一、catch和throw语句 调用某个会产生错误的表达式会导致调用进程的非正常退出,比如错误的模式匹配(2=3),这种情况下可以用catch语句:
catch expression 试看一个例子,一个函数foo:
java 代码
- foo(1) ->
- hello;
- foo(2) ->
- throw({myerror, abc});
- foo(3) ->
- tuple_to_list(a);
- foo(4) ->
- exit({myExit, 222}).
foo(1) - 返回hello
foo(2) - 语句throw({myerror, abc})执行,因为我们没有在一个catch中调用foo(2),因此进程Pid将因为错误而终止。
foo(3) - tuple_to_list将一个元组转化为列表,因为a不是元组,因此进程Pid同样因为错误而终止
foo(4) - 因为没有使用catch,因此foo(4)调用了exit函数将使进程Pid终止,{myExit, 222} 参数用于说明退出的原因。
foo(5) - 进程Pid将因为foo(5)的调用而终止,因为没有和foo(5)匹配的函数foo/1。
java 代码
- demo(X) ->
- case catch foo(X) of
- {myerror, Args} ->
- {user_error, Args};
- {'EXIT', What} ->
- {caught_error, What};
- Other ->
- Other
- end.
demo(1) - 没有错误发生,因此catch语句将返回表达式结果hello
demo(2) - foo(2)抛出错误{myerror, abc},被catch返回,因此将返回{user_error,abc}
demo(3) - foo(3)执行失败,因为参数错误,因此catch返回{'EXIT',badarg'},最后返回{caught_error,badarg}
demo(4) - 返回{caught_error,{myexit,222}}
demo(5) - 返回{caught_error,function_clause}
二、进程的终止 在进程中调用exit的BIFs就可以显式地终止进程,exit(normal)表示正常终止,exit(Reason)通过Reason给出非正常终止的原因。进程的终止也完全有可能是因为运行时错误引起的。
三、连接的进程 进程之间的连接是双向的,也就是说进程A打开一个连接到B,也意味着有一个从B到A的连接。当进程终止的时候,有一个EXIT信号将发给所有与它连接的进程。信号的格式如下:
{'EXIT', Exiting_Process_Id, Reason}
Exiting_Process_Id 是指终止的进程标记符
Reason 是进程终止的原因。如果Reason是normal,接受这个信号的进程的默认行为是忽略这个信号。默认对Exit信号的处理可以被重写,以允许进程对Exit信号的接受做出不同的反应。
通过spawn_link(Module, Function, ArgumentList)创建进程并连接,该方法返回新创建的进程Pid
通过进程的相互连接,许多的进程可以组织成一个网状结构,EXIT信号(非normal)从某个进程发出(该进程终止),所有与它相连的进程以及与这些进 程相连的其他进程,都将收到这个信号并终止,除非它们实现了自定义的EXIT信号处理方法。一个进程链状结构的例子:
java 代码
- -module(normal).
- -export([start/1, p1/1, test/1]).
- start(N) ->
- register(start, spawn_link(normal, p1, [N - 1])).
- p1(0) ->
- top1();
- p1(N) ->
- top(spawn_link(normal, p1, [N - 1]),N).
- top(Next, N) ->
- receive
- X ->
- Next ! X,
- io:format("Process ~w received ~w~n", [N,X]),
- top(Next,N)
- end.
- top1() ->
- receive
- stop ->
- io:format("Last process now exiting ~n", []),
- exit(finished);
- X ->
- io:format("Last process received ~w~n", [X]),
- top1()
- end.
- test(Mess) ->
- start ! Mess.
java 代码
- > normal:start(3).
- true
- > normal:test(123).
- Process 2 received 123
- Process 1 received 123
- Last process received 123
- > normal:test(stop).
- Process 2 received stop
- Process 1 received stop
- Last process now exiting
- stop
四、运行时失败 一个运行时错误将导致进程的非正常终止,伴随着非正常终止EXIT信号将发出给所有连接的进程,EXIT信号中有Reason并且Reason中包含一个atom类型用于说明错误的原因,常见的原因如下:
badmatch - 匹配失败,比如一个进程进行1=3的匹配,这个进程将终止,并发出{'EXIT', From, badmatch}信号给连接的进程
badarg - 顾名思义,参数错误,比如atom_to_list(123),数字不是atom,因此将发出{'EXIT', From, badarg}信号给连接进程
case_clause - 缺少分支匹配,比如
java 代码
- M = 3,
- case M of
- 1 ->
- yes;
- 2 ->
- no
- end.
没有分支3,因此将发出{'EXIT', From, case_clause}给连接进程
if_clause - 同理,if语句缺少匹配分支
function_clause - 缺少匹配的函数,比如:
java 代码
- foo(1) ->
- yes;
- foo(2) ->
- no.
如果我们调用foo(3),因为没有匹配的函数,将发出{'EXIT', From, function_clause} 给连接的进程。
undef - 进程执行一个不存在的函数
badarith - 非法的算术运算,比如1+foo。
timeout_value - 非法的超时时间设置,必须是整数或者infinity
nocatch - 使用了throw,没有相应的catch去通讯。
五、修改默认的信号接收action 当进程接收到EXIT信号,你可以通过process_flag/2方法来修改默认的接收行为。执行process_flag(trap_exit, true)设置捕获EXIT信号为真来改变默认行为,也就是将EXIT信号作为一般的进程间通信的信号进行接受并处理;process_flag (trap_exit,false)将重新开启默认行为。
java 代码
- -module(link_demo).
- -export([start/0, demo/0, demonstrate_normal/0, demonstrate_exit/1,
- demonstrate_error/0, demonstrate_message/1]).
- start() ->
- register(demo, spawn(link_demo, demo, [])).
- demo() ->
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- demo1().
- demo1() ->
- receive
- {'EXIT', From, normal} ->
- io:format("Demo process received normal exit from ~w~n",[From]),
- demo1();
- {'EXIT', From, Reason} ->
- io:format("Demo process received exit signal ~w from ~w~n",[Reason, From]),
- demo1();
- finished_demo ->
- io:format("Demo finished ~n", []);
- Other ->
- io:format("Demo process message ~w~n", [Other]),
- demo1()
- end.
- demonstrate_normal() ->
- link(whereis(demo)).
- demonstrate_exit(What) ->
- link(whereis(demo)),
- exit(What).
- demonstrate_message(What) ->
- demo ! What.
- demonstrate_error() ->
- link(whereis(demo)),
- 1 = 2.
java 代码
- > link_demo:start().
- true
- > link_demo:demonstrate_normal().
- true
- Demo process received normal exit from <0.13.1>
- > link_demo:demonstrate_exit(hello).
- Demo process received exit signal hello from <0.14.1>
- ** exited: hello **
- > link_demo:demonstrate_exit(normal).
- Demo process received normal exit from <0.13.1>
- ** exited: normal **
- > link_demo:demonstrate_error().
- !!! Error in process <0.17.1> in function
- !!! link_demo:demonstrate_error()
- !!! reason badmatch
- ** exited: badmatch **
- Demo process received exit signal badmatch from <0.17.1>
error_handler:undefined_function(Mod, Func, [Arg0,...,ArgN])
3.如果不使用系统自带的error_handler,可以通过process_flag(error_handler, MyMod) 设置自己的错误处理模块。
七、Catch Vs. Trapping Exits这两者的区别在于应用场景不同,Trapping Exits应用于当接收到其他进程发送的EXIT信号时,而catch仅用于表达式的执行。
java 代码
- -module(allocator).
- -export([start/1,server/2,allocate/0,free/1,start_client/0,loop/0]).
- start(Resources) ->
- Pid = spawn(allocator, server, [Resources,[]]),
- register(resource_alloc, Pid).
- %函数接口
- allocate() ->
- request(alloc).
- free(Resource) ->
- request({free,Resource}).
- request(Request) ->
- resource_alloc ! {self(),Request},
- receive
- {resource_alloc, error} ->
- exit(bad_allocation); % exit added here
- {resource_alloc, Reply} ->
- Reply
- end.
- % The server.
- server(Free, Allocated) ->
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- receive
- {From,alloc} ->
- allocate(Free, Allocated, From);
- {From,{free,R}} ->
- free(Free, Allocated, From, R);
- {'EXIT', From, _ } ->
- check(Free, Allocated, From)
- end.
- allocate([R|Free], Allocated, From) ->
- link(From),
- io:format("连接客户端进程~w~n",[From]),
- From ! {resource_alloc,{yes,R}},
- server(Free, [{R,From}|Allocated]);
- allocate([], Allocated, From) ->
- From ! {resource_alloc,no},
- server([], Allocated).
- free(Free, Allocated, From, R) ->
- case lists:member({R,From}, Allocated) of
- true ->
- From ! {resource_alloc,ok},
- Allocated1 = lists:delete({R, From}, Allocated),
- case lists:keysearch(From,2,Allocated1) of
- false->
- unlink(From),
- io:format("从进程~w断开~n",[From]);
- _->
- true
- end,
- server([R|Free],Allocated1);
- false ->
- From ! {resource_alloc,error},
- server(Free, Allocated)
- end.
- check(Free, Allocated, From) ->
- case lists:keysearch(From, 2, Allocated) of
- false ->
- server(Free, Allocated);
- {value, {R, From}} ->
- check([R|Free],
- lists:delete({R, From}, Allocated), From)
- end.
- start_client()->
- Pid2=spawn(allocator,loop,[]),
- register(client, Pid2).
- loop()->
- receive
- allocate->
- allocate(),
- loop();
- {free,Resource}->
- free(Resource),
- loop();
- stop->
- true;
- _->
- loop()
- end.
java 代码
- 1> c(allocator).
- {ok,allocator}
- 2> allocator:start([1,2,3,4,5,6]).
- true
- 3> allocator:start_client().
- true
- 4> client!allocate
- .
- allocate连接客户端进程<0.37.0>
- 5> client!allocate.
- allocate连接客户端进程<0.37.0>
- 6> client!allocate.
- allocate连接客户端进程<0.37.0>
- 7> allocator:allocate().
- 连接客户端进程<0.28.0>
- {yes,4}
- 8> client!{free,1}.
- {free,1}
- 9> client!{free,2}.
- {free,2}
- 10> client!allocate.
- allocate连接客户端进程<0.37.0>
- 11> client!allocate.
- allocate连接客户端进程<0.37.0>
- 12> client!stop.
- stop
- 13> allocator:allocate().
- 连接客户端进程<0.28.0>
- {yes,3}
- 14> allocator:allocate().
- 连接客户端进程<0.28.0>
- {yes,2}
- 15> allocator:allocate().
- 连接客户端进程<0.28.0>
- {yes,1}
- 16>
posted on 2009-09-11 10:13
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