一 简单实例
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>

#define THREAD_NUM 10


int main ()


for (int i=0; i<THREAD_NUM; ++i)

int isStartImmediate = 0;
if(3 == i)
isStartImmediate = CREATE_SUSPENDED;
hThread[i]=CreateThread(NULL, // security attributes that should be applied to the new thread,
// this is for NT. Use NULL to get the default security attributes. Use NULL for win95
0, // default size of 1MB can be passed by passing zero.
PrintThreads, // function name:address of the function where the new thread starts.
(LPVOID)i, // parameter(void pointer): pointer to the 32 bit parameter that will be passed into the thread
isStartImmediate, // flags to control the creation of the thread. Passing zero starts the thread immediately.
// Passing CREATE_SUSPENDED suspends the thread until the ResumeThread( ) function is called.
&dwThreadID[i] // pointer to a 32-bit variable that receives the thread identifier.
if (hThread[i])

printf ("Thread launched successfully\n");
printf("Start sleep 100, and let other thread excute\n");
Sleep (100);

printf("Start sleep 100, and thread 3 excute\n");

for(int i = 0; i<THREAD_NUM; ++i)

if (hThread[i])

CloseHandle(hThread[i]); // You need to use this to release kernel objects when you are done using them.
// If a process exits without closing the thread handle,
// the operating system drops the reference counts for those objects.
// But if a process frequently creates threads without closing the handles,
// there could be hundreds of thread kernel objects lying around and these resource leaks can have a big hit on performance.
return (0);

//function PrintThreads
DWORD WINAPI PrintThreads (LPVOID num)

for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
printf ("Thread Number is %d%d%d\n", num,num,num);
return 0;
二 其他基本API的说明
CreateThread() 调用成功返回句柄和一个id。
CloseHandle() 关闭一个打开的对象句柄,该对象句柄可以是线程句柄,也可以是进程、信号量等其他内核对象的句柄.
SuspendThread(HANDLE) 允许开发人员将HANDLE指定的线程挂起,如果要挂起的线程占有共享资源,则可能导致死锁。
ResumeThread(HANDLE) 恢复指定的线程。
TerminateThread() 立即终止线程的工作,不做任何清理工作。
ExitThread() 线程函数返回时回调用次函数,所以一般我们不去显示的调用。
ExitThread是推荐使用的结束一个线程的方法,当调用该函数时,当前线程的栈被释放,然后线程终止,相对于TerminateThread函数来说,这样做能够更好地完成附加在该线程上的DLL的清除工作. 但是ExitThread()会导致线程在清处构造器/自动变量之前就终止,所以我们最好不要显示的调用ExitThread()。