Version 1.35.0

Version 1.35.0

March 29th, 2008 12:00 GMT

New Libraries

  • Asio: Portable networking, including sockets, timers, hostname resolution and socket iostreams, from Chris Kohlhoff.
  • Bimap: Boost.Bimap is a bidirectional maps library for C++. With Boost.Bimap you can create associative containers in which both types can be used as key, from Matias Capeletto.
  • Circular Buffer: STL compliant container also known as ring or cyclic buffer, from Jan Gaspar.
  • Function Types: Boost.FunctionTypes provides functionality to classify, decompose and synthesize function, function pointer, function reference and pointer to member types. From Tobias Schwinger.
  • Fusion: Library for working with tuples, including various containers, algorithms, etc. From Joel de Guzman, Dan Marsden and Tobias Schwinger.
  • GIL: Generic Image Library, from Lubomir Bourdev and Hailin Jin.
  • Interprocess: Shared memory, memory mapped files, process-shared mutexes, condition variables, containers and allocators, from Ion Gaztañaga.
  • Intrusive: Intrusive containers and algorithms, from Ion Gaztañaga.
  • Math/Special Functions: A wide selection of mathematical special functions from John Maddock, Paul Bristow, Hubert Holin and Xiaogang Zhang.
  • Math/Statistical Distributions: A wide selection of univariate statistical distributions and functions that operate on them from John Maddock and Paul Bristow
  • MPI: Message Passing Interface library, for use in distributed-memory parallel application programming, from Douglas Gregor and Matthias Troyer.
  • System: Operating system support, including the diagnostics support that will be part of the C++0x standard library, from Beman Dawes.

Updated Libraries

  • Graph: Generic graph components and algorithms. Highlights:
    • kolmogorov_max_flow, from Stephan Diederich as part of the 2006 Google Summer of Code.
    • read_dimacs_max_flow and write_dimacs_max_flow for max-flow problems, from Stephan Diederich.
    • read_graphml and write_graphml for GraphML input/output, from Tiago de Paula Peixoto.
    • minimum_cycle_ratio and maximum_cycle_ratio, from Dmitry Bufistov and Andrey Parfenov.
    • boyer_myrvold_planarity_test, along with a suite of algorithms for planar graphs, from Aaron Windsor.
    • LEDA Adaptor improvements, from Jens Müller.
  • Hash: A TR1 hash function object, from Daniel James. Highlights:
    • Support for longlong, std::complex.
    • Improved the algorithm for hashing floating point numbers.
    • A few bug and warning fixes.
  • Iostreams: Framework for defining streams, stream buffers and i/o filters, from Jonathan Turkanis. Highlights:
    • Clarified the semantics of close(). This fixes several bugs but will break some existing code. See Release Notes for details.
    • Numerous other bug fixes and optimizations.
  • Multi Array:
    • Added "dimensionality" compile-time constante to the MultiArray concept.
    • For greater control over error situations, uses of C++ assert have been replaced with BOOST_ASSERT.
    • Fixed a bug with simultaneous resizing and reindexing.
  • Multi-index Containers:
  • Serialization: Boost.Serialization has been updated with optimizations for dense arrays.
  • Thread:
    • The Thread library has been updated to be more in line with the C++0x working draft.
    • Instances of boost::thread and of the various lock types are now movable.
    • Threads can be interrupted at interruption points.
    • Condition variables can now be used with any type that implements the Lockable concept, through the use of boost::condition_variable_any (boost::condition is a typedef to boost::condition_variable_any, provided for backwards compatibility). boost::condition_variable is provided as an optimization, and will only work with boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> (boost::mutex::scoped_lock).
    • Thread IDs are separated from boost::thread, so a thread can obtain it's own ID (using boost::this_thread::get_id()), and IDs can be used as keys in associative containers, as they have the full set of comparison operators.
    • Timeouts are now implemented using the Boost DateTime library, through a typedef boost::system_time for absolute timeouts, and with support for relative timeouts in many cases. boost::xtime is supported for backwards compatibility only.
    • Locks are implemented as publicly accessible templates boost::lock_guard, boost::unique_lock, boost::shared_lock, and boost::upgrade_lock, which are templated on the type of the mutex. The Lockable concept has been extended to include publicly available lock() and unlock() member functions, which are used by the lock types.
    • boost::try_mutex has been removed, and the functionality subsumed into boost::mutex. boost::try_mutex is left as a typedef, but is no longer a separate class.
    • boost::recursive_try_mutex has been removed, and the functionality subsumed into boost::recursive_mutex. boost::recursive_try_mutex is left as a typedef, but is no longer a separate class.
    • boost::detail::thread::lock_ops has been removed. Code that relies on the lock_ops implementation detail will no longer work, as this has been removed, as it is no longer necessary now that mutex types now have public lock() and unlock() member functions.
    • scoped_lock constructors with a second parameter of type bool are no longer provided. With previous boost releases, boost::mutex::scoped_locksome_lock(some_mutex,false); could be used to create a lock object that was associated with a mutex, but did not lock it on construction. This facility has now been replaced with the constructor that takes a boost::defer_lock_type as the second parameter: boost::mutex::scoped_locksome_lock(some_mutex,boost::defer_lock);
    • The broken boost::read_write_mutex has been replaced with boost::shared_mutex.
  • Wave: Standards conformant implementation of the mandated C99/C++ preprocessor functionality packed behind an easy to use iterator interface, from Hartmut Kaiser. Highlights:
    • Added the possibility to continue the preprocessing after an error occured.
    • Added the macro introspection API to the wave::context object.
    • Added threading support to the library.
    • Improved the overall performance by upto 30%.
    • Changed and unified preprocessor hook interface (this is an interface breaking change!), added several new preprocessor hook functions.
    • Added serialization support.
    • Added new examples (for instance: Hannibal - a partial C++ parser, by Danny Havenith).
    • Added a new lexical analyzer based on Ben Hansons Lexertl library.
    • Fixed a large number of other bugs and problems.
  • Xpressive: Regular expressions that can be written as strings or as expression templates, and that can refer to each other and themselves recursively with the power of context-free grammars, from Eric Niebler. Highlights:
    • Added semantic actions to static regexes. A semantic action is code that executes when part of a regular expression matches.
    • Added custom assertions to static regexes. A custom assertion is a Boolean predicate that can participate in the regex match.
    • Added named regexes for embedding a static or dynamic regex into a dynamic regex. This can be used to create dynamic regex grammars.
    • Added named captures to dynamic regexes, like Perl.

Supported Compilers

The following compilers are officially supported in this release:

  • HP aCC version 61400 on HP-UX.
  • Darwin GCC 4.01.
  • GNU GCC up to version 4.2.1, on Linux and Solaris.
  • Intel C++ 9.1 on Linux.
  • Intel C++ 10.1 on Windows.
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 7.1 and 8 on Windows (Visual Sudio .NET 2003 and 2005).

In addition the following compilers should be well supported, but weren't part of out release criteria for 1.35:

  • IBM Visual Age 9.0 on AIX.
  • Intel C++ 10 and later on Linux.
  • GNU GCC 4.3 and later on Linux and Solaris.
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 9 (Visual Studio .NET 2008).


Beman Dawes managed this release.