Contains one or more Animation objects. Each animation
within an animation set has the same time at any given point. Increasing the
animation set's time increases the time for all the animations it contains.
template AnimationSet
< 3D82AB50-62DA-11cf-AB39-0020AF71E433 >
[ Animation < 3D82AB4F-62DA-11cf-AB39-0020AF71E433 > ]
- [ Animation < 3D82AB4F-62DA-11cf-AB39-0020AF71E433
> ] - Optional animation template.
Contains one or more Animation objects. Each animation
within an animation set has the same time at any given point. Increasing the
animation set's time increases the time for all the animations it contains.
template AnimationSet
< 3D82AB50-62DA-11cf-AB39-0020AF71E433 >
[ Animation < 3D82AB4F-62DA-11cf-AB39-0020AF71E433 > ]
- [ Animation < 3D82AB4F-62DA-11cf-AB39-0020AF71E433
> ] - Optional animation template.
Defines a set of animation keys. A matrix key is useful
for sets of animation data that need to be represented as transformation
template AnimationKey
< 10DD46A8-775B-11CF-8F52-0040333594A3 >
DWORD keyType;
DWORD nKeys;
array TimedFloatKeys keys[nKeys];
- keyType - Specifies whether the keys are rotation,
scale, position, or matrix keys (using the integers 0, 1, 2, or 4,
- nKeys - Number of keys.
- keys - An array of keys.
Defines a set of floats and a positive time used in
template TimedFloatKeys
< F406B180-7B3B-11cf-8F52-0040333594A3 >
DWORD time;
FloatKeys tfkeys;
Defines an array of floating-point numbers (floats) and
the number of floats in that array. This is used for defining sets of animation
template FloatKeys
< 10DD46A9-775B-11cf-8F52-0040333594A3 >
DWORD nValues;
array float values[nValues];
- nValues - Number of floats.
- values[nValues] - Array of float values.
AnimationSet AnimationSet0 { //动画集
Animation Animation0 { //动画
{CubeFrame} //引用上面的立方体框架,表示下面的动画是针对立方体框架的
AnimationKey { //动画键 沿Y轴旋转网格
0; // Rotation keys
10; // 9 keys
1000; 4; 0.000000, 0.15643448, 0.000000, 0.98768836;;,
2000; 4; 0.000000, 0.30901700, 0.000000, 0.95105654;;,
3000; 4; 0.000000, 0.45399046, 0.000000, 0.89100653;;,
4000; 4; 0.000000, 0.58778530, 0.000000, 0.80901694;;,
5000; 4; 0.000000, 0.70710671, 0.000000, 0.70710683;;,
6000; 4; 0.000000, 0.80901694, 0.000000, 0.58778530;;,
7000; 4; 0.000000, 0.89100653, 0.000000, 0.45399052;;,
8000; 4; 0.000000, 0.95105654, 0.000000, 0.30901697;;,
9000; 4; 0.000000, 0.98768836, 0.000000, 0.15643449;;,
10000; 4; 0.000000, 1.0000000, 0.000000, 0.00000000;;;
AnimationSet AnimationSet0 { //动画集
Animation Animation0 { //动画
{CubeFrame} // Use the frame containing the cube.
AnimationKey { //动画键, 放大和缩小网格
1; // Scaling keys
9; // 9 keys
1000; 3; 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000;;,
2000; 3; 0.800000, 0.800000, 0.800000;;,
3000; 3; 0.600000, 0.600000, 0.600000;;,
4000; 3; 0.400000, 0.400000, 0.400000;;,
5000; 3; 0.200000, 0.200000, 0.200000;;,
6000; 3; 0.400000, 0.400000, 0.400000;;,
7000; 3; 0.600000, 0.600000, 0.600000;;,
8000; 3; 0.800000, 0.800000, 0.800000;;,
9000; 3; 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000;;;

AnimationSet AnimationSet0 { //动画集
Animation Animation0 { //动画
{CubeFrame} // Use the frame containing the cube.
AnimationKey { //动画键 沿Y轴方向移动网格
2; // Position keys
19; // 9 keys
1000; 3; 0.000000, -5.000000, 0.000000;;,
2000; 3; 0.000000, -4.000000, 0.000000;;,
3000; 3; 0.000000, -3.000000, 0.000000;;,
4000; 3; 0.000000, -2.000000, 0.000000;;,
5000; 3; 0.000000, -1.000000, 0.000000;;,
6000; 3; 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000;;,
7000; 3; 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000;;,
8000; 3; 0.000000, 2.000000, 0.000000;;,
9000; 3; 0.000000, 3.000000, 0.000000;;,
10000; 3; 0.000000, 4.000000, 0.000000;;,
11000; 3; 0.000000, 5.000000, 0.000000;;,
12000; 3; 0.000000, 4.000000, 0.000000;;,
12000; 3; 0.000000, 3.000000, 0.000000;;,
13000; 3; 0.000000, 2.000000, 0.000000;;,
14000; 3; 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000;;,
15000; 3; 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000;;,
16000; 3; 0.000000, -1.000000, 0.000000;;,
17000; 3; 0.000000, -2.000000, 0.000000;;,
18000; 3; 0.000000, -3.000000, 0.000000;;,
19000; 3; 0.000000, -4.000000, 0.000000;;,

This template is instantiated on a per-mesh basis only
in meshes that contain exported skinning information. The purpose of this
template is to provide information about the nature of the skinning information
that was exported.
template XSkinMeshHeader
< 3CF169CE-FF7C-44ab-93C0-F78F62D172E2 >
WORD nMaxSkinWeightsPerVertex;
WORD nMaxSkinWeightsPerFace;
WORD nBones;
- nMaxSkinWeightsPerVertex - Maximum number of
transforms that affect a vertex in the mesh.
- nMaxSkinWeightsPerFace - Maximum number of unique
transforms that affect the three vertices of any face.
- nBones - Number of bones that affect vertices in
this mesh.
This template is instantiated on a per-mesh basis.
Within a mesh, a sequence of n instances of this template will appear, where n
is the number of bones (X file frames) that influence the vertices in the mesh.
Each instance of the template basically defines the influence of a particular
bone on the mesh. There is a list of vertex indices, and a corresponding list of
template SkinWeights
< 6F0D123B-BAD2-4167-A0D0-80224F25FABB >
STRING transformNodeName;
DWORD nWeights;
array DWORD vertexIndices[nWeights];
array float weights[nWeights];
Matrix4x4 matrixOffset;
- The name of the bone whose influence is being
defined is transformNodeName, and nWeights is the number of vertices
affected by this bone.
- The vertices influenced by this bone are contained
in vertexIndices, and the weights for each of the vertices influenced by
this bone are contained in weights.
- The matrix matrixOffset transforms the mesh
vertices to the space of the bone. When concatenated to the bone's
transform, this provides the world space coordinates of the mesh as affected
by the bone.
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