//UVi Soft ( 2008 )
//Long Fei ( lf426 ), E-mail: zbln426@163.com
//Laboratory of ZaiBieLiunNian
//FileName: ButtonClass.hpp
#include "SurfaceClass.hpp"
class BaseButton
int atX;
int atY;
int offset;
int w;
int h;
bool inBox;
bool clickDown;
bool clickUp;
virtual ~BaseButton();
void setup(int at_x, int at_y, int _offset = 0);
virtual void colorKey(Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b) = 0;
virtual void blitOut() const = 0;
virtual void blitOver() const = 0;
virtual void blitDown() const = 0;
virtual void addText(const TextSurface& out_text, const TextSurface& over_text) = 0;
bool mouseOver(const SDL_Event& gameEvent) const;
bool mouseDown(const SDL_Event& gameEvent) const;
bool mouseUp(const SDL_Event& gameEvent) const;
bool mouseUpOutside(const SDL_Event& gameEvent) const;
bool effectiveClick(const SDL_Event& game_event);
class Button: public BaseButton
BaseSurface outImg;
BaseSurface overImg;
Button(const std::string& outImg_fileName, const std::string& overImg_fileName, const ScreenSurface& screen);
Button(const BaseSurface& out_img, const BaseSurface& over_img);
Button(const std::string buttonText, const ScreenSurface& screen,
Uint8 out_r = 0xFF, Uint8 out_g = 0xFF, Uint8 out_b = 0xFF, Uint8 on_r = 0, Uint8 on_g = 0, Uint8 on_b = 0xFF,
int ttf_size = 28, const std::string& ttf_fileName = "./fonts/gkai00mp.ttf");
virtual ~Button();
virtual void colorKey(Uint8 r = 0, Uint8 g = 0xFF, Uint8 b = 0xFF);
virtual void blitOut() const;
virtual void blitOver() const;
virtual void blitDown() const;
virtual void addText(const TextSurface& out_text, const TextSurface& over_text);
class ButtonPlus: public Button
BaseSurface downImg;
ButtonPlus(const std::string& outImg_fileName, const std::string& overImg_fileName, const std::string& downImg_fileName,
const ScreenSurface& screen);
ButtonPlus(const BaseSurface& out_img, const BaseSurface& over_img, const BaseSurface& down_img);
virtual void colorKey(Uint8 r = 0, Uint8 g = 0xFF, Uint8 b = 0xFF);
virtual void blitDown() const;
virtual void addText(const TextSurface& out_text, const TextSurface& over_text);
class SpriteButton: public BaseButton
PictureSurface spriteSheet;
int outX;
int outY;
int overX;
int overY;
int downX;
int downY;
SpriteButton(const std::string& spriteSheet_fileName, const ScreenSurface& screen,
int button_w, int button_h,
int out_x, int out_y, int over_x, int over_y, int down_x, int down_y);
virtual void colorKey(Uint8 r = 0, Uint8 g = 0xFF, Uint8 b = 0xFF);
virtual void blitOut() const;
virtual void blitOver() const;
virtual void blitDown() const;
virtual void addText(const TextSurface& out_text, const TextSurface& over_text);
//UVi Soft ( 2008 )
//Long Fei ( lf426 ), E-mail: zbln426@163.com
//Laboratory of ZaiBieLiunNian
#include "ButtonClass.hpp"
//class BaseButton
atX(0), atY(0), w(0), h(0), offset(0),
inBox(false), clickDown(false), clickUp(false)
void BaseButton::setup(int at_x, int at_y, int _offset)
atX = at_x;
atY = at_y;
offset = _offset;
bool BaseButton::mouseOver(const SDL_Event& gameEvent) const
if ( gameEvent.type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION ){
int mouse_at_x = gameEvent.motion.x;
int mouse_at_y = gameEvent.motion.y;
if ( mouse_at_x >= atX && mouse_at_x <= atX + w &&
mouse_at_y >= atY && mouse_at_y <= atY + h )
return true;
else return false;
else return false;
bool BaseButton::mouseDown(const SDL_Event& gameEvent) const
if ( gameEvent.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN )
if( gameEvent.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT ){
int mouse_at_x = gameEvent.button.x;
int mouse_at_y = gameEvent.button.y;
if ( mouse_at_x >= atX && mouse_at_x <= atX + w &&
mouse_at_y >= atY && mouse_at_y <= atY + h )
return true;
else return false;
else return false;
else return false;
bool BaseButton::mouseUp(const SDL_Event& gameEvent) const
if ( gameEvent.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP )
if( gameEvent.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT ){
int mouse_at_x = gameEvent.button.x;
int mouse_at_y = gameEvent.button.y;
if ( mouse_at_x >= atX && mouse_at_x <= atX + w &&
mouse_at_y >= atY && mouse_at_y <= atY + h )
return true;
else return false;
else return false;
else return false;
bool BaseButton::mouseUpOutside(const SDL_Event& gameEvent) const
if ( gameEvent.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP )
if( gameEvent.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT ){
int mouse_at_x = gameEvent.button.x;
int mouse_at_y = gameEvent.button.y;
if ( mouse_at_x <= atX || mouse_at_x >= atX + w ||
mouse_at_y <= atY || mouse_at_y >= atY + h )
return true;
else return false;
else return false;
else return false;
bool BaseButton::effectiveClick(const SDL_Event& game_event)
inBox = this->mouseOver(game_event);
if ( this->mouseDown(game_event) == true ){
clickDown = true;
inBox = true;
if ( this->mouseUp(game_event) == true ){
if ( clickDown == true )
clickUp = true;
inBox = true;
if ( this->mouseUpOutside(game_event) == true )
clickDown = false;
if ( inBox == true && clickDown == false ){
return false;
else if ( inBox == true && clickDown == true ){
if ( clickUp == true ){
clickUp = false;
clickDown = false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
else {
return false;
//class Button
Button::Button(const std::string& outImg_fileName, const std::string& overImg_fileName, const ScreenSurface& screen):
outImg(PictureSurface(outImg_fileName, screen)),
overImg(PictureSurface(overImg_fileName, screen))
w = outImg.point()->w;
h = outImg.point()->h;
Button::Button(const BaseSurface& out_img, const BaseSurface& over_img):
outImg(out_img), overImg(over_img)
w = outImg.point()->w;
h = outImg.point()->h;
Button::Button(const std::string buttonText, const ScreenSurface& screen,
Uint8 out_r, Uint8 out_g, Uint8 out_b, Uint8 on_r, Uint8 on_g, Uint8 on_b,
int ttf_size, const std::string& ttf_fileName):
outImg(TextSurface(buttonText, screen, out_r, out_g, out_b, ttf_size, ttf_fileName)),
overImg(TextSurface(buttonText, screen, on_r, on_g, on_b, ttf_size, ttf_fileName))
w = outImg.point()->w;
h = outImg.point()->h;
void Button::colorKey(Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b)
outImg.colorKey(r, g, b);
overImg.colorKey(r, g, b);
void Button::blitOut() const
outImg.blit(atX, atY);
void Button::blitOver() const
overImg.blit(atX, atY);
void Button::blitDown() const
overImg.blit(atX+offset, atY+offset);
void Button::addText(const TextSurface& out_text, const TextSurface& over_text)
//class ButtonPlus
ButtonPlus::ButtonPlus(const std::string& outImg_fileName, const std::string& overImg_fileName, const std::string& downImg_fileName,
const ScreenSurface& screen):
Button(outImg_fileName, overImg_fileName, screen),
downImg(PictureSurface(downImg_fileName, screen))
ButtonPlus::ButtonPlus(const BaseSurface& out_img, const BaseSurface& over_img, const BaseSurface& down_img):
Button(out_img, over_img),
void ButtonPlus::colorKey(Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b)
Button::colorKey(r, g, b);
downImg.colorKey(r, g, b);
void ButtonPlus::blitDown() const
downImg.blit(atX+offset, atY+offset);
void ButtonPlus::addText(const TextSurface& out_text, const TextSurface& over_text)
Button::addText(out_text, over_text);
//class SpriteButton
SpriteButton::SpriteButton(const std::string& spriteSheet_fileName, const ScreenSurface& screen,
int button_w, int button_h,
int out_x, int out_y, int over_x, int over_y, int down_x, int down_y):
spriteSheet(spriteSheet_fileName, screen),
outX(out_x), outY(out_y), overX(over_x), overY(over_y), downX(down_x), downY(down_y)
w = button_w;
h = button_h;
void SpriteButton::colorKey(Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b)
spriteSheet.colorKey(r, g, b);
void SpriteButton::blitOut() const
spriteSheet.blit(atX, atY, outX, outY, w, h);
void SpriteButton::blitOver() const
spriteSheet.blit(atX, atY, overX, overY, w, h);
void SpriteButton::blitDown() const
spriteSheet.blit(atX+offset, atY+offset, downX, downY, w, h);
void SpriteButton::addText(const TextSurface& out_text, const TextSurface& over_text)
const int DELTA_outX = (w - out_text.point()->w) / 2;
const int DELTA_outY = (h - out_text.point()->h) / 2;
const int DELTA_overX = (w - over_text.point()->w) / 2;
const int DELTA_overY = (h - over_text.point()->h) / 2;
out_text.blit(spriteSheet, outX+DELTA_outX, outY+DELTA_outY);
over_text.blit(spriteSheet, overX+DELTA_overX, overY+DELTA_overY);
over_text.blit(spriteSheet, downX+DELTA_overX, downY+DELTA_overY);
lib: iconv.lib
SDL.lib, SDLmain.lib
dll: iconv.dll
SDL_ttf.dll, libfreetype-6.dll, zlib1.dll
jpeg.dll, libpng12-0.dll, libtiff-3.dll, SDL_image.dll, zlib1.dll
last update: 2008-04-15
posted on 2008-04-15 21:29
lf426 阅读(2742)
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