感谢cppblog网友多年来的大力支持,LotusEdit 1.0.0终于正式发布了。希望可以给一部分人的工作带来方便!
如果有bug report等可在这儿留言或者移步http://www.lotusedit.com/bugs

LotusEdit is a fast, lightweight, extendable text and source editor for Windows(Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2003+). While it can serve as a good Notepad replacement, it also offers many powerful features for Web page authors and programmers.
- Full Unicode support(U16, U16-BE, UTF-8, Chinese, Japanese, Korean…)
- Super encoding detector
- Edit huge files with a little memories
- Full regular expression support(Perl5)
- Embedded VBS script engine
- Macro & Plugin support
- User customize tools support
- Clickable statusbar
- Drag&Drop support
- Programmable highlight files
- Print & Print-preview support
- Word auto complete
- Customizable keyboard(Like Emacs)
- Column mode(Column insert, delete, copy and paste), press alt when move mouse
- Endless undo, redo support
- Theme-able edit area
- Code folding
- Input-able, Command-able output window
- Multiple Language Support(English, Chinese)
posted on 2012-02-16 16:19
megax 阅读(2732)
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