Posted on 2012-03-06 17:34
RTY 阅读(1726)
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Mac os
This certificate was signed by an unknown authority
尝试安装新的Developer ID certificates时,显示:"This certificate was signed by an unknown authority,为什么?
When I try and install the new Developer ID certificates to keychain it claims "This certificate was signed by an unknown authority" I have tried recreating the Developer ID's and am having the same issue?
在member center的certificate页面最顶端,你会看到一个Developer ID Intermedia Certificate链接。直接下载这个证书,导入到Keychain就行了
Been there... you need the intermediate certifcate as well. Just navigate to the top-level of the certificate pages in the Member Center and you'll see a link "Developer ID Intermediate Certificate". That's downloads the cert directecly, import into Keychain and you're away.
OS X Mountain Lion Developer Preview