What’s new in 1.03(001)~~~
下载地址: www.everedit.com/download
Bug fix:
- Some wrong Chinese translations
- The find records were not appended to history when replacing
- The context menu [Clear] in OutpuWindow was not executed
- Failed to find text backward when the cursor was at the end of document.
- Some system menus were tearoffed.
- Crashed if a default printer was not installed
- Wrong indication when save as already exist read-only or locked file
- Mouse wheeling can change the font size of edit when press Ctrl now.
- Save the macros with the default Save Dialog
- Don’t create a default window if already exist one
- Show Goto dialog when click the line count area on StatusBar
- Add Copy PathName to the context menu of Tab
- Add Document to CommandBar
- Add Clipboard monitor
- The elements of edit could be saved now.
- Enhance the Tab with more features such as style, icon, mark and width¡
- All the MessageBox was centered on their parents
- Regular expression: \c: Chinese Kanji, \j: Hiragana, \J: Katakana, \P:CJK Punctuations
- FullScrren Dialog can be closed now.
- MUI command was move to [Help].
- Disable the folding area when loading file without lexer.
- Auto complete words when WM_CHAR, min length is 3
Core (Edit.dll):
- Add copy line function
- Beep when try to modify a read-only document
- Auto close the wrap when column selecting
- Don’t move the cursor when a file is dropping over
- Don’t update document’s PathName and CheckPoint when failed to save.
- Change PRINT_LINE’s BG&FG to default.
posted on 2012-02-25 15:22
megax 阅读(557)
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