1.Software development should be considered as a cooperative game of invention and communication as well as Business executives, lawers, journalists, etc!
2. Consider running the project as two separate subprojects:
the first subproject produces the running software in as economic a fashion as possible.(project devlivery)
the second subproject , competin for key resources with the first, produces the final work products for the next team (maintain)
Good project management should follow the rules of :
a. Adding discipline on your project at key places.
b. Reducing discipline at key paces.
c. Declaring, 'Enough! this is sufficient!'
Key point:
a.Project Management
b.'Requirement' elicitation
c.User Interface design
d.System architecture
e.Program design and programming
f.Database design
g.Algorithm design
posted on 2009-09-26 22:16
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Software Development