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 惊爆Vista开发小内幕:仅关机菜单就耗费了一人年    CSDN blog推出文章指数概念,文章指数是对blog文章综合评分后推算出的,综合评分项分别是该文章的点击量,回复次数,被网摘收录数量,文章长度和文章类型;满分100,每月更新一次。

本来以为大名鼎鼎的Joel Spolsky(对,就是那个《Joe说软件》的Joel)对Vista的有趣批评大概是这两天最有趣的帖子了。


前微软人Joel的文章指出,Vista光一个关机菜单就有7个选项,实在有违潮流。而另一个前微软人Moishe Lettvin则坦诚相认,说这个菜单就是他花了一年设计的,用了200行代码。他还大倒苦水,说这个特性牵扯了Windows Shell组、Windows Kernel组和他所在的Windows Mobile PC User Experience组,一个组差不多都有8个人:
# 1 program manager
# 1 developer
# 1 developer lead
# 2 testers
# 1 test lead
# 1 UI designer
# 1 user experience expert

而每个8人的小组都有6层管理人员在上面,最后还有一个共同的大经理(Shared Manager)。因此总共算下来,有43个人与关机菜单这个特性有关!!!这之间的扯皮和冲突可想而知,集成周期最后变成了几个月。

开发团队,尤其是失败的OS/2团队(微软曾经与之合作开发,但中途退出,然后推出了NT,成就一代霸业)作为前车之鉴,总结出 经验教训。而从1991年到2006年不过15年,微软也重蹈覆辙,用了5年才非常混乱地完成了旗舰产品的更新。

如果Software Developement杂志还在出的话,这绝对能入选新的软件开发恐怖故事了。不知道Dr. Dobb's Journal是否还有可能容纳这样有趣的文章。





对 了,Moishe还有一点爆料,说他们设计Vista时,手头都有一台苹果的Mac作为榜样,呵呵,原来那些传说都是真的。几年前,在手机正在拼长相甚至 到了镶金挂玉的时候,我曾经和苹果中国的人说,你们外观设计这么强,赶快做手机啊。现在这真的成了现实(当然与我的建议并无关系)。



Choices = Headaches

This item ran on the Joel on Software homepage on Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I'm sure there's a whole team of UI designers, programmers, and testers who worked very hard on the OFF button in Windows Vista, but seriously, is this the best you could come up with?

Image of the menu in windows vista for turning off the computer

Every time you want to leave your computer, you have to choose between nine, count them, nine options: two icons and seven menu items. The two icons, I think, are shortcuts to menu items. I'm guessing the lock icon does the same thing as the lock menu item, but I'm not sure which menu item the on/off icon corresponds to.

On many laptops, there are also four FN+Key combinations to power off, hibernate, sleep, etc. That brings us up to 13 choices, and, oh, yeah, there's an on-off button, 14, and you can close the lid, 15. A total of fifteen different ways to shut down a laptop that you're expected to choose from.

The more choices you give people, the harder it is for them to choose, and the unhappier they'll feel. See, for example, Barry Schwartz's book, The Paradox of Choice. Let me quote from the Publishers Weekly review: “Schwartz, drawing extensively on his own work in the social sciences, shows that a bewildering array of choices floods our exhausted brains, ultimately restricting instead of freeing us. We normally assume in America that more options ('easy fit' or 'relaxed fit'?) will make us happier, but Schwartz shows the opposite is true, arguing that having all these choices actually goes so far as to erode our psychological well-being.”

The fact that you have to choose between nine different ways of turning off your computer every time just on the start menu , not to mention the choice of hitting the physical on/off button or closing the laptop lid, produces just a little bit of unhappiness every time.

Can anything be done? It must be possible. iPods don't even have an on/off switch. Here are some ideas.

If you've spoken to a non-geek recently, you may have noticed that they have no idea what the difference is between "sleep" and "hibernate." They could be trivially merged. One option down.

Switch User and Lock can be combined by letting a second user log on when the system is locked. That would probably save a lot of forced-logouts anyway. Another option down.

Once you've merged Switch User and Lock, do you really need Log Off? The only thing Log Off gets you is that it exits all running programs. But so does powering off, so if you're really concerned about exiting all running programs, just power off and on again. One more option gone.

Restart can be eliminated. 95% of the time you need this it's because of an installation which prompted you to restart, anyway. For the other cases, you can just turn the power off and then turn it on again. Another option goes away. Less choice, less pain.

Of course, you should eliminate the distinction between the icons and the menu. That eliminates two more choices. We are down to:

Switch User/Lock
Shut Down

What if we combined Sleep, Hibernate, Switch User and Lock modes? When you go into this mode, the computer flips to the "Switch User" screen. If nobody logs on for about 30 seconds, it sleeps. A few minutes later, it hibernates. In all cases, it's locked. So now we've got two options left:

(1) I am going away from my computer now
(2) I am going away from my computer now, but I'd like the power to be really off

Why do you want the power off? If you're concerned about power usage, let the power management software worry about that. It's smarter than you are. If you're going to open the box and don't want to get shocked, well, just powering off the system doesn't really completely make it safe to open the box; you have to unplug it anyway. So, if Windows used RAM that was effectively nonvolatile, by swapping memory out to flash drives during idle time, effectively you would be able to remove power whenever you're in "away" mode without losing anything. Those new hybrid hard drives can make this super fast.

So now we've got exactly one log off button left. Call it "b'bye". When you click b'bye, the screen is locked and any RAM that hasn't already been copied out to flash is written. You can log back on, or anyone else can log on and get their own session, or you can unplug the whole computer.

Inevitably, you are going to think of a long list of intelligent, defensible reasons why each of these options is absolutely, positively essential. Don't bother. I know. Each additional choice makes complete sense until you find yourself explaining to your uncle that he has to choose between 15 different ways to turn off a laptop.

This highlights a style of software design shared by Microsoft and the open source movement, in both cases driven by a desire for consensus and for "Making Everybody Happy," but it's based on the misconceived notion that lots of choices make people happy, which we really need to rethink.

About the Author: I'm your host, Joel Spolsky, a software developer in New York City. Since 2000, I've been writing about software development, management, business, and the Internet on this site. For my day job, I run Fog Creek Software, makers of FogBugz - the smart bug tracking software with the stupid name, and Fog Creek Copilot - the easiest way to provide remote tech support over the Internet, with nothing to install or configure.

posted on 2007-09-17 00:15 七星重剑 阅读(1073) 评论(8)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: OS -- Vista

# re: 把我笑死了:惊爆Vista开发小内幕:仅关机菜单就耗费了一人年  2007-09-18 12:12 jeson
one year ago???
汗.....  回复  更多评论
# re: 把我笑死了:惊爆Vista开发小内幕:仅关机菜单就耗费了一人年  2007-10-23 20:24 秒大刀
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严重同意   回复  更多评论
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