产生 **.tlb, **_i.c, **.h 命令如下:
MIDL YourName.IDL /tlb YourName.tlb /h YourName.h /iid YourName_i.c /Oicf
= = = = =
The /iid switch specifies the name of the interface identifier file for a COM interface, overriding the default name obtained by adding _i.c to the IDL file name.
midl /iid filename
The /h option is functionally equivalent to the /header option.The /h switch specifies filename as the name for a header file that contains all the definitions contained in the IDL file, without the IDL syntax. This file can be used as a C or C++ header file.
midl /h tlibhead.h filename.idl
The /proxy switch specifies the name of the interface proxy file for a COM interface.
midl /proxy proxy_file_name
posted on 2009-10-06 19:45
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