Timing in Animation and Movement(6) 摘要: Using time−based animation
is crucial to achieving smooth playback, but what good could using
time−based movement possibly do? Sure, moving a few objects around a set
path is neat, but is that all you can do? The answer is a resounding no!
There's much more you can do with time−based movement, including creating
in−game cinematic sequences, like those from games such as Silicon Knights'
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem In Eternal Darkness, the player is
treated to animation sequences that play
Timing in Animation and Movement(5) 摘要: A path by its lonesome self
does you little good; there are times when you need to string together a
series of paths that an object must follow. I'm talking about complex paths
that are both straight and curved. In fact, we're no longer discussing
paths; we've moved on to the advanced topic of routes!
Timing in Animation and Movement(4) 摘要: In your game, the paths
need not be so straight. You can have your objects move along a nice, curvy
path, such as when a character walks around in a circle. Trying to define a
smooth circular path using straight lines is nearly impossible, so you must
develop a second type of path−one that can handle curves. Not just any type
of curve, however. Remember that this is advanced animation−we're going for
the big leagues here, and that major hitter you want is a cubic Bezier
curve! As Figure 2.3 illu
Timing in Animation and Movement(3) 摘要: Time−based motion doesn't
just apply to animation. Movement is also a major part of your game, and
basing movement on time guarantees that all systems will run your game
consistently, regardless of how fast or how slow they are.
The most common use for time−based movement is when you want to move an
object a set distance over a period of time. For example, suppose a player
moves his joystick to the right, so your game responds by moving the
on−screen game character to the right a little
Timing in Animation and Movement(2) 摘要: In the olden days, games
were made to animate graphics based on every frame processed. To ensure that
the animations always ran at the same speed, those games sometimes limited
the number of frames per second that could be processed. Of course, those
old games were made for computers that couldn't easily process more than 20
to 30 frames per second, so it was safe to assume that limiting the number
of frames per second would never surpass that 20 or 30 frames per second
Timing in Animation and Movement(1) 摘要: Games are packed with
movement. Characters running here, bullets flying there−basically there's a
slew of objects moving about your game world. The smooth motion of these
objects is a very important aspect that can't be overlooked. Have you ever
thought about the use of movement and animation based on time? Using
time−based motion is hot, and to keep up with the rest of the world you must
fully understand how it can help your game project. In fact, you need to
understand not only using time−base