篇文档号对应文档内分出来的    分词  DocID  
都会  2391 
使   2391 
那些  2391 
拥有  2391 
它   2391 
的   2391 
人   2391 
的   2391 
视野  2391 
变   2391 
窄   2391 
在   2180 
研究生部    2180 
主页  2180 
培养  2180 
管理  2180 
栏目  2180 
下载  2180 
)   2180 
、   2180 
关于  2180 
做好  2180 
年   2180 
国家  2180 
公派  2180 
研究生 2180 
项目  2180 
//moon.fidx end  
5.# set | grep "LANG" 
LANG=en; export LANG;  
sort moon.fidx > moon.fidx.sort  
6. Create inverted index (termid-->docid)    //建立倒排索引  
    ./CrtInvertedIdx moon.fidx.sort > sun.iidx  
//sun.iidx  //文件规模大概减少1/2  
花工   236 
花海   2103 
花卉   1018 1061 1061 1061 1730 1730 1730 1730 1730 1852 949 949 
花蕾   447 447 
花木   1061 
花呢   1430 
花期   447 447 447 447 447 525 
花钱   174 236 
花色   1730 1730 
花色品种     1660 
花生   450 526 
花式   1428 1430 1430 1430 
花纹   1430 1430 
花序   447 447 447 447 447 450 
花絮   136 137 
花芽   450 450 
//sun.iidx  end  
TSESearch   CGI program for query  
Snapshot    CGI program for page snapshot  


posted on 2009-12-10 22:55 学者站在巨人的肩膀上 阅读(1294) 评论(1)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: 中文文本信息处理


# re: 自顶向下学搜索引擎——北大天网搜索引擎TSE分析及完全注释[5]倒排索引的建立及文件介绍 2009-12-12 13:18 淘宝皇冠大全
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