# re: Haha, I like Google. 回复 更多评论
2008-03-31 11:36 by
hi, I am confused now, I always did wrong things.
When I have a good mood, I will continue study C and do something with you..
# re: Haha, I like Google. 回复 更多评论
2008-04-02 14:23 by
你现在装大Linux 是哪个版本?
Red Hat or Ubuntu ?
# re: Haha, I like Google. 回复 更多评论
2008-04-02 14:27 by
公司是RH, 家里是Ubuntu, 装哪个发行版无所谓。
# re: Haha, I like Google. 回复 更多评论
2008-04-02 14:39 by
嗯,那我装个RH, 或者Ubuntu, 我在虚拟机里装。
自己做个Linux 系统??