
参考《Pro OGRE 3D Programming》Chapter 12: Ogre 2D and Compositing
// HDR
compositor HDR
// floating point only for now
// Temporary textures
// Fullsize HDR render target, used as tone mapping source
texture rt_full target_width target_height PF_FLOAT16_RGB
// Targets used for luminance evaluation (3x3 downsample, point filtering)
texture rt_lum0 1 1 PF_FLOAT16_RGB
texture rt_lum1 4 4 PF_FLOAT16_RGB
texture rt_lum2 16 16 PF_FLOAT16_RGB
texture rt_lum3 64 64 PF_FLOAT16_RGB
texture rt_lum4 128 128 PF_FLOAT16_RGB
// Bright-pass filtered target (tone mapped)
texture rt_brightpass 128 128 PF_R8G8B8
// Bloom filter targets
texture rt_bloom0 128 128 PF_R8G8B8
texture rt_bloom1 128 128 PF_R8G8B8
target rt_full
// No input, render differently
input none
// Use float target HDR material scheme (unclamped shaders)
material_scheme HDR
pass clear
pass render_scene
// Downsample the original HDR scene to extract luminence value
target rt_lum4
input none
pass render_quad // hew:告诉渲染器把这个通路渲染到整个目标矩形区域中来
// hew:instruct the Compositor to render this pass to a full-target quad
// Downsample using a 2x2 filter and convert to greyscale
material Ogre/Compositor/HDR/Downsample2x2Luminence
input 0 rt_full
identifier 994
target rt_lum3
input none
pass render_quad
// Downsample using a 3x3 filter
material Ogre/Compositor/HDR/Downsample3x3
input 0 rt_lum4
identifier 993
target rt_lum2
input none
pass render_quad
// Downsample using a 3x3 filter
material Ogre/Compositor/HDR/Downsample3x3
input 0 rt_lum3
identifier 992
target rt_lum1
input none
pass render_quad
// Downsample using a 3x3 filter
material Ogre/Compositor/HDR/Downsample3x3
input 0 rt_lum2
identifier 991
target rt_lum0
input none
pass render_quad
// Downsample using a 3x3 filter
material Ogre/Compositor/HDR/Downsample3x3
input 0 rt_lum1
identifier 990
target rt_brightpass
input none
pass render_quad
// Downsample using a 3x3 filter, hi-pass and tone map
material Ogre/Compositor/HDR/Downsample3x3Brightpass
input 0 rt_full
input 1 rt_lum0
identifier 800
target rt_bloom1
input none
pass render_quad
// Blur horizontally
material Ogre/Compositor/HDR/GaussianBloom
input 0 rt_brightpass
identifier 701
target rt_bloom0
input none
pass render_quad
// Blur horizontally
material Ogre/Compositor/HDR/GaussianBloom
input 0 rt_bloom1
identifier 700
// Final output combines tone mapping of the original scene, with an
// exposure setting passed in as a GPU parameter, and an additive bloom
// effect
input none
pass render_quad
material Ogre/Compositor/HDR/ToneMapping
input 0 rt_full
input 1 rt_bloom0
input 2 rt_lum0
posted on 2008-05-04 22:50
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