ZeroC project status

Zero C project provide another C-script platform for c/c++ developer, it includes compiler and virtual machine package.

Zero C compiler can parse the C-script file and compiler into ascii ASM file (a instruction set will be provided). VM (virutal machine) will read the ASM code and run program.

The current project have implemented most of features:

1) Data Type/basic C-language

Basic C-lanauage data types are implemented (bool, int, float, string, user-defined).

2) Function/Param pass-by-value/Param pass-by-reference

Two parameter-pass methods are implemented, pass-by-value and pass-by-reference.

3) Array

Dynamic-array is implemented (static array is not supported).

4) Communication between script and application

The host application can call the script function in standard protocol, as the same the, host application can provide the function, which can be called from Script scratch code.

5) standard library support.

The standard libary is very important to end-user, current Zero C provide some standard libraries (Math, STRING, IO). Some advance libray will be considered later. Maybe it will include XML, GUI.

Most of inspiration is from, Lua language provide the excellent mechanism and samples to clearify what and how to use script.


posted on 2005-09-07 14:32 moonriver 阅读(508) 评论(2)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: Script Language

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