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Blending Skeletal Animations

Blending Skeletal Animations(3)      摘要: Although this chapter only has one demo to tout, it sure is a whopper! Demonstrating the technique of blended animation, the SkeletalAnimBlend demo program (see Figure 6.3) shows off Microsoft's Tiny character in all her blended glory! 
Blending Skeletal Animations(2)      摘要: Now that you've seen how simple it is to blend multiple skeletal animations, why not take this new knowledge and add on to the skeletal animation objects? Sounds like a great idea; by adding a single function to the cAnimationCollection class, you can be on your way to blending animations like the pros.

In fact, rather than messing with the code from cAnimationCollection, just derive a new class that handles blended animations. This new derived class, cBlendedAnimationCollection, is def  
Blending Skeletal Animations(1)      摘要: You would normally use a series of pre−calculated key−framed animations in your game projects. You create these animations using 3D modeling programs such as discreet's 3DStudio Max or Caligari's trueSpace. Although they served their purpose quite nicely, those pre−created animation sequences did lack one major aspect uniqueness. Once an animation, always an animation meaning that the animations are the same, regardless of how many times you play them. 

posted on 2008-04-25 21:14 lovedday 阅读(352) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用

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